In an instant, a closed water ring swept everything like a claw fish.

"Boom!" Not far from a village, the body suddenly shook, and the body stepped back and opened its eyes.
The current around him seems to have been summoned by some kind of call, and it has gathered into tentacles and waved.
At the moment when he opened his eyes, he collapsed and fell to the ground.
"Bang" a shock wave, his center spread in all directions, and everyone staggered back.
The information of this manor came before him.
"Manor Name Zhenlong Manor (Chuanshui Manor)"
"Manor owners Hongchuan (builder) and Jizhen (successor)"
"Manor Level Manor Planet"
"The Witch-Zhu Tribe"
"The Covenant heaven stands upright."
"Covenant law tide master (broken)"
"Excellent environment for farm students"
"The current integrity of the manor is broken."
"The manor’s operation is stagnant"
"The manor’s armed defense forces were damaged"
Not far from Zhuang, his face is particularly dignified. "Chuanshui Manor?"
"Chuanshui Manor?" Scales pale by surprise "you found the tidal main manor? Is this the main tidal manor? "
"Tide Lord? Do you mean Hongchuan? Is he very powerful? " Zhuang wondered, "Is this a manor planet?"
Although Zhuang is not far away, his manor is just at the level of manor town, but he also knows that the manor owners’ manor can be as big as the whole star
Looking at those gates from the back door, he can see that there are as many estates as there are planet-level estates.
Although he doesn’t have enough resources to open the gates of these estates now, it is definitely not uncommon.
Manor owners occupy too many resources, such as Lanshiye Manor, which occupies a whole star. If you want to develop with peace of mind, it will always develop to the level of manor planet.
Can a manor planet-level manor surprise Scales so much?
"Hongchuan, the owner of Chuanshui Manor, is a strange one". "Even in our time, it was one of the strongest manor owners in the sky … This manor was at the planet level because he inherited his grandfather’s manor after his grandfather died. This manor was not said to have been destroyed in a certain war …"
Scales pale and paused. "But one said that this manor contains all the understanding of the tide by the tide master. If you find Chuanshui Manor, you can inherit the name of the tide master …"
Chapter 1293 The last clue
"Tide master … is this thing very powerful?" Zhuang is not far away. Otherwise, "Which is better than my magnetic controller?"
Don’t forget that you are also the master of a law!
"There are also different levels of law founders and masters. Your title of magnetic master is one level higher than that of wind master, but it is far lower than that of tide master. Tidal master means that all laws that control the tidal phase can be called’ master’ in the history of Tianqiao Road, and there are no more than ten manor owners. Only when you become a’ magnetic master’ can you be considered as equal to the’ tidal master’.
Zhuang is not far away. "So powerful?"
The so-called tide should be related to gravity and current, which can control all the laws in these two fields. This Hongchuan is really powerful …
Then look at this "Zhenlong Manor" not far away and treat it as an ordinary manor.
In a way, this is indeed the most valuable one in Zhuang’s manor in the era of exile.
And far exceeds the value of other manors.
"If you can find a way to restore the whole Chuanshui manor owner by this manor clue, you may even have a really powerful fighting capacity." Scaly pale shook his head. "I didn’t expect this broken land to have such a treasure! What a surprise! What a surprise! Master Zhuang, I suggest a good search along the current-maybe you can find more fragments of this manor! "
Follow the current?
Zhuang not far away consciously thought of a place.
Shuiyuanjie is a water polo floating in the middle of the water, and there is a "law tower" on it. Only high-end people can own buildings if they want to "stand in the sky"
The two seem to be able to combine.
Not far from Qianzhuang, you can’t find a fragment of the manor’s main heart in the "water element boundary", but now that there is this "tidal heart" fragment not far from Zhuangzhuang, can you find something different? After all, the water boundary is too big, and Zhuang has not really searched in the water boundary.
But in this case …
"(Gegu) I’m afraid this manor still can’t repair the giant nut garden," Zhuang said not far away.
On the one hand, this manor has greater value. If it is combined with other manors, it is not far away, fearing that it will destroy its body value.
Moreover, the manor has its own Covenant-the establishment of the road in the sky and the construction of the great power in the giant nut orchard are in conflict with each other, even though they are both legal and legal.

I wanted to think about it and sent a message to Yan Lie.

"Sometimes? Interview?"
Yan Lie seconds back!
Chapter three hundred and twenty-four Hug you don’t understand
"Because I want to fight for this time, the 213th Mars Actual Combat Award Institute can actually form a team if we form a team.
The merits of the war can be distributed according to the contribution. "
I met Yan Lie in the corner of a small training ground.
He is not tall, thin and weak. If Xu retreats and passes by here at will, he may not even notice Yan Lie in the shadow.
Yan Lie cherishes words like gold.
"The second question is who to listen to on the battlefield of Mars." Xu tui took the initiative to ask this question.
If this problem can be solved, then he can form a team with Yan Lie. If he can’t walk alone, it is better than disagreement.
YanLie looked at xu back and looked at himself "it doesn’t consider?
I have participated in two rounds of actual combat on Mars and actually went in and out of the battlefield on Mars three times.
And you are a newcomer. "
Yan Lie expressed his meaning in a few words.
In all respects, it is natural to listen to him.
He’s the captain! He’s the commander!
Smell speech Xu retreat secretly sighed. It seems that Yan Lie can’t form a team.
Tell him to listen to the command of a new human being who takes the assassin’s cultivation route. Xu tui can’t do it
Assassins who practice the route often take risks by taking a slant!
Xu tui doesn’t like this style
Don’t like to gamble on luck.
"Unfortunately, I prefer to be steady."
Xu got up and left.
There is no need to force each other about life and death.
"Are you afraid of my risks?" Sitting in the shadow YanLie abrupt asked
Xu back nodded his head.
"But your experience …"
"I like to listen to other people’s opinions best."
"What’s your opinion?"
"You and I can’t talk about who is completely from who doesn’t know the situation.
I suggest it’s my Lord. I may be more stable. Of course, I will fully listen to your opinions.
Of course, in wartime, I hope you will listen to the instructions as much as possible. After we get to know each other, we will all try to trust each other.
This is the team foundation, "Xu said.
Yanlie looked at Xu tui and nodded gently. "Your opinion is still to the point. It is unlikely that we will completely learn from each other or trust each other for the first time."
Of course, I hope to establish the letter as soon as possible.
Your Lord can also have one condition. "
"Go ahead."
"On the battlefield of Mars, if there is a big disagreement, it will be a slap in the face and no one will delay," Yan Lie said.
Smell speech Xu smiled back.
"I think so, too."
Yanlie got up and looked at Xu back. "Our ability is to attack and kill the specific cooperation or to hone it in actual combat on the battlefield of Mars."
There is no point in talking about soldiers on paper.
One day, you’d better thoroughly understand the battlefield information of Mars!
I don’t want to be a commentator "
"Don’t worry!"

Despite being called "old-fashioned", Herman, an "innovator" in today’s battlefield, doesn’t mind being "old-fashioned"-just think of him as King Wolff.

"I’ll show you a real power!"
With these words Herman let out a wolf roar.
But Goethe on the other side is louder than his voice and Herman’s voice is almost stuck in his throat.
Then, in Herman’s incredible eyes, Goethe’s body increased rapidly, and coarse hairs grew in the pores. The original nails became sharp claws and fangs protruded from the protruding mouth.
Both sides are almost transformed together.
Also completed the transformation in no particular order.
Werewolf Herman is stronger than human imagination, which is more than 2 meters high, just to Goethe’s waist.
Herman looked up at Goethe, who was taller and stronger than himself, and couldn’t help wondering if the wolf was born-
"Uh-huh … woof?"
Chapter seventy-four improvise little Graz!
Outside hesettings
Beside the spread of war
One is white, the other is black.
The white figure is tall and strong, far superior, and the fire reflection of the minions is blooming with cold mountain.
No one will doubt that white figure is powerful.
Herman because of his white figure!
Mastering the exile status of the Wolf royal family’s "secret art" became the Wolf royal family and the heir of the Wolf royal family-taking the lead in attacking the city in the war of Lane.
At least two Ryan generals died at Herman’s hands.
There are many mysterious people with extraordinary powers.
Confidence has accumulated in one battle after another.
Finally reached a winning heart!
Herman never doubted that he could attack Ryan in two days.
A moment ago, it was
And now?
Herman was a little shaken.
He raised his head and looked at Goethe.
Look at Goethe who is sharper than his tall and strong minions.
Herman is dull.
He is a little at a loss.
The truth is that everyone is at a loss.
Ryan and Wolfe are all the same.
They looked at the black figure in the field as if they were in a dream.
"How is that possible?"
"How is that possible?"
"What does Ma Puer know about the Wolf royal occult?"
West Rick muttered to himself.
This muttering represents the thoughts of everyone in Wolf’s army-what will be mastered by outsiders in Wolf’s royal secrets? No! No! Anyone who has mastered the secrets of the Wolf royal family should be a member of the Wolf royal family!
And …
Looking at Goethe’s 4-meter-tall, stout and powerful limbs, some middle-and high-level members of Wolff’s army suddenly had some guesses.
But these have nothing to do with Goethe
Now he’s beating Herman to the ground
Bang bang bang bang bang!
Claws fell on Herman like a storm.
Suddenly Herman was bloody.
Herman fought back.
But in the past, the toughness was so helpful that even Goethe’s skin couldn’t be scratched-with the increase of Goethe’s body, the effect of Celtic blood sacrifice wolf (incomplete) was already high enough to gain claws that could resist explosive-level fur and bomb-level attacks when changing into werewolf form.
Although the extra +1 has not changed.
But it’s enough
Herman’s minions, wearing the double anti-explosion shield of "Spirit Armor" and werewolf’s own fur, are almost like tickling for Goethe.
And Goethe’s paw fell on Herman?
It’s like cutting butter with a knife
A knife and a piece!

I’m afraid the only thing in this world that can stop him from making a fortune is to be able to get a manor.

After all, he plays "the only weapon that can kill the hammer man"
But the chicken with four wings is the only creature that can kill the hammer man.
The performance of dealing with hammer pirates in the sea is simply blowing up the internet.
"I heard that there is a booth in Neng Manor, but I also inquired about it. They are displaying and not selling four-winged fighting chickens …"
"Well …" Bohei was relieved.
It is normal not to sell.
The state-of-the-art weapons have always been owned by themselves and never sold to the outside world.
The same is true of the four-winged fighting chicken, which belongs to the ban on sale
Just then there was a sudden commotion and even screaming at the door.
Bohei looked in the direction of the sound again and almost rushed to the booth to catch up and shoot a gun.
Walking in from the door is a team of hammers.
That’s right, hammer man!
Two rows of hammer people, a row of ten people, a total of twenty people are literally lined up and came in from the outside.
If it weren’t for the weapons in the exhibition hall, there would be guns everywhere by now.
How can there be a hammer man in this place!
"Don’t panic!" Next to Wen Liuquan, holding a four-winged chicken and smiling, he waved his hand around. "These hammer people have been tamed to cooperate with the drill."
"Cooperate with the drill?" Bohei leng one.
"Mr. Bohei, don’t you know?" An arms dealer shook his head and said, "This time, Jiaodanzhou has set up a weapon evaluation link. After all, most weapons and equipment are now used to deal with the hammer man. It needs to be verified before we know that they have invited someone who can cooperate with the evaluation. It is said that if the evaluation passes, a’ hammer man is effective’ will be awarded."
Bohei was tongue-tied for a long time
Can it still be like this?
Is it necessary to invite the hammer man to counter-hammer?
The former "anti-terrorism weapons exhibition" did not invite the real terrorists to come and evaluate it!
Or do the arms dealers see clearly that "Neng Manor is ambitious. This is to set the standard and threshold of’ Hammer Man Effective’."
Said this a few arms dealers with a sigh.
They are all engaged in industry and know how profitable "standards" and "appraisals" are.
I’m afraid dealing with hammer man is the most important criterion of a weapon hot spot in ten years. If it is in the hands of Neng Manor, he says that whoever sells it can sell it, and he says that whoever doesn’t sell it can’t sell it.
After all, the law guarantees that it is effective for the hammer man. What is there to buy weapons?
And Neng Manor is indeed the most qualified institution to make judgments.
"It’s too ugly to eat at the manor …" Bo Hei gritted his teeth, but he had a new enemy and an old enmity with the manor. He was bullied by Zhuang not far away and cried and went back to find the old man at home to tell on him. As a result, no one supported him and he was able to come out and fight for himself despondently.
Now I have an idea when I see so many people around me suddenly turn their eyes.
He asked, "Are we just going to let him get away with it?"
Another arms dealer said, "Don’t let him succeed … what can we do? It doesn’t count if we say it ourselves. "
"No …" Bohei shook his head. "In fact, there is nothing in the manor except a big wine. The big wine is not an arms. Why can a company that doesn’t sell arms identify our weapons?"

He went to fix the true world to see his master bow down. Wentao nodded, "Come on, get up and be like an ordinary employee in the secular world."

"Yes," Xiao Si got up very smartly and then slightly bowed down and promised.
"Just now, you said that the Qingcheng Sect had a lone gang. What happened?"
"Since the boss told Xiao Si to pay more attention to the Qingcheng School, Xiao Si has been paying more attention to them. Recently, the Qingcheng School has been sent to the secular world, including Han Changqi, two masters in the early stage of Du Jie, and an elder in the middle stage of Du Jie and more than a dozen other brothers. This array can be said that the major sects of Shushan have entered the secular world for hundreds of years." Seeing Wen Taolai, Xiao Si already knows that he guessed right, but he doesn’t want to be Yang Xiu. After all, he doesn’t know whether his master’s personality is like Cao Cao. He still dares to tell the truth
"However, after the killing of the Qingcheng School Han Liyang, the Qingcheng School was in chaos in the secular world. Others didn’t know that it was difficult to establish the roots in a short time. Now they have joined forces with Jiugongshan to fund Jiugongshan in various aspects and make Jiugongshan’s strength expand rapidly in the secular world, but they haven’t even found out a hair yet."
"The secular world is no better than those who fix the truth in Shushan. In the later period of Yuan Ying, there was no way to continue to practice in the secular world. Those masters sent by Qingcheng Mountain were very late in the secular world and always had no clue. They were also very impatient when they got the news. Bi Cuitian also sent a group of brothers to experience in the secular world. Recently, everyone in the secular world has increased their strength. It is said that even Kunlun sent people out."
"There was a gossip in the former genus that a younger brother of Bitui Tian was having an affair with the younger brother of Qingcheng School, but because Bitui Tian and Qingcheng School did not deal with Qingcheng School’s public support for Jiugong Mountain, while Bitui Tian was at odds with Jiugong Mountain, they had been sneaking around. This news was a news, but after they came out this time, Xiaosi paid special attention to it. Unexpectedly, they really found the problem. Han Yang, the third brother of Qingcheng School, and Yu Qing, the second disciple of Bitui Tian’s head, often secretly went out to meet."
Xiao Si took advantage of his own advantages. Although he said he didn’t know any big secrets, he learned a lot of small secrets over the years. When he put these together, he found something.
"This Han Yangru?"
Xiao Si was ready to listen to Wen Tao’s inquiry and immediately replied, "Han Yang is the third brother of Han Tongyu and one of the recipients. Because his father is an elder of Qingcheng School, that is, Han Dongge, the master of Du Jie in the middle of this time, has been following Han Jinshuo all the time. There are also several other Qingcheng School elders and family brothers who are arrogant and overbearing at ordinary times. This time, his father should take him out, but Han Dongge seems not to know it."
"Because …" Said Xiao Si, carefully looking at Wentao’s face, before continuing, "Qingcheng School has successively lost many people’s secular agent Han Liyang Han Jinshuo, the demon bird Han Changqi’s disciple Lu chiseled the Qingcheng School’s little door master Han Jinshuo. In this case, the secular school almost became their Qingcheng School unlucky, although the death of Han Liyang made Qingcheng School suddenly lose its control power in the secular world. Han Jinshuo and Lu chiseled to death, which made them feel distressed and furious. This situation Han Dongge dared not take out his own son again.
Wentao didn’t say much, because all this was from his hand, and the revenge with the Qingcheng Sect was already in the bone, and there was no room for redemption. However, Wentao never thought about redemption. Since it has reached this level, then continue to play.
As long as they don’t find themselves, their bad luck will not stop. The Shuxin clinic and its own strength are not enough now, otherwise even Han Changqi and this Han Dongge will be solved together.
"Go and have a look first."
Xiao Si finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Wen Tao’s decision to see it, saying that he had done nothing wrong. Xiao Si, a little white, valuable people will be valued, and now he has this value. He must try his best to show his value here.
They’re all fix true people, but the dating place is different. Two people actually ran to a boulder in the middle of the river.
This boulder is mostly submerged by tax cuts, and it will only be exposed when there is little rain. At this time, the exposed surface is not very large, about five meters away. The surging river flows from both sides, and Han Yang, the Qingcheng School, and the green sky and clear rain are sitting on the side.
The situation of the two people has obviously entered a hot stage. In this dark night, if it is not spiritual, it is really difficult to find someone playing passion in Jiangxin.
The little four spirits dare not look at Han Yang, who is also in the late stage of recuperation. If he looks at it, he will definitely be found.
Now is really a good opportunity. Although it is dangerous to make a move at this time, Wentao thinks the risk is worth taking.
Let Xiaosi leave here quickly and make an appointment to meet in other places for a while. Wentao is ready to start work and clean up Qingcheng Mountain again. He is the one who has to wait for Han Yang to separate from Yuqing. There is no need to pull Bi Cuitian in to play again.
Chapter one hundred and forty-four Robbery again
Cloud receives rain and lives.
"Brother Yang, who seems to have stared at your Qingcheng School recently? Even Han Jinshuo was killed. You must be careful recently." Rain is lingering in Han Yang’s arms. This kind of gameplay can also be played by people who fix the truth. The surrounding river is dark.
Perhaps it is because it is very exciting to put it here, although I know that no one in the secular world can see it and there is no sailing at this time.
Although it’s over, Han Yang’s hand is not honest and he’s still wandering around in the rain.
"You can rest assured that you and I are Han Jinshuo, the megalomaniac who is full of treasures and has made him wave."
"By the way, how did that Han Jinshuo die? I remember before. Did you say that even against an early Du Jie man, he didn’t necessarily lose? He also said that even if he faced a mid-Du Jie master, he had a way to save his life. How did he die in the secular world?"
"Do you know what he died in the secular world? He died in a towering tree, and according to later research, there were many secrets in that towering tree. It is said that even his numerous magic weapons were destroyed, and although he had fought with others before, his fatal wound was caused by a towering tree. How did this guy die at that time?"
"Always be careful!"
"Ah … you can rest assured"
"If it weren’t for the disagreement between our two factions, the two of us would be so secretive and didn’t know when it was a head."
"You can rest assured that this incident was very shocking, and even my dad personally stepped out. I’m going to get some credit this time. If things are done, Han Tongyu has no son, and the head of the Qingcheng Mountain Sect will have to re-select people to compete."
"Yang elder brother …"
"When I become the head of the Qingcheng Mountain Sect, I can’t solve it. If I support you again, I will be in charge of the green sky …"
"That’s so easy!" Yu Qing sighed, "Now, among our five apprentices, Yu Ting is my favorite, and my master is still some days away from Du Jie. Although Yu Ting’s strength is still not strong now, what chance is there if we train Yu Ting for several hundred years?"

"I have a killer!"

"What killer?" Don’t say it’s a killer at this time, even if it’s a straw, sedan chair will hold it firmly
"Remember when Xu Nianwu and our industrial flower issued the Fantasy?"
"Is that the so-called tunnel construction 2 era machine? I remember Xu Nianwu left it in the virtual city and didn’t bring it back. "Gao sedan chair suddenly patted his head." Yes, I immediately transferred it and waited until they reacted. I’m afraid it was too late! What’s the big deal about being overtaken by them? Anyway, if the construction is not completed, it will not be completed! "
"no!" Bohei waved his hand. "In fact, this so-called Fantasy can be regarded as a half-success. Engineers of our industrial parent company have built a new cross-section tunnel boring machine. If it is the Fantasy, then this time we will take it out as the Myth!"
Xu Nianwu and Industrial Huahe are actually very equal.
Although Xu Nianwu built the greatest shield machine fantasy in his mind with the help of industrial flower technology, his rich construction experience and deep understanding of construction also inspired industrial flower.
However, after absorbing and digesting Xu Nianwu’s ideas, the industrial flowers are quietly building their own construction machinery.
Although Xu Nianwu had no evidence, he was aware of this, so he felt that industrial flowers were not a worthy partner and soon stopped closing.
But now Gao sedan chair can’t take care of it
If you can make him the boss of the state league building, even if you hand over half of the state league building, he will not hesitate!
Finally, I saw that the hope of winning was high, and sedan chair was revived.
He held a grand conference in Yancheng to introduce the new shield machine Myth, clamoring that tunnel construction is about to enter the third era!
At the same time, Xu Nianwu and Li Zhe entered the manor together.
"Master Zhuang, we sent Yincui gorge and the construction team back!" Although Xu Nianwu is a deacon of the manor, it is actually the first time to enter the manor.
Not far from Zhuang, I also know that he is not used to the identity of "deacon" and doesn’t care if he rubs his third sister’s head and says to Xu Nianwu, "Your baby is at the old boom."
Xu Nianwu arrived at the Old Boom Forging Gold Institute in three steps and two steps, and he saw a monster lying quietly outside the forging gold institute, with a rusty gold luster.
"My baby, it’s your turn to play."
Chapter 711 is, of course, choose to forgive.
It will take several days to disassemble, load and transport the Great Fantasy, and Xu Nianwu has been busy directing in the manor.
These days, his world view has been almost completely shattered and reshaped.
It turns out that Third Sister isn’t the strangest creature. For example, the big guy with a long corner and a short head and full of flowers is called Daniel, who dug through the magic mountain overnight and stole their 40 billion business!
For example, the guy dressed as a handsome man takes off his armor and is a spherical creature. The guy is the creator of the geological model of Magic Mountain that shocked them.
And the virtual city is completely changed when it is so short away from it.
Tigers flying all over the street and chickens flying all over the world
More and more, I feel that the virtual city is like a different world.
He also paid a special visit to the forced landing plane viaduct. After seeing this almost abnormal project, he really understood the strength of the manor.
At that moment, Xu Nianwu felt that there was something in his heart, whether it was pride or unhappiness, it vanished in an instant.
"So this is the real strength of Yincui gorge. It’s … I’ve seen it." Li Zhe was stunned for a long time and suddenly burst into tears.
"Boo-hoo, I don’t think I can get a raise in my life!"
With Third Sister, they are worthless!
Why raise these people for nothing? Don’t fatten up and eat it?
"But if you want to get Yincui gorge back without them, I always feel a little nervous …" Xu Nianwu said.
After all, Gao sedan chair is now a vice president and he is a consultant. Gao sedan chair can mobilize resources much higher than him.
And it’s an industrial flower. If they get serious, who knows what they’ll take out?
For example, their Myth can be said to be upgraded on the basis of Fantasy. Who knows how efficient it is?
"Well, find a way to pull Yincui gorge back!" Li Zhe agrees with this.
However, Third Sister doesn’t want to go back with them.
Cong’s third little sister came up with a deadly trap as soon as she flung her tentacles!
Not far from the manor, I was having dinner when my cell phone rang and I found someone at @ him.
Besides, there are still many others. He turned black when he called his mobile phone in wonder.

Can evacuate all personnel and take away the most important materials, there are many things that can’t be taken away.

According to the second plan, many production lines are temporarily stopped and locked, and the self-destruction program is not started, "An Xiaoxue said.
Emergency started normally, which is another good news.
Now the question is, if the intruder is really Raymont, how to solve it?
Let An Xiaoxue go there with the main force?
Definitely not
Xu tuitong Tian Huang Tuan’s overall strength is good, and he can resist the five-star strong, but he is most afraid of Raymont’s speed.
The soul of Blitzkrieg’s method of warfare is not easy to be divided by one.
"I used to tell Raymont that Taoyuan Star is feasible for you to let him leave?" Cai Shaochu asked
Smell speech and make a wry smile.
Cai Shaochu’s plan is feasible under normal circumstances.
However, according to Xu’s current understanding of Raymont, Raymont is very complicated and has big secrets.
Xu retired and beheaded him once, and as a result, he came back to life
It’s simply!
"This scheme doesn’t work that you still have a power? I’ll go with you and I’ll secretly cooperate with you to kill him? " Cai Shaochu said the second plan.
Xu back shook his head again.
He has no more fighting power at present.
Theory is consumed, Excalibur and consuming great spirit all need to be recovered.
The key is to make a retreat to determine whether Raymont can be completely killed this time.
If Cai Shaochu made moves and Raymont lived again and didn’t completely slay him, that would be a big trouble!
The first scheme is feasible.
Cai Shaochu’s noodles in Raymont still have to be sold!
But in that case, Taoyuan Star’s position is completely public.
In view of the current riddled situation in the Blue Star Department, if the location of Taoyuan Star is made public in the Blue Star Department, it will be equal to the Eldar, the Muya, the Daxi and so on.
Even if it is taken back, the possibility of being visited by foreigners will increase tenfold and hundredfold.
"Principal, do you think if we don’t appear, will Raymont study Taoyuan Star’s injustice one by one?" Xu asked abruptly.
"Then what?"
Xu took one look back at Cai Shaochu’s way: "Raymont was killed by me at a time and came back from the dead!
What do you think will happen if you behead him again? "
Chapter nine hundred and thirty-five Investigate
In the end, Taoyuan Star was postponed by the decision to retreat from the invasion crisis.
Although at present, the best way is to kill Raymont with Taoyuan Star’s main force and then with Cai Shaochu’s secret cooperation!
Although Raymont is in a high position, he has been on the list of Xu tui’s slaying for many times before.
However, the event of coming back from the dead again brought many worries to Xu tui.
Especially now that Xu tui has just killed Evie, the consumption is very high.
And pretending to be the priest of Kodo is very important at this moment.

In this game, the body has not changed, but she has a feeling of extreme understanding …

It seems that in reality, there is a hole in the body to drain all the heavy feelings before.
She broke through in reality.
Step 7
Real meaning level 7
Snow Chihiro has the deepest feeling.
And Xiao Feng, Yan Nantian, Wan Wan and others are not infatuated with it.
Lei Ming and others are even more dumbfounded. I can’t believe that there is such a magical sword style in budo …
"Take this move from me, and Wan Jian will return to the Sect!"
Su Wei deliberately shouted out the name of the move. Although it seems silly to him, now is a good time to announce it.
With the long whistle
The firm but gentle Wang Yang swept through and dodged the gap
The pig god’s pupil is also suddenly shrunk, which makes him white. Is it too big for Su Weiding to make 20 strokes?
But it’s obviously too late to regret it now
Hide and hide, the pig god will be able to roar and shoot his own thorns one after another.
In an instant, the ring rang like a thunderstorm.
The firm but gentle is too vast, and at the first moment, it will be close to the pig god’s body, even if he tries his best to shoot his own Hao thorn to resist the firm but gentle …
But it is also struggling.
Only when counting interest
After the heavy rain, it is difficult to continue several flesh-and-blood cuts.
The pig god will scream at gluttony, and a whole person will be dressed as a sieve by the number of firm but gentle … Wrong strings.
Lying on the ground, blood flowed outward along the ring.
A recruit pig god will be life and death. I don’t know if it is combined with the thousands of meters around the big challenge ring in Fiona Fang …
But one of the tens of thousands of people present was injured.
This free control seems to mock the pig god who can’t even force the other side out.
The scene was as silent as death.
Twenty strokes
Even if Su Wei survived 20 strokes, they would not be too shocked. After all, there should be few fools who dare to climb this challenge.
Even if Su Wei’s first move is exploded, everyone will not be too shocked. After all, there is almost no one who is not clear about the pig god’s beast power.
The twelve gods will be mighty in the eyes of the whole heaven and humanity, and that is a sign of invincible.
But it’s really just a trick
Kneeling is a pig god …
"Well …"
I’m chattering and comforting my boyfriend, and the battle is over before the saliva on my lips is dry.
She was a little confused, blinked and muttered, "The dragon general’s adult just knocked over the pig god?" Is the gap between the twelve gods too big or is the pig god too weak? "

His mood is naturally cheerful.

According to Su Wei’s estimation, that is, his setting of 22 activation code is too high to dissuade 99% of the players, otherwise I am afraid that the players who joined the "Limited" OL have already trampled the Huashan threshold.
I’m afraid this game has already exploded.
However, even if there are few players, the game "Limited" OL has already been out of the circle.
Liu Lei once listened to his classmates in class and said that there was a game that was crazy about money recently.
The activation code alone costs more than 20 thousand yuan …
How poor does this game company have to be to be so carefree?
Liu Lei laughed scornfully when he heard it. You idiots don’t know anything … Is 22 over? This is really not even the first course.
Besides, it’s definitely worth spending the money.
It’s a pity that he is too lazy to tell them …
In particular, most of these people are students of different skills or colonization.
Everyone is a competitor. What can I say?
Besides, what the owners hate most is definitely colonization and different skills. If it weren’t for them, how could Gu Wu be reduced to this point?
Naturally, he won’t go to stroke of bad luck … Even pulling Wu Zijie, who wants to defend their popular science, told him not to say more.
Let them misunderstand.
Some people are really not suitable for playing this game.
In fact, although Su Wei wants more players, after all, the more players he has, the higher his authenticity and the faster his strength rises.
But that doesn’t mean he is hungry.
What should I set the purchase activation code?
Because of the authenticity in Su Wei, it is impossible for players to enter … Buying activation code money can save Su Wei’s loss and make a small profit by the way.
Another reason is that the leopard head can be ruled out.
You know, there are a group of players, and Su Wei belonged to this group in those days. No matter how fun the game is, I will play with myself. You let me charge money. Sorry … No second world can exploit my money.
My money is spent on three yuan.
Su Wei can’t afford to take the risk if he can’t even afford to buy a mere 22 activation code and expect them to continue to pay more for recharging.
And it turns out that he did the right thing.
Huashan Sect now has more than 100 players … but these players are more enthusiastic about Krypton.
Su Wei spent more than 600 points of authenticity to successfully show his second career, Songshan School.
Within a month.
His truthfulness has already reached 500 points again. In the past month, he has lost five W per capita!
Obviously, most ancient fighters are rich, so-called poverty is also relatively speaking … It’s not a problem to take out a hundred thousand.
It’s like Liu Lei is just a student, but he can easily break several W’s if he wants to earn a year.
Chapter 61 Brother, isn’t fencing fragrant? What kind of woman do you want
Zhongzhou city
Yunyang university
A Jing Ya Economic Coffee House
The music is melodious and accompanied by the owner’s gesture of grinding coffee, and the whole store is filled with a petty bourgeoisie romantic atmosphere.
Cheng Wu, with a melancholy face, stirred his coffee and said to the girl in front of him, "I’m sorry, Xiaolin, let’s break up. I love other women. Although I like you very much, I can’t go against what I can … We can go here."
The girl coldly spilled coffee in front of Cheng Wu’s face.
Word by word, "I’m Yuan Qiu, and I can’t remember my name correctly. I’m afraid your love for me is limited. I don’t say much. Don’t break up in front of me again from now on, or I’ll call you once."
With that, I hate to leave my head without bringing it back.
After the girl left, five roommates sitting next door all leaned in. Liu Lei conveniently handed a towel to wipe Cheng Wu’s face.
Han Dong skillfully helped him change his coat.
Sun Xing puzzled and asked, "Brother Wu, why did you deliberately call the wrong name? Also deliberately put a cup of coffee in front of her … "
"You don’t understand this, do you?"
Cheng Wu sighed, "Xing Er, you don’t understand women. If I call her by the wrong name on purpose, she will recognize that I have been playing with her, which will save me a thousand words to explain everything, and their anger will definitely be greeted with whatever they catch. I won’t hesitate when I put a cup of coffee in front of them. Although it is not harmful, it is no different from chopping me with a knife in their hearts …"
He said, "After chopping, the anger will be scattered for seven points, and the rest is not worth it to themselves. At this time, they will naturally leave without saying anything, so that breaking up is clean and time-saving."
Yan Qijun exclaimed, "My God, Brother Wu, you know so much about women."
Cheng Wu said with the wave, "These are nothing but basic exercises. Let’s have a cup of coffee first."
Li Yuan said, "The little warrior hasn’t come yet. It’s about 10: 30 and it’s only 10: 15."
"What do you know about coffee? It’s very hot when it first comes, just hanging for ten minutes. You really want to see me peel it off. Besides, coffee is old and expensive, so please call another one. It can also save me money for a cup of coffee. I won’t order it myself! I want to save all my money. Lei is now the first master of Jianzong … "
Liu Lei quickly waved his hand and said, "Don’t don’t don’t wear a top hat for me. I don’t have that ability … Yesterday, I just had a fight with a master of strength in the Rulong Martial Arts School. After more than 20 moves, I was beaten. How can I be called the first master?"
Cheng Wu "mom, if it weren’t for the coffee in front of me, I’ll pour your face now, believe it or not?" What do you hate most about Versailles … "
"It’s still good to always be small."
Li Yuan seriously said, "Huashan School has more and more younger brothers now, and it’s crazy like water bamboo. Krypton followed the deputy head to learn martial arts. Now the deputy head calls the girl water bamboo and Xiao Lingshan together … rich and coquetry. We can’t compete with her. We will be eliminated if she goes there again."

LeiQian shook his head "forward base has the qualification to execute the temple command is absolutely can’t question.

I don’t know if destroying can destroy the seal. "
Three hours later, it was Yan Lie who was the first to run over after the establishment of the channel for sending the stars.
At the same time, Yan Lie also brought the latest situation of Bluestar Terran.
A brainwave star keeps in touch with information through Huaxia District, a former transit planet.
The blue star humans went to Ceres to raid the team, where they encountered a strong enemy, especially the Daxi clan.
However, Cai Shaochu had an advantage by crafting his own bait and then the three-phase thermal explosion bomb barrage hit the enemy hard.
However, Ceres and the Eldar reinforcements are also very strong, especially the Eldar Temple elders Chijing, and even Erila is extremely difficult to deal with.
However, Cai Shaochu’s ingenious blue star Terran has killed and occupied some ancient relics of Ceres, and established a preliminary intelligence association through the array of ancient relics.
Bluestar has reinforcements in the past and the current situation is deadlocked.
This information gave Xu a sigh of relief.
According to the intelligence, he did warn you.
The information of reinforcements before Lei Qian is also true.
Later, Xu Hui sent the Ka Rong astrological information to the Blue Star Gene Committee for intercepting information from other data centers.
An hour later, Silver Six and Silver respectively led a fleet sent from Lingji Star to set out.
The forces left behind by the Eldar should also be gathered up.
Chapter one hundred and sixteen Resources closed cultivation extension
The fact is that it is not only Silver Six and Silver, but also the two powerful stars, the Fifth Hui and the Sixth Xiaoshu, who have just fallen.
Silver Six and Silver went to the planet where the Eldar settled in the sun and the resource planet. In addition to giving the Huaxia Linghai Star and Lingcang Star, there are three planets. The main target planets are two.
In addition to bringing back some resources, we must reunite the remaining ethnic groups of the Xie Ling clan.
This is one of the conditions that Xu tui promised Yin Liu to surrender.
Give them opportunities for the development of the Eldar clan under appropriate circumstances.
The name of the Mechs was dead in Leiming before they went to the stars and quasi-planets. They used to mainly gather the Mechs and tie them up.
According to Yinliu’s idea, in this universe, a race may not even be qualified as a slave without the protection of the powerful stars.
Therefore, he must tie up the remaining mechs and take refuge in Xutuimen, and then he may be able to recover after a few decades with the silver asylum.
Originally, this is the time when manpower is needed, but the refund is for Yin Liuhe and Yin to act.
There are two reasons. First, the sun, especially the blue star humans, is expanding rapidly. Without the protection of quasi-planets and planets, the remnants of the Elves will be controlled if they are discovered by the blue star family.
Second, there was a long-range fire idea before Xu retired. The real way for the Eldar is long-range fire.
If there are 50 mechanical Elves who are unified in the transmutation and deformation, they will suffer a big loss if they head straight for the stars in the long-range position.
Xu retired and wanted to gather the rest of the Eldar. The Eldar is still a very real race with good control.
There are also reasons why there are too few people to retreat
There are too many people in the Tongtian famine group, and now they surrender. There are more than 20 control planets, and there are already three, and they will increase in the future.
We must increase manpower.
In the future, Xu tui intends to add some manpower from Huaxia District. Of course, it is voluntary.
The fifth Hui and the sixth Xiaoshu were sent out to seize the planet of Eldar’s spiritual resources.
Elves colonize spiritual planets in the sun. Many spiritual planets colonize spiritual bases, and there are also a large number of resource bases, including source crystals.
There are seven source crystal mines of planets like Liuxiaxing, which produce a lot of money every day.
However, the situation of the Eldar Resource Star is the worst, and there is also a quasi-planet guarding the quasi-planet. In the past, it was easy to have an accident, so it was necessary to send a star to travel in case the Eldar Planet was lost.
Just surrendered, the fifth Hui and the sixth Xiaoshu led a team, among which the fifth Hui was rationed to Laves, the sixth Xiaoshu was rationed to Yinsanping and Yinwushu set out in two teams.
Yu Xutui, An Xiaoxue, Bu Qingqiu and others stayed behind.
On whether Taoyuan Star or Liuxia Star need basic strength to guard.
Of course, this strength will come to two or three stars, and the strong will be able to run away.
This time, there is another important reason to choose to stay behind-practice!
In the next three to five months, I will raise my strength again.
One of the most important development plans given by Huang Qian to Xu retired them is to improve their strength!
It is necessary to upgrade the strength of the core members, and one or two strong players with star-rated combat power must appear among the core members.
This core member refers to Chinese origin.
If you retire, light snow and clear autumn, you will be three people.
Yu Yanlie, Wen Shao, Qu Qingshan and others are the first to break through the quasi-planet for a short time and also have the strength to save lives in front of the strong stars.
Yu Lanxing is currently fighting in Ceres, and he can’t go in and dare not participate.
Even Erila was badly injured, and there were five or six people like Cai Shaochu, Evie and Harun across the strong.
This way, the strong will retreat from the small plate, and it will hurt when touching it, and die when it is rubbed, and it will be safe to practice for a while.
Xu tuineng can support bluestar from the side and intelligence, which is also considered as a contribution.
On September 24, 2013, the members of Lingji Star Tongtian Wilderness Group withdrew to Liuxia Star except Linghou.
After many retreats, one by one, I personally strengthened my spiritual shackles and hinted that I would retreat to Taoyuan Star.