In an instant, a closed water ring swept everything like a claw fish.

"Boom!" Not far from a village, the body suddenly shook, and the body stepped back and opened its eyes.
The current around him seems to have been summoned by some kind of call, and it has gathered into tentacles and waved.
At the moment when he opened his eyes, he collapsed and fell to the ground.
"Bang" a shock wave, his center spread in all directions, and everyone staggered back.
The information of this manor came before him.
"Manor Name Zhenlong Manor (Chuanshui Manor)"
"Manor owners Hongchuan (builder) and Jizhen (successor)"
"Manor Level Manor Planet"
"The Witch-Zhu Tribe"
"The Covenant heaven stands upright."
"Covenant law tide master (broken)"
"Excellent environment for farm students"
"The current integrity of the manor is broken."
"The manor’s operation is stagnant"
"The manor’s armed defense forces were damaged"
Not far from Zhuang, his face is particularly dignified. "Chuanshui Manor?"
"Chuanshui Manor?" Scales pale by surprise "you found the tidal main manor? Is this the main tidal manor? "
"Tide Lord? Do you mean Hongchuan? Is he very powerful? " Zhuang wondered, "Is this a manor planet?"
Although Zhuang is not far away, his manor is just at the level of manor town, but he also knows that the manor owners’ manor can be as big as the whole star
Looking at those gates from the back door, he can see that there are as many estates as there are planet-level estates.
Although he doesn’t have enough resources to open the gates of these estates now, it is definitely not uncommon.
Manor owners occupy too many resources, such as Lanshiye Manor, which occupies a whole star. If you want to develop with peace of mind, it will always develop to the level of manor planet.
Can a manor planet-level manor surprise Scales so much?
"Hongchuan, the owner of Chuanshui Manor, is a strange one". "Even in our time, it was one of the strongest manor owners in the sky … This manor was at the planet level because he inherited his grandfather’s manor after his grandfather died. This manor was not said to have been destroyed in a certain war …"
Scales pale and paused. "But one said that this manor contains all the understanding of the tide by the tide master. If you find Chuanshui Manor, you can inherit the name of the tide master …"
Chapter 1293 The last clue
"Tide master … is this thing very powerful?" Zhuang is not far away. Otherwise, "Which is better than my magnetic controller?"
Don’t forget that you are also the master of a law!
"There are also different levels of law founders and masters. Your title of magnetic master is one level higher than that of wind master, but it is far lower than that of tide master. Tidal master means that all laws that control the tidal phase can be called’ master’ in the history of Tianqiao Road, and there are no more than ten manor owners. Only when you become a’ magnetic master’ can you be considered as equal to the’ tidal master’.
Zhuang is not far away. "So powerful?"
The so-called tide should be related to gravity and current, which can control all the laws in these two fields. This Hongchuan is really powerful …
Then look at this "Zhenlong Manor" not far away and treat it as an ordinary manor.
In a way, this is indeed the most valuable one in Zhuang’s manor in the era of exile.
And far exceeds the value of other manors.
"If you can find a way to restore the whole Chuanshui manor owner by this manor clue, you may even have a really powerful fighting capacity." Scaly pale shook his head. "I didn’t expect this broken land to have such a treasure! What a surprise! What a surprise! Master Zhuang, I suggest a good search along the current-maybe you can find more fragments of this manor! "
Follow the current?
Zhuang not far away consciously thought of a place.
Shuiyuanjie is a water polo floating in the middle of the water, and there is a "law tower" on it. Only high-end people can own buildings if they want to "stand in the sky"
The two seem to be able to combine.
Not far from Qianzhuang, you can’t find a fragment of the manor’s main heart in the "water element boundary", but now that there is this "tidal heart" fragment not far from Zhuangzhuang, can you find something different? After all, the water boundary is too big, and Zhuang has not really searched in the water boundary.
But in this case …
"(Gegu) I’m afraid this manor still can’t repair the giant nut garden," Zhuang said not far away.
On the one hand, this manor has greater value. If it is combined with other manors, it is not far away, fearing that it will destroy its body value.
Moreover, the manor has its own Covenant-the establishment of the road in the sky and the construction of the great power in the giant nut orchard are in conflict with each other, even though they are both legal and legal.

Can evacuate all personnel and take away the most important materials, there are many things that can’t be taken away.

According to the second plan, many production lines are temporarily stopped and locked, and the self-destruction program is not started, "An Xiaoxue said.
Emergency started normally, which is another good news.
Now the question is, if the intruder is really Raymont, how to solve it?
Let An Xiaoxue go there with the main force?
Definitely not
Xu tuitong Tian Huang Tuan’s overall strength is good, and he can resist the five-star strong, but he is most afraid of Raymont’s speed.
The soul of Blitzkrieg’s method of warfare is not easy to be divided by one.
"I used to tell Raymont that Taoyuan Star is feasible for you to let him leave?" Cai Shaochu asked
Smell speech and make a wry smile.
Cai Shaochu’s plan is feasible under normal circumstances.
However, according to Xu’s current understanding of Raymont, Raymont is very complicated and has big secrets.
Xu retired and beheaded him once, and as a result, he came back to life
It’s simply!
"This scheme doesn’t work that you still have a power? I’ll go with you and I’ll secretly cooperate with you to kill him? " Cai Shaochu said the second plan.
Xu back shook his head again.
He has no more fighting power at present.
Theory is consumed, Excalibur and consuming great spirit all need to be recovered.
The key is to make a retreat to determine whether Raymont can be completely killed this time.
If Cai Shaochu made moves and Raymont lived again and didn’t completely slay him, that would be a big trouble!
The first scheme is feasible.
Cai Shaochu’s noodles in Raymont still have to be sold!
But in that case, Taoyuan Star’s position is completely public.
In view of the current riddled situation in the Blue Star Department, if the location of Taoyuan Star is made public in the Blue Star Department, it will be equal to the Eldar, the Muya, the Daxi and so on.
Even if it is taken back, the possibility of being visited by foreigners will increase tenfold and hundredfold.
"Principal, do you think if we don’t appear, will Raymont study Taoyuan Star’s injustice one by one?" Xu asked abruptly.
"Then what?"
Xu took one look back at Cai Shaochu’s way: "Raymont was killed by me at a time and came back from the dead!
What do you think will happen if you behead him again? "
Chapter nine hundred and thirty-five Investigate
In the end, Taoyuan Star was postponed by the decision to retreat from the invasion crisis.
Although at present, the best way is to kill Raymont with Taoyuan Star’s main force and then with Cai Shaochu’s secret cooperation!
Although Raymont is in a high position, he has been on the list of Xu tui’s slaying for many times before.
However, the event of coming back from the dead again brought many worries to Xu tui.
Especially now that Xu tui has just killed Evie, the consumption is very high.
And pretending to be the priest of Kodo is very important at this moment.

The male host in the water is desperately struggling on the water.

"Help me, something is pulling me … help me! Help me!"
Old man Jia grew up on the edge of Jia Lake, and he was very good at swimming. He plunged into the water without thinking.
As soon as he got into the water, Old Man Jia saw a strange snake wrapped around the man’s leg.
"Hey … what’s the matter?" Jia old man’s eyes almost pop out of breath and almost can’t hold it.
But old Jia gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to pull the strange snake.
At first, I felt that it looked like a vine instead of a snake, but it was a little slippery.
It seems that I feel that there are many people, and the tree vines let the male master’s feet disappear into the water.
If it weren’t for the fingertip touch, old man Jia would probably feel wrong.
"Help … help … help …" The host is still struggling. Old man Jia quickly went to stall him.
"Scared … scared me to death …" The man ran to the shore awkwardly and threw himself on the ground to spit water.
Several old men and women gathered around and accused the host of "it’s too much. How can you set an example for your children when you are such an adult and have no sense of public morality?"
"You got what you deserved for throwing things into the lake!"
"If it weren’t for the old Jia Tou to save you, the Lake God wouldn’t let you go!"
"You outsiders just don’t know fear …"
"Wait, stop, stop!" Old man Jia quickly stopped. "I’m a theist. Tell people not to engage in feudal superstition!"
Then he said to the host, "Have you learned your lesson?"
"I learned, I learned."
"Dare you dare?"
"Dare not dare not …"
Old man Jia was satisfied with this, but when he turned around, he saw that the plastic bag garbage had drifted to a place far from the shore.
"Mom, you see, it’s just strange that you are not unlucky to throw things around!" For old Jia, Jia Hu is his home. He grew up in this lake since childhood. Later, when Jia Hu was polluted, he didn’t know how saddened he was. Now, it’s hard to manage it. How can he bear to be polluted again? When he got angry, he suddenly forgot that he was a theist, and immediately called names and got what he deserved.
Jia old man looked at his wet body and simply planned to refill the water.
"Old man Jia, you are killing yourself!"
"Now that the water is cold and your heart is not good, you are lucky that you didn’t die in the water just now. Wait for us to come …"
Several old men and women are picking up rubbish by the lake with bamboo poles and long clips in their hands.
At this point, I tried it.
"The old banker planted bamboo, and it is estimated that there are bamboo poles to borrow." An old man said.
"Let’s go, I’ll go." A few people are going to go. Old man Jia said, "Hey, don’t bother him because there are international guests in Zhuang Zi. Let me have a water trip."
Jia old man said that he heard a slight water behind him.
"Wow" rang.
As soon as he turned around, he saw a garbage bag rolling ashore behind him.
And a black shadow in the water flashed and disappeared.
Is that the strange snake just now? Am I right?
Jia old man rubbed his eyes.
"The lake god must have appeared." An old lady murmured her prayers with her hands folded.
"You feudal superstitions, where there is no river god?"
"Why not? Our magic mountain can be effective. The magic mountain god has two mounts on the ground. The mount is an ox god. In the water, it is a dragon. The ox god appeared with my own eyes. I have seen it over there at Jia Yiba Villa … I also heard that the mountain god also appeared some time ago … Don’t believe that many things in this world can’t be explained scientifically! "
"I told you not to believe those friends circle articles!"
"Don’t you still forward food and talk about me!"
A group of old people and old ladies were arguing, and old man Jia leaned over and picked up the garbage bag. The fingertips were a little slippery and it seemed to be something mucus.
Is it really that strange snake that sent it?
Don’t … This strange snake actually attacked him just now because he threw things around?
No way. There is nothing so strange in this world.
This strange snake is not refined, is it?
A few people here have listened to what the host said just now. He looks not so good and can’t wait to get out of here.
Jia old man looked at the man in shock next to him. "What are you still doing here? Hurry back and change clothes. "
"This … that thank you. You are all wet … that I can drive you home?" Male host shame way

Raymond Felton dribbled the ball for a while from the outside to a 45-degree angle. Stoudemire caught the ball in two zones and turned around and hit a jumper, hitting two points.

Stoudemire changed a new pair of glasses. He took off his new glasses and smiled at the audience. It took only a few tens of seconds to wipe the sweat off his jersey. Is it so tired? Or is it too empty?
At the 45-degree angle on the right side of Zhong Daguo, he held the ball with both hands and faced jr. He seemed very calm. Suddenly, his left foot took a step forward. jr took a step back this time, and the Great Country immediately took off. It was like McGrady’s posture. Three points, three points? ? ? ? ? ? A perfect goal with a radian. Tracy McGrady’s ball has a very low radian. Many of them are directly blown into the basket, but Zhong Daguo’s goal is rotated into the net. This is Rivers’ deliberate presence to improve Zhong Daguo’s technology. Tracy McGrady was also a Rivers lover in Warcraft.
"This little" Anthony doesn’t have much enthusiasm, but a rookie who has only played for half a season is so arrogant. He really has some ways to put up with "this is the new york Knicks, this is my territory". Anthony is angered by the wonderful performance of Zhong Daguo.
"Ball ball to me? ? ? ? ? ? ?” Anthony seldom gets angry and smiles has always been his trademark, but this time he is a little angry.
The bottom line on the right side of melon is facing Zhong Daguo. He holds the ball with his hands bent over and leans forward slightly. Zhong Daguo seems to have expected his next move. He feels that melon likes to cut into the bottom line, so Zhong Daguo subconsciously defends melon against the bottom line and is really ready to squeeze another way out. This time, Zhong Daguo blocked the road before him and his breakthrough was disrupted.
Regardless of whether the breakthrough of melon was not very smooth, he shot directly from the bottom line outside the three-point line. Zhong Daguo didn’t react. Melon was gambling this time, but the goal was scored in Melon. He has always been a big-hearted player, and it is actually normal for him to score this time.
2431 7 points gap between the two sides
Rondo catches the ball in the backcourt and transports it to the frontcourt. Everyone pulls Rondo and can play singles by himself.
"Let me defend him," Anthony said with a little domineering. He has made many great successes in the face of Zhong Daguo and hardly scored a goal in his defense of Zhong Daguo’s clock, so Melon is very confident in defending this rookie.
Jr discretion is gone. He’s defending Pierce with a bigger tonnage. It’s obvious that Pierce is too thin to eat him alone.
Rondo has a clear understanding of the situation. He is the top point guard in the league, which is strong and weak. He knows all about it. Although he can break Felton, Pierce has a better chance and is more sure.’ Marrying someone else’ has always been the most important thing for an excellent point guard.
Pierce is so old, he is no longer the domineering and leaking years ten years ago. He didn’t choose singles jr "Hey! Zhong catches the ball and you hit it. I believe you. "Pierce shouted and gave the ball to Zhong Daguo.
Zhong Daguo gave Pierce a firm look. "Thank you, Big Brother, I can do it," he thought to himself.
Anthony is going to be serious this time. He didn’t defend Zhong Daguo just now, but it’s hard to get in. Now he really defends Zhong Daguo, not to mention it’s over.
Anthony’s low body and Zhong Daguo are separated by a little distance. Zhong Daguo’s left hand holds the ball with one hand. Why is it a classic move by McGrady? Who told me that I love Mai Yaoge the most? Zhong Maoti watched the game with his eyes open.
He suddenly started to take a big step with his right foot, which had already passed Anthony Melon. He wanted to move in parallel to block the big clock country, but Pierce came to help pick and roll. When jr was ready to change the clock, the big clock country had accelerated to kill Jr. It was changing the defense from time to time.
This is also why Rivers privately coached Zhong Daguo. When Tracy McGrady was once all-powerful, he rarely went directly to the basket after pick and roll. After pick and roll, Mai usually chose jump shots directly. Therefore, Rivers taught Zhong Daguo teammates that it is often the safest way to score.
Zhong Daguo entered the basket. Stoudemire took a step forward in the attack route of Zhong Daguo, and then raised his hands to hold Zhong Daguo. At the moment when he was next to Stoudemire, he suddenly leaned back with Stoudemire’s strength, then suddenly turned his back and jumped in the direction of the basket. At this time, Kurt Thomas was blocked by Gatt and Fabmelo. His roots could not touch Zhong Daguo.
Glide for a short time, hold the ball high with one hand and swing it with one hand 3.
"Clock? ? ? ? ? ? ?” Madison Square shouted a rookie name for the first time.
"It’s so handsome. He passed Anthony and dodged Amare’s defense. It’s so handsome and dunked. I have to ask him to sign it." Several American young women were angry at the scene, and they couldn’t help being on cloud nine.
"wipe? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?” Anthony actually spewed a dirty word, which is rare in a hundred years, but his voice was so low that no one could hear him.
"Give me the ball? ? ? ? ? ?” Anthony made a determined effort and shouted that he took the ball and rushed to the line. The big country couldn’t carry Anthony’s tonnage this time. It’s really not a cover to kill melons and rushed to the line with a grin.
It’s another sudden violent impact on the melon. It’s slightly fat, and the body is a little painful. I don’t know how painful the other guy who was knocked down is. Yes, that guy is the Wolf King. He made another opponent to attack and release the rules. This is experience. This is how hard he suffered. old bones knows with him.
Melon is completely desperate. Although he scored points, it can’t change the abused situation of the team. He left with his head down.
The wolf king got excited. He roared and hit his chest with an iron fist. He can make melons and set rules. Of course, he is happy. This is his value. He is everywhere.
The Knicks not only defended badly, but also seemed to attack in general. The second quarter was not over yet.
If you want to know the funeral, please listen to the breakdown.
Chapter 151 Paper Tiger Seven
Chapter 151 Paper Tiger Seven has already entered the garbage. Without fighting spirit, there is no hope. This is the paper tiger Knicks.
Although the Knicks are 9 points behind, they have been beaten by the Celtics. They have no rules and regulations, and now they are even more confused. This is the so-called paper tiger surface array, which is very good. In fact, they collapse when they meet tough opponents.
The Celts will never have women’s kindness. They will respect the strong and will never sympathize with the weak. As a result, they will continue to eat knives and continue to be ravaged by the green military.
The Green Army played like a rainbow. Madison Square seems to be the home of the Green Army. The shouts are all for them, and the home Knicks are a poor foil.
At the end of the half, the Green Army has a huge advantage. When the half is destined to be garbage, the Knicks will play soy sauce and brush the data together.
The Knicks locker room is as dead as ever. Everyone knows the contradiction between Melon and Stoudemire. In addition, the team’s record is getting worse and worse, and their wounds are more difficult to heal.
Melon is still active because he always likes to laugh, but Stoudemire is sitting in the corner of the locker room with a sullen expression. He bowed his head and said nothing, which actually made everyone very unhappy. Stoudemire was also the second in charge of the team and was once a big name. He kept a straight face in the locker room. Do others dare to laugh and laugh?
However, the locker room of the Green Army is a different world. After winning the Knicks, they returned to the third place in the East. The Heat Bulls 76 ers and the Green Army have been occupying the top four teams in the East. The Heat has been at the top of the list, and the rankings of the other three teams have fluctuated slightly.
"Zhong, you are becoming more and more mature now, a bit like Tracy McGrady, the former Rivers coach’s apprentice, but your personality is a little better than him. Actually, you should play like you are in a state of humiliation, composure and flamboyant personality. Unless he is as strong as Artest, he will definitely not be able to mix long in the league." Pierce’s words have always been very instructive to Zhong Daguo.
"Ha ha, in fact, I have to thank the eldest brother you and Rivers coach Garth eldest brother Rondo eldest brother? ? ? ? ? ? You teach me Dundun every day, and it’s hard for me to think about it. I used to be a very aggressive player. I only played a few games in ba, and I was seriously injured in the hospital for half a year. "Zhong Daguo thanked everyone very sincerely.
"We’ve also heard that we’ve been taking pains to tell you to be smart. In fact, if you weren’t injured, we wouldn’t have chosen you. Before, everyone recognized that you were seriously injured in ba. Are you sure you can’t stand such a fierce confrontation in nba? ? ? ? ? ? ? In fact, if you are not injured, your physical condition is definitely the top 1 player. Now there is actually a boom in the league to watch the quarterback swingman. You are such a player. "Rivers is glad that the Green Army is the 13 th pick.
"Oh, I see. The former Rockets actually expressed their interest in me, but later they didn’t choose me. I was worried that I would get hurt again. No wonder." Zhong Daguo suddenly realized this time.
It’s the second half of the game in 2 minutes. It should be said that garbage time has officially arrived.
Cameron Anthony is a 45-degree-angle three-pointer in a game. If he shoots, he can clear his name. If he misses, it’s normal. Anyway, it’s not his fault that the team is one point behind.
&hony? ? ? ? ? ? ? "Madison Square Garden shouted the names of the Green Army players for a long time. It’s not easy to finally turn to their own team players this time.
Anthony’s mouth was grinning, his left hand was holding his fist gently and waving jr on his chest. He has always been a loyal follower of melon. He just ran from Nuggets to Knicks to follow Anthony. He jumped over and hugged Anthony’s chubby body excitedly. It felt so good. Maybe it was sensuality. Maybe it was melon scoring. It felt so good.
Pierce shrugged off this. "Isn’t it just a random shot that scored a goal?" Rondo seemed to see through Pierce’s mind and immediately gave it to Pierce.
Truth is a shrug and a false move, and then jr doesn’t know how to defend. In fact, even if he knows that he is not in truth, Pierce will take a jumper and continue to make shooting gestures until the ball finally enters the nets by mistake.
“paulpiere? ? ? ? ? ? ?” The loud dj shouted the hero’s name.
Melon just that three points should be the final redemption, should it be said that it is a flash in the pan? ? ? ? ? ? He didn’t last like this. Three points, three points? ? ? ? ? ? ? Many times to strike while the iron is hot? ? ? ? ? ? He sometimes chooses to break through. It’s true that he has successes, but there are also failures. On one occasion, Zhong Daguo seized the opportunity to take out his ball when he broke through. Of course? ? ? ? ? ? Another fast break? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? At the end of the third quarter, the advantage of the Green Army has reached 25 points. It’s really unnecessary to play again. Seeing here, someone must understand what the Green Army can sweep the Knicks 4 times in the 2011 playoffs. In the 212 playoffs, the Heat can beat the Knicks 41 times, and that lucky game was deliberately released by the Heat. As a result, Anthony didn’t get a point against James’ defensive base in five games. How many blocks did James eat? ? ? ? ? ? ? I don’t want to count the statistics. I can say that melons do attack, but what else? Knicks is really a fake paper tiger.
All the main players have been changed, including Zhong Daguo, a rookie. This is Rivers’ substitution plan, and the Knicks, all their main players are still on the scene to catch up with them. Even the Green Army substitutes are hard to get rid of.
Anthony throws a three-pointer, then jr Smith throws a three-pointer, and Raymond Felton, who doesn’t like to throw a three-pointer, is also infected. Does he throw a three-pointer? ? ? ? ? ? ? It’s all in vain. I’ve never seen a team that can win by throwing three points. If you want to throw three points, you have to throw them by a player with three points like Ray Allen Jason Terry.
At the end of the game, the Green Army actually won 34 points at 1115. Although they thought that the Knicks would definitely lose, they didn’t expect to win more than 3 points. The Knicks were so broken.
Cameron Anthony scored 3 points per game. He hit one shot out of 3 shots, which seemed good. He also grabbed 6 rebounds and sent 2 assists, but he still made 4 mistakes. How to calculate the efficiency?
Zhong Daguo scored 2 points on 15 shots in 36 minutes. In addition, he grabbed 5 rebounds, sent 3 assists and 2 steals. The data is not very gorgeous, but it is very efficient. In fact, the team needs such players to win.
If you want to know the funeral, please listen to the breakdown.
Chapter 152 Beauty fans
Chapter 152 Beauty fans
The game is over, the Celtics are all smiling, and the Knicks have no expression, but they still have to shake hands after the game.
Although melon lost the game, his face still wore a charming smile. Good, good. It was melon, as the name suggests.

Scattered to occupy the terrain advantage.

Wait until Goethe and Zhang’s young master came in, and ten more people quickly walked behind them, and the future retreat was completely blocked.
The ordinary people who followed saw this battle and immediately dispersed.
I thought I was extraordinary and capable, but I didn’t leave.
They seem to retreat one by one, but in fact they are staring here to see what kind of war will happen.
So their eyes are full of expectation.
But a second turned into consternation.
Bang, bang, bang!
In a series of muffled sounds, the imperial city company sent a man to directly blow it up.
Half-length blood fog, but two legs are still there.
Wait until the sea breeze blows
Fall to the ground with both legs
Plop, plop
The blood fog rolled, the linen garments were not stained, and the left thumb was lightly buckled, the index finger was erected, and the remaining three fingers recited a number.
"Are you white, disciple?"
Words are deserted but shocked.
Behind the onlookers, the Imperial City Division sent people to wait for a while.
They were scared silly.
Is the’ longevity road’ strong?
As we all know, strong!
Otherwise, there would be no heavy-handed arrangement to bring the other side into the game.
Can it be now?
The other party is not only strong, but also very strange.
I didn’t see anything. Why didn’t the Imperial City Company choose 50 people carefully?
What means is this?
Of course, it is necessary to strengthen the "tired gaze"
Or the kind that doesn’t leave a hand.
Goethe has shown himself to be a "immortal Taoist" who is strong and unsparing.
The effect is naturally excellent.
Imperial city secretary
Are scared.
Even the zhangs’ young master was frightened and couldn’t help scratching his head after hearing Goethe’s question.
This question was not rehearsed before, but improvised.
Zhang’s young master didn’t know that answering eucalyptus could be a live answer.
"Master is not white"
"Not white?"
Goethe thoughtfully seems to have a headache. How to solve it for his disciples?
Goethe hesitated the imperial city department, but others could not sit still. Without waiting for his population, these people in the original ship were as heavy as water, and they jumped in one by one, and their posture was as impressive as that of Youlong.
"well? Had "
Goethe saw this scene as if he had been inspired to raise his hand.
Suddenly sunny and thunderous.
A flash chain comes out from the fingertips.
In the middle, these figures shuttled back and forth.
Black and smelly
Still aggressive for a moment.
Burned and broken in a moment.
Most of these imperial city experts were blown to pieces, and a few of them were burnt after landing.
This scene silenced the rest of the ship.
"This, this …"
"Is it the Lord of the’ Immortality Road’?"
A nobleman from that royal family was dumbfounded.
The same is true of those who wait on him.
It’s not that they don’t know that the Taoist master of the "Immortality Road" has even played against the so-called Taoist master of the "Immortality Road", but the other root has no such strength.
There’s nothing too aggressive except being really resistant to beating and being able to run outside the base, otherwise, I wouldn’t have done that disgusting thing to refine the so-called’ blood god’
But what is this thunder method now?
Even the original’ Qingyuan Mountain’ is not good at Leifa!
This Lafayette is more exaggerated than the’ Nine Schools’!
Is it because this guy has an adventure that he has been hidden from the world for ten years and won’t let Zhang Deshou attract our attention?
These people think so.
That royal nobleman thinks so, too.
Immediately, the royal family’s face changed and he looked at a person around him.

He was eager to open the envelope, and a cold light flashed in front of him.

First, the heart is a little scared, and then it is surprisingly angry? ? ? ? ? ? "Mom, it’s too arrogant to scare me on dog day. Is it always scary?"? He has an impulse to go into the lion’s den alone and beat up that group of scum.
"Wrong to calm down to calm down? ? ? ? ? ?” A rational thought flashed into his mind, and all the teachings of Rivers coach Pierce reappeared in his ear.
"This is China’s heroism in the United States. Maybe it doesn’t work. I want to exercise restraint. I want to make sure that I am coming to play ball instead of fighting. My dream? ? ? ? ? ?” Although there is some confusion in Zhong Daguo’s mind, he is generally sober.
"Well, Brother Pierce just said that if there is anything, I will ask him for help. I have to solve the problem in the safest way, and I can’t rush. If something really happens, my future will be ruined," he thought carefully.
If you want to know the funeral, please listen to the breakdown.
Chapter 13 Truth comes forward
Chapter 13 Truth comes forward
I slept at noon, and I was in good spirits. In the afternoon, it was the routine training clock of the team. When I went to the arena, I just took the envelope and the bullet and asked Paul Pierce. He is experienced in this field and should be able to find the best solution.
After coming to the arena, the coach and other players haven’t arrived yet. He always comes early. He practiced for a while by himself, dribbling and projecting while moving. ? ? ? ? ? Pierce walked into the arena, and this time he walked over to Pierce himself. "Brother Paul Pierce, I have something to talk to you about."
"Well, what do you say?" Pierce was quite frank. Did he have a fight in front of this little brother he liked?
"This is what I received when I came home at noon. I don’t know who put it on my pillow. I’m not afraid of this at all, but after all, it’s the United States. As coach Rivers said, I don’t want to make trouble again. I hope to find the safest way to solve this problem, so I came to you." Zhong Daguo handed the envelope to Pierce.
"These guys are really arrogant and dare to come true." Pierce Ma was a little angry
"It’s okay. I know their situation, that is, dozens of gangsters are not big gangs. I know their boss. It’s no problem to go there in person and finish the conversation," Pierce said with confidence
"Well, it’s best to solve it easily. I don’t want to delay my basketball career," Zhong Daguo responded
"It’s better for you to think this way, not only in the United States, but also in other countries. If you want to do a good job, the first thing you have to do is to get rid of impulsiveness. This is the first rule of success, or you will definitely ruin your future if you cause too much trouble." Pierce agreed with Zhong Daguo’s calm and rational approach
After a while, coach Rivers also came to the arena. "What are you talking about to make it so mysterious?"
"Oh, I have something to tell you straight. As you expected, Zhong has caused some trouble outside. Now I need to help him solve this problem. What should happen and what shouldn’t have consequences?" Pierce and coach Rivers have worked together for so many years, and they have the same father base. Say what they have.
"Well, that’s good. You should learn a lesson this time. If you make trouble again, no one can help you." Rivers woke up again.
"You two practice for a while before you go, players. The business must not be delayed by other things." Rivers is really a strict coach, and he is also very confident that Pierce can easily solve the troubles of Zhong Daguo.
After practicing for a while, it was already 4 o’clock in the afternoon. After asking coach Rivers for instructions, they went out by car.
"Do you know where they are?" Zhong Daguo asked.
"Well, they are just a bunch of idle gangsters. There is nothing I don’t know in Boston," Pierce said confidently.
The car stopped at a chaotic residential area. "The car bar is here," Pierce said.
Pierce led Zhong Daguo to a basement, and the walkway was messy and dirty, but after turning a corner, the darkness disappeared and replaced by a scene of bright lights.
Pierce took Zhong Daguo into the room, and two burly black men with strange hairstyles came out. Their faces were pointed and cheeky, and their horses showed flattering smiles. "Hey, if it isn’t Brother Paul Pierce, why didn’t you come and sit in our shabby place?" "Pour Brother Pierce a good cup of coffee quickly." The monkey-faced guy politely said that Pierce was notorious for fighting with a group of gangsters, but he didn’t die a dozen times. His name has long been famous in the American gangster world. Now Pierce has turned over a new leaf and is rich and famous. These gangsters are of course going to give him great affection.
"Tell your boss to come out. I have something small to talk to him." Pierce said quietly. He didn’t want to mess with these punks endlessly. Finish early and leave early.
"Is it? ? ? ? ? ? You wait a moment. "The monkey face is small and quite clever.
"Oh, hey? ? ? ? ? ? Why did brother come to my humble abode? ? ? ? ? ? Disrespectful? ? ? ? ? ?” A bald white man with a gold necklace hurried to Pierce and showed great compliment.
"Hehe, the style is getting bigger and bigger, with a gold necklace and enough prestige. Recently, I heard that your gang is getting bigger and bigger, or the eldest brother is well managed." Pierce has always been very serious, but this time he is here to handle affairs, and it is better for everyone to be emotional and communicate.
"Ha ha, where is the current economic downturn? It’s hard for us guys. My two hands are always causing trouble for me. Yesterday, I just spent a lot of money to take those two idiots out of prison." The gangster turned and pointed to the two troublemakers.
"It’s really ignorant of you two to roll over here. Even the Pierce brothers dare to offend the old man and shoot you two idiots now." The gangster eldest brother said, and got up and took out his pistol from the side drawer, and he was going to shoot at the two beaten guys.
"Eldest brother forgive? ? ? ? ? ?” Those two guys plopped down on their knees. They were beaten so badly that they didn’t even have the strength to speak.
"Don’t forget it. It’s over. We’ll talk about it later." Pierce must have understood the mystery. He didn’t want to rock the boat and stop the gangster.
"Get out of here for the old man and never let me see two idiots again." Gangster eldest brother took out a pile of money from his pocket and threw it at those two guys’ heads. "Take the money and get away from the old man. Are you paralyzed? ? ? ? ?” Brother Gang was furious and seemed to eat people.
"Brother, I have to do this in front of you. We people have to eat, but how much did the two guys cost us before and after? The police station redeemed people. Although we also have it, we have to spend some money. Now that two idiots have been beaten like this, I should give some medical money. You should see that although I am a big brother, the opposite person still has some love." The gangster complained to Pierce repeatedly about his difficulties
"Your difficulty I know that we have known each other for so long. Brothers have something to say and don’t beat around the bush. How much does it cost you? I don’t want to pay a price, but you must make sure that I have no trouble after my little brother. Otherwise? ? ? ? ? ? ?” Pierce knew that the guy wanted money, so he came straight to the point.
"look? ? ? ? ? ? You see, we have been friends for many years, and it is said that money hurts feelings, right? ? ? ? ? There are some things. Well, since the brothers are so frank, I’ll just say that no one dares to touch your little brother after 5w dollars. "The gangster brother said a few pleasantries and then went out to sea.
"Listen, if my little brother is in trouble, especially if you are bothering him, then I won’t talk about friendship with you." Pierce took out a thick stack of US dollars and handed it to the bald white brother with a tough and heavy warning.

How should I know if Zhuang is not far away?

City personnel wanted to think to reveal the abandon expression.
Ee ~ what a heavy mouth!
"Blare ….." A few strange noises came from the backpack not far from Zhuang, and the sound of a backpack stopped not far from Zhuang.
The crew didn’t care. After all, it’s impossible for a plane to disappear, right? And it is certainly impossible to pack a few people in the backpack!
Maybe something is ringing.
"By the way, sir, our flight can now use mobile phones in flight." The passenger woke up and turned away.
Although the scenery outside the window is beautiful, I will talk after watching it for a long time.
Not far from Zhuang, I was planning to play with my mobile phone when my backpack suddenly moved, and Okabo’s head popped up.
"Master Zhuang, three catties, four ounces, four ounces, no more play. Are you coming?"
"Count me in." Zhuang is short and short, and he got into his backpack.
Next to Huo Tengbo, he looked at the seat backpack not far from the eye village and shook his head with a sigh.
After a while, the passengers came out again.
Looked at Zhuang not far from swinging seat and looked at the direction of washing hands.
"Eh ~ what a heavy mouth"
Chapter 437 I come I see my sign
"This is Fusang?" Zhuang walked out of the airport not far away. "It seems to be no different from the virtual city."
"I saw the pick-up. I went to the meeting group to report." Huo Tengbo saw someone holding a card and carrying a suitcase not far away. "Then the landlord is high. After all, this is not a state. Be careful."
"Don’t worry, I bully others. No one bullies me." Not far from Zhuang, I gave a hand and sent Huo Tengbo away.
"No, I’m not worried about you. I’m worried about others …" Hortenberg shook his head in distress situation and left after all.
In the state, the landlord’s estimate will be very convergent.
But when it comes to the personality of the landlord outside the state and the group of servants around him who are radical …
This country, which has been tortured by earthquakes and nuclear leaks, is asking for more happiness …
"Let me have a look." Not far from Zhuang Tao Tao’s backpack, he took it out from the inside and flipped through the Weekly Record of Women Workers.
Not far from Zhuang, he listed what he needed to do this time.
"First, find a place to plant grass seeds."
"Second, visit the red light district and feel a fusang custom industry"
"Third, whoring …"
"Four …"
Next to the high crab, he saw his forehead sweating, grabbed Zhuang, and made a few small noises and scratched the back items.
"What are you doing!" Zhuang is not far away.
"Before the Lord Zhuang came here, the Lord Zhuang told me that I must look after you!"
Not far from Zhuang, roll your eyes.
Mom, dad deserves your son to be a bachelor for a generation!
Not far from being scribbled by a tall crab, I found that I was left with the option of "finding a place to plant grass seeds"
Zhuang is not far away. This time I came to Fusang not to find trouble with Frost Winery, but also to help Zhuang’s dad find a suitable courtyard.
Besides, Dad Zhuang also asked Zhuang to pay attention to a suitable craftsman not far away.
Although Zhuang doesn’t have a good impression on Fusang because of the bad behavior of Jiabai Winery due to historical reasons, one thing is denied by the law.
That is, Fusang is very strong in the wine industry!
Several major wine varieties in the world, Fusang, have the strength to come from behind.
Whether it is wine or whisky, Fusang has produced many excellent wines that have won many awards.
On the one hand, all kinds of plants can always find a suitable living environment because of the complex terrain of Fusang.
On the other hand, it is actually related to Fusang’s "artisan spirit"
Sometimes people always think that people in the state are impetuous and unwilling to work with peace of mind, and they are desperately sharpening their heads and drilling.
As everyone knows, this is actually not a bad thing.
People in the state are so impetuous, the reality is that the state has not yet completed the class solidification, and now it is possible to climb a class from the bottom to the middle class or from the middle class to the rich class.
However, unlike Hezhou, which just rose, Fusang has developed rapidly since the Reform.
Up to now, the society has been completely fixed, and it is almost an idiotic dream for ordinary people to jump out of their own class.
This is that difference between state and developed country.
It is precisely because of this peace of mind that those who work hard as workers in their own class and devote all their energy to studying their own skills have become the spiritual representatives of the so-called "craftsmen"

Bald head and Lin Zhi suddenly feel puzzled. What is this?

"Please allow me to introduce myself." Glasses girl is very graceful. "My name is Sivic from Guanghui City, Happy Star, and I work in the Major League Law Firm."
As she spoke, she showed her work permit certified by the federal government.
Bald head and Lin Zhi are still puzzled by Zhang Er, but Alex knows quite well. If the first team of the special task force of Tai Police Station is a miracle of the police, then the major league lawyer building is the legal profession, and the clearance rate of any lawyer in Taishan Beidou will not be lower than 96%
That is to say, if you hire a major league lawyer, you usually won’t lose the case, even if you are definitely going to lose the case, the lawyers can win a lot of benefits.
Sivic entered the black spider through the most formal procedure, and Alex naturally won’t reject her.
Moreover, she really came to Black Spider to announce the good news. She picked up a piece of paper material on the table. "This is the release order with the seal of the Supreme Court of the United States, the scanning code and the special anti-counterfeiting logo."
Alex took it, looked at it and nodded slowly. These things are true.
Sivic turned to the bald head and said, "Haidong congratulates you on your freedom. From now on, you can leave the black spider before you finish your sentence."
Bald face expression way "thank you!"
Sivic picked up another piece of information "This is Lin Zhi’s Release Order!"
Alex was surprised and Lin Zhi was surprised. What happened?
It makes sense that his bald head was released before. He stayed in the black spider for 12 years honestly. According to the normal procedure, he will be released in one month. Now, the first month is also due to his good performance in not making trouble and making trouble.
After Li Dalong escaped from prison, he was tried, and he was quite cooperative. It is also reasonable to be released before the prison.
However, Lin Zhi is different. The two-year sentence has only been executed for one year, and he does not have the conditions for pre-release
Sivic explained that "the amount of money that Lin Zhi robbed in the explosion robbery of the Federal Bank of Wu Xing in Hanwuhan totaled 190 million correspondence points, among which 140 million correspondence points were recovered before Lin Zhi went to prison, and the remaining 50 million correspondence points were automatically returned to the Federal Bank HanWu Xing Branch at the same time through 46 different account terminals from 21 different banks three days ago, and left a very positive confession. We filed a complaint in accordance with the law, and the Federal Supreme Court allowed Lin Zhi’s sentence to be executed outside prison under limited conditions."
Alex listened with amazement, and Lin Zhi also opened his mouth.
Old spicy warden, she won’t doubt the authenticity of the Release Order, but how can Lin Zhi return the stolen money when he is buried in a black spider?
This is obviously returned by his accomplices or relatives without authorization, trying to fish him out of the black spider.
But confession is bullshit. It’s a loophole in the law.
In fact, the most surprising thing is that Lin Zhi knows how weird this Release Order is because of himself, even he is afraid of it.
After the original case, he and his companions scattered and fled at the first time, but he couldn’t stand the temptation of huge sums of money and quietly hid alone, and even the party couldn’t contact him.
Lin Zhi’s abacus is very cunning, that is, to take the money for himself, that is, to put it bluntly, to eat black and eat black
However, in the year when he fled, the police searched for him all over the place, which made him realize that he couldn’t hide because he was a famous Feng Wang.
Later, he was deliberately caught, and then he took the initiative to hand over 140 million messages and lied that the remaining 50 million were divided by his accomplices.
In this regard, the police can also because his accomplices have gone outside the five major stars, and it will take a lot of time for the police to recover the stolen money, so that he will spend several years in prison and come out as a hero with 50 million assets.
It’s impossible for him to fool his uncle, who has long seen that he is wrong, but he has no evidence to testify against him. However, his uncle suggested that the court should give him a heavy sentence, and the federal court directly sentenced him to two years and made him vomit blood secretly.
This is Lin Zhi’s biggest secret, but he never dreamed that such a bizarre thing would happen.
This is definitely not what his former colleagues did? When his colleagues get the money, they will never write a confession, but quickly cut him into large pieces and throw his body fragments into the interstellar black hole after sharing the stolen goods.
Now someone not only knows his secret, but also returns his money. Lin Zhi feels a cold air rising from his back.
He’s scared!
He is really scared!
Unknown things and the consequences of imagination will be afraid to change people!
Alex added, "What are the qualifications?"
Sivic said every word, "Lin Zhi will be punished outside prison in Luoning Town, Xuehua Town, Camellia Star. He can’t step out of the jurisdiction of Luoning Town. After five years, if he behaves well, he can get a proper amount of commutation and expand the scope of his activities, but if he behaves badly, he will be punished as a black spider again."
Alex nodded. This arrangement is reasonable. Anyway, Lin Zhi did well in Black Spider this year.
Alex suddenly thought of something. "Miss Sivic, I want to ask a question. Does the Lin family know about this?"
She asked very cleverly, but Sivic gave me a sweet smile. "I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t reveal the identity of the client. This is our professional ethics! Please forgive me! "
Alex shrugged his shoulders. These damn lawyers are so cunning! to be continued
Chapter two hundred and thirty-nine Desert ghost town
Bald head and Lin Zhi are good news, but mad dog dragon is bad news.
Now Mad Dog Dragon has changed its old name again, and it’s like a local dog. It’s too tired to vomit blood.
He didn’t die in the battle at the waterfall. Although he killed Lei Zhan at the last minute, he fell into the flood and was caught in the vortex.
The big ship exploded and caught fire, and the hull soon disintegrated. The local dog dragon and two huge steel plates were caught in the undercurrent, and he was knocked unconscious by the steel plates because of the great impact of the current.
When he woke up, he didn’t know where he had been washed. Anyway, the flood could not be seen. The surrounding Woods were thick and dense. He walked back by feeling for a while and found that something was wrong because there was little water when he came, but when he returned, the terrain became more and more like a stone mountain.
So he turned back and walked in the other direction. After several times of tossing, the great Tai Long classmate turned out to be lost!
The unknown area is horribly dark, and the control panel does not display the map coordinates. The mad dog dragon has no choice but to find the right direction and go all the way to black.
In the end, he took the wrong road, which was even more outrageous than the previous one. After there were no monsters, he stopped talking. He could still see some grass and Woods, and the terrain gradually became Gobi. In the end, all he could see was fine sand and golden yellow sand.
The local dog dragon gradually realized that he was likely to walk into the desert deep in the unknown area. There was enough food to drink, and now it was a problem. If he didn’t go there for two days, he would be humbled and thirsty.
"So many experts have failed to make me explain. Is it true that the desert will make me explain?" Mad dog dragon is very sad. "That can’t be done. We must find water."
He was still secretly cheering himself up, and there was a faint sound in front of him.
Woman: "I haven’t found it for half a month. Is it the wrong way?"
Male: "It’s very likely that this desert is deserted and angry. What do you think of the Silk Road?"
Brother Li, "The Silk Road will pass through a barren land. I can’t say that I found the Silk Road at first sight. There must be prosperity in the depths of this desert. Let’s go again!"
Woman: "If I walk for another half a month and still reap what I should wait for?"

Before the game, the conductor lsnn specially watched all the games rep made by Shiran. It is very easy for a giant club like ag to get the opponent’s game rep. lsnn is not only a conductor but also a sniper. He is bound to stand up in the middle of the game. After watching all the games Rep, he came to a conclusion that "this man can defeat me!"

He was deeply impressed by the speed and hit rate of bare gun, especially when bare showed consciousness and super hitting ability in two street battles, which made him feel the pre-pressure. The third map is the street fighting place. He is now very headache. How can he restrain bare? Frontal fighting is definitely not acceptable.
Bare, who is experienced in the game on this map, has already figured out how to play the game. After the game, he picked up a sniper rifle from the ground and killed it from the wooden door. Then he picked up a Grenade and killed it directly in the middle of the road. In the middle of the road, he directly flashed out of the mirror and killed a machine gunner in the other base.
Lsnn is now on the right side of the plane and sees the screen death message. His eyebrows are wrinkly and he knows that bare performance has been finished, but he doesn’t want bare to continue to perform. He must stop bare, or bare can kill their team by himself. even is fierce when this map is no longer in the desert for one day.
Lsnn moved to the center of the base. He looked at the middle of the road and the situation was bare. He expected bare to go to the right, so he went back. Bare actually didn’t run to the front, but retreated because he wanted to make sure there was no danger behind him. After returning, he saw even moving, shooting and even counterpoint. It was Zhou Wei.
Bare, decisively, the mirror directly took even away, Zhou Wei looked at it and rushed out, then killed each other’s base together with Bare.
Lsnn was killed on the other side. When the monkey fell to the ground, two people, Fat Monkey and Mulei, also rushed to the middle section and disappeared. They desperately shot Zhou Wei and Bare, and after entering the enemy base, they saw the cover of lsnn’s war. Bare, a mirror will disappear and be killed.
At this time, lsnn flashed out from behind the box and seized the fleeting opportunity to kill Zhou Wei bare. A three-shot lsnn immediately dropped dozens of points of blood and retreated back, but Mulei and Fat had already rushed to the front.
Smuggling directly jumped out and Mulei Fat desperately changed his life, while Fat and Zhou Wei formed a potential attack on lsnn, and lsnn tried its best to kill Fat but could not escape Zhou Wei ak47.
The man who was killed in the middle of the road was Li Shi, who was killed in the first round of ag Swim Tour and was successfully taken by Tiger Brothers.
During the ag parade, the front line adjusted its tactics in the second round. They gathered five people together and then killed them from the left. Bare saw their five figures in the middle of the road and quickly ordered Mu Lei and others to ambush at the base, while he went around to the rear to double-team.
Lsnn’s dragging in the last cover happened to be bare’s preferred target. Bare killed lsnn from behind. The four gunners in front were in chaos. Instead of going back to kill Bare, they sped up and rushed into the enemy base.
In the Tiger Brotherhood base, even and others were ambushed and flashed out from behind bunkers. The enemy was caught off guard. However, even with great power, the two heads almost broke down the enemy ambush. When bare, he appeared again to save the team. He killed the other three machine gunners with a mirror, including even, the enemy of great power. The remaining machine gunner was Li Shi. He killed Zhou Wei and the monkey seized the opportunity to shoot Li Shi in the head calmly.
The Tiger Brothers won two rounds in a row, and the morale was immediately boosted. During ag’s tour, the front line was not discouraged at all. They experienced many backward situations during the game, but they also played many wonderful performances. They still managed to win the third round peacefully.
Chapter 43 Entering the Finals
In the third round of the Tiger Brothers ag parade, the God-level ak shooter even went straight into the middle of the road and directly shot a bullet in the head! On the gun speed, ak47 is of course faster than a sniper rifle. If bare had been photographed at that time, it was probably even’s death, but they met each other at that time. even was of course faster than him.
Bare’s death means that the fighting capacity of the Tiger Brotherhood is greatly reduced. They lost their spiritual leader ag. During the parade, the front line quickly wiped out the Tiger Brotherhood under the leadership of even, and the remaining four machine gunners successfully regained a point.
After that, the battle was not a bare lsnn battle, but a bare even battle. The strongest men of the two teams were bound to contain each other, but bare was king on this map! His sniper rifle is fantastic, its speed is extremely fast, and it always hits the enemy accurately as if it were controlled by his mind.
Even can only have a chance to shoot bare in front of or behind bare. even is a long-distance situation. It’s better to lose than to lose. lsnn snipers should confront bare, but when they encounter each other, lsnn will be killed. His root method is to fight bare on marksmanship. He trains for one hour every day, and the number of people killed is absolutely not worse than bare. He is just as bad as the gun speed. It’s the same as the fast gun speed, so he can take the lead.
Because even is preoccupied with killing Zhou Wei by bare, the pressure is greatly reduced. He and Mu Lei can cooperate to smuggle and disappear, and the combination of fat and monkey can also suppress Li Shi’s head. In this way, bare shows that he has pinned down the other two people. He has to be sniped off lsnn before dealing with even.
At the end of the fight, the Tiger Brothers Alliance relied on Xiao Ran to play a stable role on this map, which was slightly better than 13 to 12. Xiao Ran and others couldn’t help but collapse in their chairs after playing the game. They have been tense and nervous until now.
Zhou Wei leaned her head back in her chair and turned to bare. "Hoo … it’s hard to believe that we won the ag parade! It’s like dreaming. "Barely, sit up straight and twist a head and smile." It’s really exhausting to play against a strong team. I feel as tired as playing a basketball! "
Fat and monkey slapped each other to win the game, which was a rare experience for them. During the game, they really saw the style of a strong team and saw the methods of machine guns and pistols, and they also learned a lot during the game.
After Zhou Wei got up and packed her equipment and put the keyboard in her bag, she said to Xiao Ran, "Did you go for a walk on the Bund tonight?"
Bare, some accidentally looked at Zhou Wei and said, "Good!" Zhou Wei saw that he promised to be happy in his heart and quickly packed up her equipment. She threw the keyboard bag to her back and put her long hair down from her forehead to reveal a delicate and perfect face. The delicate mouth gently said, "I’ll call you then."
"hmm!" Bare nodded and looked at Zhou Weichao walking towards the field. Fat quickly leaned in and put his hand on bare shoulder and smiled grimly. "Do you two have plans for the evening?"
"You fart matter!" Bare, shake off his palm directly to get fat. Hey, hey, one laughs. "Of course, Xiaoxiaomei asked me to help her supervise you before I left! Otherwise, I’ll make a phone call now and see what she says! "
Bare, put his arms around the fat neck to reveal a smile. "Fat brother, I know you are the most loyal. How can you do this kind of betrayal?" I think how great it was when the Buddha cut the meat and fed it to the eagle Guanyin and the tiger. But I think you are even greater than them. Being a brother, there is no afterlife, and there is no afterlife. Do you have the heart to betray such a kind person? "
Fat suddenly bare this guy is good at wearing a top hat to make you refuse his request, and he often makes a long speech with a patchwork of quotations. Fat shook his head and said, "Well, I told you about Vivian. It’s not that I didn’t know what to say before I told you about Qiu Ling. Didn’t I betray you?"
"Don’t worry about Qiu Ling when you were young. You almost turned against me because of her!" Xiao Ran’s face turned red with embarrassment. "That was a long time ago. I was always thinking about why I didn’t like her at that time, but now I think it’s enough to watch her live happily from a distance. By the way, if you don’t tell me, I forgot what you are doing with Qiu Ling now?"
"What’s going on?" Bare, playing dumb way
"You just pack it! The next time you rescued her from the hotel, she appeared in the unyielding rose team again. I heard that she had dropped out of school and we met her team every time we participated in the competition. Do you dare to say that she is not you? Don’t you dare to say that you haven’t contacted her? " Fat a pair of know the chest sample asked bare straight back.
Bare, with the wave, "in fact, there is no progress. I know that she joined the unyielding rose for me, but now the Lafayette in our family hasn’t authorized me to accept the princess!" Oh, my God, I didn’t react. Why should I tell you these things? "
"Let’s two brothers, who will you talk to if you don’t talk to me?" Fat justly tunnel
"Come on, let’s go back to the hotel and put something away. Let’s go outside!"
"good!" The two men walked off the field in a gaudy way.
When the Tiger Brothers defeated ag in the parade, the front line was an upset, which surprised all the spectators who paid attention to the game. The sniper rifle suppressed lsnn at the end of the street fighting map and showed great lethality, which made many people become his fans.
Liaoning Qingcheng also defeated his opponent and advanced to the finals. That is to say, the Tiger Brothers will meet Liaoning Qingcheng in the finals, and Shiran will have a decisive battle in the finals. If Shiran can beat 7kg, he will become famous in World War I. If he loses, it is not shameful. It can be said that he still has growth.
When the Tiger Brothers defeated ag during the parade, Ye Qing and Ouyang Yu’s one-on-one fight in Chengdu Julong Internet Cafe was in the most intense moment. At this time, Ouyang Yu killed Ye Qing for 29 times and Ye Qing killed Ouyang Yu for 26 times. There was not much difference.
Ouyang Yu’s pair of Ye Qing is very disdainful, but the more they fight, the more frightened they are, and the more vigilant they are. Ye Qing has used all kinds of obscene tactics to kill Ouyang Yu many times. He has played very patiently, even if he is behind, he has not been in a hurry. In the main road, two people have encountered Ye Qing several times and killed Ouyang Yu two or three times, which makes his self-confidence gradually increase.
Ouyang Yu desperately wants to solve the battle quickly, but Ye Qing is so difficult that he can completely pull the score. When Ouyang Yu killed Ye Qing 37 times, Ye Qing also killed Ouyang Yu 35 times. This also shows that Ye Qing has become more and more comfortable in this map. From the beginning, he was led by Ouyang Yu, and now he can play Ouyang Yu all over the map with ease.
The difference in marksmanship between the two men is very obvious. Ye Ye is backward in marksmanship. If there were no rules and restrictions on one-on-one combat, Ye Ye would have already lost. It is precisely because there are no restrictions that he can play hide-and-seek with Ouyang Yu patiently, smoke bombs, flash bombs and hand thunder to kill the enemy. That is why he can bite the score tightly.
Ouyang Yu doesn’t want to look for Ye Qing everywhere on the map. Since it’s patience, let’s fight for it. After all, he is ahead now. He is in no hurry. He chose a place with the widest view to wait for Ye Qing.
The place with the widest view of the main road is suspected to be that the side bridge can not only see the two entrances at both ends of the main road, but also the two ends of the middle building corridor and the entrance of the warehouse. He will have a panoramic view of where Ye Qing appears. This is why snipers must have a side bridge because of the wide view!
Ye Qing squatted behind the auxiliary box for a long time without seeing any movement from Ouyang Yu. He couldn’t help but worry that this elementary school was smart. Tired of being old? He rushed directly to the outside of Ouyang Yu base from the auxiliary road, and then carefully prepared to go inside Ouyang Yu base. When his figure just appeared outside the entrance of the main road, it was discovered by Ouyang Yu.
Ouyang Yu looked out from the entrance of the main road, just in time to see Ye Qing walking towards his base. He immediately turned the muzzle to a precise single point and directly smashed Ye Qing’s head. The score became 3-35. Seeing that victory was coming, Ouyang Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief. He took off his headphones and said to Ye Qing, "You can still struggle. Why don’t you be frank?"

The showdown between the two masters usually decides the outcome in a flash. even made a decision and immediately flashed out from the package point and showed his posture to Ye Qing. Ye Qing had been paying attention to the package point in the pit. When he saw even flash out, he fought with even.

When Thomas saw that the other party was so contemptuous of himself, he seemed to expose his whole back to him without reservation when he was away! It’s a pity that this is not a beautiful woman with a jade back. He has no mind to appreciate it. He gritted his teeth and tried to calm himself down to seek a shot at the enemy from a spiritual height.
The opponent’s posture is shaking very fast. Thomas must predict accurately, but even’s posture can be followed. Like this series, the master’s posture is irregular. The biggest headache for snipers is to kill this flexible and irregular machine gunner.
Thomas narrowed his eyes and focused his eyes to try to see the change of even’s posture clearly, but even’s posture was too fast. Judging by the root method, he gritted his teeth and decided to bet on the opponent’s twisting, but his body was always in a small range. He decided to shoot at the center of that small range
There is a great chance to kill even, because although he is fast, he actually moves in a small range. When he moves in the center, his body moves at most. Because he moves to the left, he has to move through the center and move to the right, and he has to attack the intersection of the left and right sides of the center, which is the most central point.
Thomas took a deep breath and estimated that the other party should switch left and right. When the gun rang, he stared at the earphone in the center of the screen tightly to kill the target sound. He suddenly got excited!
Ye Qing is still fighting with even, because both of them are fast at marksmanship, and it is quite difficult to get a headshot, so they can consume each other. However, less than two seconds after they met, Thomas shot and killed even, which made him exclaim.
"awesome!" Zhao Xiayang and Dong Laoer both gave a thumbs-up to Thomas, reached out and touched his head on Thomas’ head and said, "Good job!"
Even was shocked. I didn’t expect that the sniper of the other side could kill him with one shot when he was moving at high speed. The score between the two sides instantly turned into four to one, and the I club miraculously led by more than three points at half-time.
In this way, even if the ag team can win the next two rounds, they will fall behind by one point and be at a disadvantage at the end of the half-court, which makes the ag team very depressed and feel embarrassed.
"wow! The ice cream team is too strong. At the end of the half-time, the ag team was suppressed and the opponent’s attack was constrained everywhere. It was as incredible as if they had practiced hard for the ag team for a long time! "
"omg, I didn’t read it wrong, did the ag team lose so many points? How is it possible that the ag team is The Infiltrator at half time? !”
"The ice cream team is really famous. Even if they lose in the end, they are still defeated. Few teams can lead the ag team by so many points at half time!"
The audience is boiling. The performance of the I club is amazing, and the players have achieved extraordinary performance. They are not alone in fighting. They have played their potential in this game. Maybe this game will make everyone in the team grow up greatly.
Loli explained that she was so excited that she couldn’t help herself. This is the biggest semi-final she explained. There has never been a situation in which the weak team leads the strong team, not once! In the professional circle, weak strength means weak strength. When a team is strong, it will definitely be weak. There has never been an exception, but today’s game is obviously an exception.
Everyone knows that I club is weaker than ag team, and it can be seen from the competition that I club is indeed inferior to ag team, but ag team just can’t win. This is a strange phenomenon, and no one can tell you why loli knows best because her eyes have been on one person, and that person is Ye Qing.
In this game, Ye Qing has been in control of the rhythm of the game, bringing the rhythm of the ag team into chaos, and he is handy in his own rhythm. The opponent of the ag team is very depressed. This super team has not quickly defeated the self-confidence of the I club, but they have become a little impatient and even changed their style of play.
Ye Qing is very satisfied with the result now, which has exceeded his expectations. He thought it would be enough to get three points at half time. Who would have thought that they would get four points, so that they would always maintain the lead at half time?
Playing the half-court I club with the advantage becomes very big. If you get the first map, Ye Qing will be confident that he can win the game. On the 1d map of the desert, he can compete with even on the main road. Although it is impossible to suppress even, it will not fall off the wind.
Even sighed, and this time he was really in trouble. He knew that his opponent’s strength was not strong and he was far from them, but he kept trying to reverse the trend. Instead, he was constantly expanding the score advantage by the other side. He tried hard to calm himself down and then recalled the previous rounds, and soon he found out the problem.
"I understand that our rhythm has been messed up and we have to go back to our original style of play!" Even suddenly realize tunnel
Li Sinan hesitated for a moment and then said to even, "Why don’t I also play machine guns this round! In this way, when we attack a point with more firepower, we can get it as soon as possible! "
Li Sinan used to play machine guns, and his marksmanship was quite good. He also took the golden gun. Later, the team developed and changed to practice the sniper rifle. However, he never gave up practicing machine guns in normal training. He would immediately become a sharp machine gunner if he picked up the machine gun.
Even shook his head and said, "No, you still have to be sniped. We need you to cover in the back. If you switch to machine guns, our department will die once you get caught in the opponent’s barrage. If you snipe, you can dismantle their shelters one by one and pull them all out, which is the greatest support for our attack!"
"That sounds good to you!" Li Sinan nodded his head.
In the sixth round of the half-court, the ag team readjusted its tactics and decided to return to its own rhythm, so that it would never be influenced by the other side again. They moved step by step, and smoke bombs and flash bombs enveloped the whole B channel in smoke, and soon they were killed outside the arch.
Even and other four machine gunners rushed in one after another. Li Sinan stood at the door and sniped at the other person as soon as he appeared, so that he could pull out a firepower point of the other party and make a gap in the other party’s firepower network. They played very safely and the four machine gunners were not easy to be caught by the other party’s fire and were not easy to accidentally injure their teammates. They also gave a lot of snipers behind them.
Ye Qing arranged a sniper defense for Thomas outside the arch at point B. When Thomas saw smoke bombs and flash bombs coming, he had retreated to point B, and then informed Ye Qing that Ye Qing and his men came to flank from the back of channel B.
Even had expected that the other side would definitely come to outflank him, and he didn’t leave anyone behind, but planned to take point B with vigour, because he knew that the other side had no defensive power at point B. After Thomas shot, he saw that the other side was four machine gunners, and he immediately scared himself. He quickly took the gun and ran in the direction of the defender base.
Even wouldn’t let him go. He just shot him at the door of the moon and shot him in the back of the head.
"Take everyone else to their positions and let them attack!" Even ordered the team members with bags to squat down to the bags immediately, and the rest of them went to their positions. Soon a crossfire network was formed, and Li Sinan also found a sniper position.
When Ye Qing saw the death message, he knew that Point B had fallen, and it was almost impossible to attack again. The other side lost four points, and now it must be quick-eyed, and it must be more vigilant and serious than before.
Once the ag team is serious, it will explode with unimaginable fighting power. Ye Qing made people throw two flash bombs at the arch, and then he took the lead in killing it, and immediately it was covered by a powerful barrage, which made it difficult to even show his posture.
Pearl Krabs and others rushed in and were immediately caught in the crossfire. It was quite reasonable to extricate themselves from the ag team, and everyone’s marksmanship was very good. In a flash, Ye Qing and others knocked down Thomas and were just waiting for a long time. Li Sinan shot and killed him.
The whole battle lasted less than three seconds, and the ag team wiped out four people in Club I before one person died. This lethality is really amazing, but this is the true level of the ag team! Even and others all take a breath and feel depressed for a long time, which relieves a lot.
The score between the two sides became four to two, and there was one round left in the half-time. When the ag team woke up, it was bound to take the last round and bite the score tightly, so that the half-time team could play some tricks. Ye Qing sighed, and it was really great for the ag team to get serious. Everyone was good at marksmanship. Once a crossfire formed, it was difficult for people to resist, and he was killed without even showing his posture.
Chapter 714 AG is unstoppable
After the ag team returned to its own rhythm, it was difficult for the I club to resist their attack. In the sixth round, the I club broke into their barrage and was instantly annihilated. In the seventh round, the ag team broke into point A from the middle of the road. The players cooperated with each other to pave the way for smoke and flash, and then moved forward in their respective positions.
Sniper behind cover four machine gunners fought bravely to kill the enemy. even reappeared the killer color, and two machine guns exploded one after another. At hand, Li Sinan made a final decision to kill the remaining two machine gunners in the I club, and it didn’t take long to support them in the midst of strong firepower.
The ag team completely defeated the I club before one person died. They really showed great strength and made the I club resist Ye Qing. They tried their best to defend and arrange the barrage. However, the other gunners and snipers were very sharp and broke his barrage in an instant.
At half-time, Club I temporarily led the ag team by one point. This result still makes many people feel surprised that the strength of the two teams is so different, but it is incredible that the weak team still leads the strong team by one point at half-time.
The audience who are watching this game can’t help but feel very lucky. If they go to see the game between Qingcheng and Tiger Brothers as soon as possible, they will miss a game that will go down in F history.
Maybe in this game, they will witness the rise of a weak team and the birth of a superstar.
At halftime, the expressions of the ag team members were very dignified. Although they eventually fell behind by one point, the situation was not optimistic. even could not guarantee that they would definitely beat their opponent I Club at halftime. I wonder if their attack was sharp at halftime?
Club I overfulfilled at half-time, and the players were very excited to be one point ahead of the super-strong team. None of them thought of this game before the game. Even if they lost in the end, they already had enough pride. If they win, they will become famous in this competition.