Despite being called "old-fashioned", Herman, an "innovator" in today’s battlefield, doesn’t mind being "old-fashioned"-just think of him as King Wolff.

"I’ll show you a real power!"
With these words Herman let out a wolf roar.
But Goethe on the other side is louder than his voice and Herman’s voice is almost stuck in his throat.
Then, in Herman’s incredible eyes, Goethe’s body increased rapidly, and coarse hairs grew in the pores. The original nails became sharp claws and fangs protruded from the protruding mouth.
Both sides are almost transformed together.
Also completed the transformation in no particular order.
Werewolf Herman is stronger than human imagination, which is more than 2 meters high, just to Goethe’s waist.
Herman looked up at Goethe, who was taller and stronger than himself, and couldn’t help wondering if the wolf was born-
"Uh-huh … woof?"
Chapter seventy-four improvise little Graz!
Outside hesettings
Beside the spread of war
One is white, the other is black.
The white figure is tall and strong, far superior, and the fire reflection of the minions is blooming with cold mountain.
No one will doubt that white figure is powerful.
Herman because of his white figure!
Mastering the exile status of the Wolf royal family’s "secret art" became the Wolf royal family and the heir of the Wolf royal family-taking the lead in attacking the city in the war of Lane.
At least two Ryan generals died at Herman’s hands.
There are many mysterious people with extraordinary powers.
Confidence has accumulated in one battle after another.
Finally reached a winning heart!
Herman never doubted that he could attack Ryan in two days.
A moment ago, it was
And now?
Herman was a little shaken.
He raised his head and looked at Goethe.
Look at Goethe who is sharper than his tall and strong minions.
Herman is dull.
He is a little at a loss.
The truth is that everyone is at a loss.
Ryan and Wolfe are all the same.
They looked at the black figure in the field as if they were in a dream.
"How is that possible?"
"How is that possible?"
"What does Ma Puer know about the Wolf royal occult?"
West Rick muttered to himself.
This muttering represents the thoughts of everyone in Wolf’s army-what will be mastered by outsiders in Wolf’s royal secrets? No! No! Anyone who has mastered the secrets of the Wolf royal family should be a member of the Wolf royal family!
And …
Looking at Goethe’s 4-meter-tall, stout and powerful limbs, some middle-and high-level members of Wolff’s army suddenly had some guesses.
But these have nothing to do with Goethe
Now he’s beating Herman to the ground
Bang bang bang bang bang!
Claws fell on Herman like a storm.
Suddenly Herman was bloody.
Herman fought back.
But in the past, the toughness was so helpful that even Goethe’s skin couldn’t be scratched-with the increase of Goethe’s body, the effect of Celtic blood sacrifice wolf (incomplete) was already high enough to gain claws that could resist explosive-level fur and bomb-level attacks when changing into werewolf form.
Although the extra +1 has not changed.
But it’s enough
Herman’s minions, wearing the double anti-explosion shield of "Spirit Armor" and werewolf’s own fur, are almost like tickling for Goethe.
And Goethe’s paw fell on Herman?
It’s like cutting butter with a knife
A knife and a piece!

"I have a killer!"

"What killer?" Don’t say it’s a killer at this time, even if it’s a straw, sedan chair will hold it firmly
"Remember when Xu Nianwu and our industrial flower issued the Fantasy?"
"Is that the so-called tunnel construction 2 era machine? I remember Xu Nianwu left it in the virtual city and didn’t bring it back. "Gao sedan chair suddenly patted his head." Yes, I immediately transferred it and waited until they reacted. I’m afraid it was too late! What’s the big deal about being overtaken by them? Anyway, if the construction is not completed, it will not be completed! "
"no!" Bohei waved his hand. "In fact, this so-called Fantasy can be regarded as a half-success. Engineers of our industrial parent company have built a new cross-section tunnel boring machine. If it is the Fantasy, then this time we will take it out as the Myth!"
Xu Nianwu and Industrial Huahe are actually very equal.
Although Xu Nianwu built the greatest shield machine fantasy in his mind with the help of industrial flower technology, his rich construction experience and deep understanding of construction also inspired industrial flower.
However, after absorbing and digesting Xu Nianwu’s ideas, the industrial flowers are quietly building their own construction machinery.
Although Xu Nianwu had no evidence, he was aware of this, so he felt that industrial flowers were not a worthy partner and soon stopped closing.
But now Gao sedan chair can’t take care of it
If you can make him the boss of the state league building, even if you hand over half of the state league building, he will not hesitate!
Finally, I saw that the hope of winning was high, and sedan chair was revived.
He held a grand conference in Yancheng to introduce the new shield machine Myth, clamoring that tunnel construction is about to enter the third era!
At the same time, Xu Nianwu and Li Zhe entered the manor together.
"Master Zhuang, we sent Yincui gorge and the construction team back!" Although Xu Nianwu is a deacon of the manor, it is actually the first time to enter the manor.
Not far from Zhuang, I also know that he is not used to the identity of "deacon" and doesn’t care if he rubs his third sister’s head and says to Xu Nianwu, "Your baby is at the old boom."
Xu Nianwu arrived at the Old Boom Forging Gold Institute in three steps and two steps, and he saw a monster lying quietly outside the forging gold institute, with a rusty gold luster.
"My baby, it’s your turn to play."
Chapter 711 is, of course, choose to forgive.
It will take several days to disassemble, load and transport the Great Fantasy, and Xu Nianwu has been busy directing in the manor.
These days, his world view has been almost completely shattered and reshaped.
It turns out that Third Sister isn’t the strangest creature. For example, the big guy with a long corner and a short head and full of flowers is called Daniel, who dug through the magic mountain overnight and stole their 40 billion business!
For example, the guy dressed as a handsome man takes off his armor and is a spherical creature. The guy is the creator of the geological model of Magic Mountain that shocked them.
And the virtual city is completely changed when it is so short away from it.
Tigers flying all over the street and chickens flying all over the world
More and more, I feel that the virtual city is like a different world.
He also paid a special visit to the forced landing plane viaduct. After seeing this almost abnormal project, he really understood the strength of the manor.
At that moment, Xu Nianwu felt that there was something in his heart, whether it was pride or unhappiness, it vanished in an instant.
"So this is the real strength of Yincui gorge. It’s … I’ve seen it." Li Zhe was stunned for a long time and suddenly burst into tears.
"Boo-hoo, I don’t think I can get a raise in my life!"
With Third Sister, they are worthless!
Why raise these people for nothing? Don’t fatten up and eat it?
"But if you want to get Yincui gorge back without them, I always feel a little nervous …" Xu Nianwu said.
After all, Gao sedan chair is now a vice president and he is a consultant. Gao sedan chair can mobilize resources much higher than him.
And it’s an industrial flower. If they get serious, who knows what they’ll take out?
For example, their Myth can be said to be upgraded on the basis of Fantasy. Who knows how efficient it is?
"Well, find a way to pull Yincui gorge back!" Li Zhe agrees with this.
However, Third Sister doesn’t want to go back with them.
Cong’s third little sister came up with a deadly trap as soon as she flung her tentacles!
Not far from the manor, I was having dinner when my cell phone rang and I found someone at @ him.
Besides, there are still many others. He turned black when he called his mobile phone in wonder.

One lap, two laps, three laps … I don’t know what a few guys think it’s particularly fresh here, and it’s especially exciting to breathe. The soles of your feet are like springs, and they all run with wind.

Running around almost forgot how many laps to run until the coach shouted stop.
The reading of the laser measuring instrument in the underground parking lot is slowly changing.
"After that, stop!"
"Stop!" The coach stared blankly at the stopwatch in his hand. "It’s broken … it’s broken the state record!" "
Master and apprentice have all stayed there.
Trance seems to hear the cheers coming out from all sides.
At that moment, the coach thought, "Am I a genius coach? Even the sky is cheering for me! "
The boys thought, "am I going to take the peak of my life to marry Bai fumei?" Cheer, people! "
Security Lao Zhang shook his head. You think too much.
Chapter 47 Enthusiastic masses
At 9: 15 in the morning, a bus stopped in front of the gymnasium, and several responsible officials and experts came.
When the security guard saw them, he immediately ran in a panic and reported that "the boss inspection expert group came"
Deng Yali was as tired as a dead dog, covered in sweat and wrinkled. When he heard this, he waved his hand vigorously and said, "I’ll be right there."
Du Jianxin squinted at the stadium in the western suburbs from the car, just like looking at his bag.
Zhou Zhu, an official who led the team from the road, consulted him about jack-up, and he demanded a high price.
As far as he knows, the state sports meeting will be called in September. This year, the organizer is a virtual city, and the Xijiao Stadium is an important venue. If the venue can’t make it, let alone the owner, even the owner will be in trouble.
Other price pressures
"This kind of large-scale stadium jack-up project usually takes three months to six months. When our team speaks, we can control the time to about three months. If we want it, it will take less time. I need to reorganize the team and find more people."
"Time is not enough …" Lord Zhou was frantic with anxiety. "Is it faster?"
As we all know, in fact, the curtain of sports events is not a game. Before the curtain, all kinds of preliminaries and trials have already arrived at the Xijiao Stadium and should be put into use at the end of the month.
"It’s impossible to say you’re welcome. Our team is the top team in the state, and it will be slower for you to find another team." Du Jianxin firmly believes that he is an industry leader!
While talking, Deng Yali finally packed up and came in a hurry.
He was still a little lame when walking, but his mental state was very good. He laughed a long way away. "I’m really sorry for the experts. Our company strengthened and upgraded the whole supporting structure of the gymnasium during the construction. The settlement yesterday was a temporary phenomenon, and it’s really scary to bother you to come here specially after it has been repaired today."
Lord Zhou stared at Deng Yali.
Yesterday, Deng Yali had a lovely face. Why did he suddenly feel so worried today?
To tell the truth, Zhou’s feelings for Deng Yali are really very complicated.
Deng Yali’s mistakes in construction have also implicated him and made him resentful.

Aaron stirred the spoon next to the cauldron for a moment, and smelled it carefully. His expression finally changed-he frowned to see that the boiled pink thing did not meet his expected standard. He climbed the steps quickly. At this time, it can be seen that Aaron’s action is still rapid, and there is a big gap before.

From the steps, Aaron went into the wooden house again. Half a day later, he came out with a bunch of things, mostly bottles and cans, but also some strange wild flowers and dried flowers. He climbed the wooden steps again and poured everything in his hand into the cauldron …
Do all the things Aaron did before he returned to Yang Ye from the cauldron and became a demon. It seems that it is much easier to see his expression.
"Where were we just now?" Aaron is directly asked as soon as he comes over.
Yang Ye and a thought into a magic leng leng didn’t reply.
"Oh, speaking of letting you give her to me, do you want to give it?" Aaron suddenly came over and said something and stared at Yang Ye.
"Give you a hair"
"Sorry, I don’t need Mao. Will you give her to me?" Aaron continued to ask
"Do you want it?" Yang Ye laughed.
"yeah, I want to."
"Just don’t give it to you! Unless … "Yang Ye suddenly secretive.
A turning point even behind Yang Ye Lilina also can’t help but shake a shake-brother will give her to each other? Is a slight think Lilina around Yang Ye hands strength is even bigger.
It is natural to move Yang Ye behind his back, but it also strengthens his heart.
"Unless what?" Aaron asked, with a flicker of eagerness in his eyes, it seemed to him that there was still a chance?
"Unless …" Yang Ye sneered. "… you die!"
Aaron, the spell master, a human being who has lived in the shadow for a long time, is obsessed with his own research, so he directly destroyed the Yuhua Sea and made it into the current purgatory. From the dialogue between Aaron people, it can be found that he is not ignorant of what is happening in Yuhua Sea, but he knows it.
"I believe I can make a better one for you if you give her to me!" Aaron doesn’t seem to give up.
"Are you an idiot? Said not to give is not to give "strange temper also makes Yang Ye a little angry, but he didn’t expect Aaron this guy to be so annoying.
"Don’t you want something better?" Aaron asked doubtfully.
"I don’t want to be exact. I won’t give her to anyone, including those who once made her!" Yang Ye cold way because of this, he is still trying to find a way to the abyss. Guys are fighting to prevent them from having a chance to take Lilina away!
"Are you sure?" Aaron condensate road
The first time, the first time, Yang Ye, they heard anger from Aaron’s words-he was really angry! Good. I’m afraid it’s too soon. Aaron will probably do it …
So let Yang Ye more delighted to get up "what’s not sure! No one can take her away from me, let alone do any strange experiments. Even you, Aaron, I tell you that you have no chance! " Yang Ye’s tone is very blunt. It seems that he is tilting all the anger of those annoying guys from the abyss on Aaron.
What he said was actually to tell those guys in the abyss. It’s a pity that those guys have only seen it so many times in Yang Ye today. At that time, the situation was good, and it didn’t make him too angry. This attitude of Aaron’s whining made Yang Ye quite unhappy.
Want it? Go to hell!
"Well, you really don’t cry until you see the coffin …" Aaron said softly. "In this case, I’ll grab it myself. Come on, I’m not going to come out and fight with you. But when I saw her, I decided I had to kill you and grab it. She will definitely make me a surprise! !”
"Are you? That’s great. I’m so tired of waiting for you to do it! " to be continued
Chapter 352 Flower spell division
Before all the actions, Yang Ye is still habitually looking at the boss attribute, which comes from the super convenient function of the miner’s hat. Now Yang Ye has come out unconsciously, and he is also looking at Yang Ye and expecting him to inform the blood volume-
Aaron the Flower Charmer (Spirit Level)
Grade 59
Pollen Bomb boom~boom~ Aaron’s throwing makes the pollen bomb do damage to the enemies in the range, and when it hits the target for 5 seconds, it has a 5% chance to enter the "lost" state for 1 second after the pollen bomb explodes.
I have a small fruit that is planted in the enemy’s body ~ Aaron will plant a fruit that will explode in the enemy’s body after 3 seconds. The same target can be planted in a fruit that explodes.
The shadow man is in a shadow state! ! Aaron’s "Shadow State" makes him more powerful. Shadow State is 2% higher than ordinary evasion rate and 15% higher than skill evasion rate. Movement speed is increased by 6%. You can move at an extremely high speed every 6 seconds. This state will be damaged by attack by 5% and will continue to increase by 5% when it is controlled for 1 second.
Flower wonderland come to my paradise! Aaron drags all the targets around him into the "Flower Fantasy" prepared by himself. The fantasy monster will continue to attack the targets, and will collapse after leaving the fantasy, deducting 5% of the remaining health! Fantasy in 2 seconds!
(Hide the falling brilliant sound (level 55 spirit staff), gorgeous lamentation and flower fading night (level 55 fairy shoulder pad), pink solution (props) …)
Aaron’s level is as high as 59 and 6, which is only one step away, but even this one step makes him far behind the 6-level spiritual boss in terms of attributes. There is no way. Who can count him in 5?
But even so, Aaron’s blood volume is as high as 27w, and combined with its attributes, it’s really not that easy to fight. His four skills are all under threat. It seems that the best skill is the skill of "exploding fruit", because this skill will not be attached with abnormal state but dropping blood volume, so it is relatively easy to defend.
And Aaron, the boss output equipment … actually has a 55-level fairy equipment! Fairy-level equipment is not a rare thing now, but somehow it is not so easy to get. The worse level is so high. shoulder pad, we’ll talk about it then.
"How much blood?" On one side, I read into a demon and looked at the promise war with a slightly surprised expression. I quickly asked.
"27w total blood volume!" Yang Ye sink a way
"27 … 27W is ok, it’s not too much. It’s estimated that it’s close to level 6 boss. It seems that it hasn’t arrived yet. If this guy is a level 6 boss, we will be hard to fight." The obsession is also slightly taken aback
As a demon said, level 6 boss is a bit difficult. Their equipment levels are all at level 5, even Yang Ye hand weapons or 45 fairy equipment. The difference between level 55 and level 55 is not too far. The effect is much better than that of some spirits, but it is not too hard to play level 6 boss.
"It’s okay. Little boss just called it too arrogant and crazy. I must kill him!" Yang Ye mercilessly said that it was quite uncomfortable for Aaron to say that he was experimenting with Lilina. No matter whether you are a level 6 spirit level or a fairy boss, you have to die! !
Whispering here, Aaron is already rushing over there. His dry face is angry and his goal is extremely accurate-Yang Ye! It seems that just a conversation not only angered Yang Ye, but also angered Aaron, the spell teacher attached to each other …
Aaron’s weapon is very special. In his right hand, he holds a flower stem with the thickness of a short little finger. At the end of the stem, there are stamens and two petals. The rest of it has withered completely, and the stem is a little bent. It doesn’t look like a weapon that can fight. But Aaron has already waved the flower stem and rushed to the other side of the Yang Ye …
Whether it’s a flower spell master or an ordinary spell master, in the final analysis, the spell master’s job is changed from a priest. Weak defense, low blood volume, slow movement and so on are all its characteristics. This profession should combine its own skills to constantly kite opponents and slowly torture the enemy to death … But Aaron, a spell master, actually waved a short flower stalk directly to fight Yang Ye, a soldier …
"boss is boss, it’s not embarrassing at all!" A thought into a magic looking at Aaron gently way

Not melting

But go up in smoke!
The plundering of the dark god of death and the divine judgment of light have collided with each other by the same person this time.
A touch of chaos wrapped the figure in the field.
Zhao Yuan’s consciousness retreated.
Even he, a terrorist force such as the intersection of Yin and Yang, was more and more surprised by the strength of Totopicis.
Not third order, but not sub-third.
Is it the blessing of the dark Lord?
an instant
"Look out!"
Zhao yuan suddenly blurted out
A virtual shadow suddenly broke through the two access control laws and appeared in front of Dotopicis.
Wandao tactic!
The figure is only a hundred meters in the shape of a firm but gentle sword. At first glance, the earth cracks and cracks, and the dangers are soaring.
At the same time
A spirit of terror overwhelmed the land of Li Xu.
Silver field!
Third-order silver has a domain, in which all creatures will be intimidated by Zhao Fujia’s will and their strength will drop sharply.
Even the second-order odd theory cannot be excluded.
However, Dotopissis’ magic wand in his hand was not affected at all, but his thoughts turned more clearly.
"Lei Huan!"
"The earth spirit is bound!"
"Wood winding!"
Lei Huan lets his body flash like thunder, moving at will, binding the spirit, winding the wood, binding the opponent.
"Ice pray!"
A chill appeared, and the snow and ice around Dotopissis danced, and the cold mountain held a staff and pointed at the trapped Zhao Fujia.
The ice curse-the ice queen sighs!
All the cold came together to cover the field, but everything was frozen in the blink of an eye, and the extreme cold expanded rapidly
The Great Forbidden Mantra is an absolute taboo in the Mu world.
Even in the market world, it is like the sigh of the ice queen that can completely freeze a big city.
Millions of people died in one blow!
Nowadays, the chill is enough to freeze everything to death.
A tip of a sword suddenly appeared on Dotopissis’ forehead, and the tip leaned out from the outside and shone brightly on the ice crystals.
Drops of blood slipped down the tip of the sword.
Zhao Fujia, with a gray gown and scattered hair, appeared when the dagger penetrated his head.
"Uh …"
Dotopissis ran a few steps before shaking and stumbling, and his eyes were full of confusion. It seems that it is not clear what happened.
"You will all die."
Finally he opened his mouth.
Darkness dominates the faithful, and he is not afraid of death. When he dies frequently, he only regrets that he has not completed it.
"Everyone will die."
Zhao Fujia swept coldly.
"But you’ll never see it."

But what is lacking is the key-time!

Under normal circumstances, these blue star geniuses can’t practice stars even if they haven’t been a genius for five or six years.
Even if the strong people who practice in rows of stars want to practice in nine satellites to become the backbone of the cosmic war, it will take more than ten years to decades.
The most lacking is time.
But will the alien race give Xu a retreat?
Xu tui thinks not.
This time, the three alien families have appeared in the small universe of reincarnation, and all three of them have personally made moves.
Then their strategy of reincarnation will be faster.
In particular, Xu tui learned from Wula that the seal of the underworld mastered by the three alien clans is the seal of the other three ghosts.
The order of the ghost emperor’s seal is not too high, but the key is that after the reincarnation universe is unsealed, the ghost emperor’s seal can open a cosmic channel to enter and exit the reincarnation universe at any time.
That is to say, the three alien families can attack the small universe of reincarnation at any time.
Although the ghost army in hell is immortal
However, Xu tui felt that the hell was not the enemy and there was a lot of possibility that he would be defeated in the final war.
Of course, the loss of hell is not the loss of blue star
But the problem is that if the reincarnation universe is occupied by three alien families, then the extinction of Bluestar will count down.
Or the former problem is that we must quickly increase the strength of Blue Star in a short time.
In the small universe of heaven, the rapid cultivation of shaped array is only the first step.
However, this time, after careful study, the scope has expanded a lot.
The Tongtian Expeditionary Force retaliated against the Elves and took some alternate members on an expedition to the Elves. These members grew up greatly.
Now those alternate members have been the main members of the Tongtian Expeditionary Force, and the minimum repair is all six-star guards.
But today Xu conceded that Quqingshan and Weibin had more alternate members.
In fact, there are 120 alternate members of the Tongtian Expeditionary Force and 120 elite members of the military.
First, the military strength also needs to be strengthened.
Secondly, the army is more likely to produce powerful practitioners in this place.
Members from the army are extremely tough-willed, and the army has helped Xu tui complete all the genetic training. It can be said that all the members of the army lack here are just cultivation resources.
This time, two-thirds of the members who can knot here are quasi-planets and one-third are planetary stars.
If this group of people grow up, the post-expedition will be really worth fighting.
Yu Tianhe chessboard 6,000 ghost troops, which is still a one-time fighting force, can be the last defensive force.
One more thing, the strength of the ghost army is lower than the physical strength.
"All right, let’s go in."
As the array of the Purple Emblem Palace in Shenxiao Mansion was built, Xu gave in and everyone went in, and the two great seals were prompted at once.
In an instant, the source energy of the whole small universe in heaven converged towards the two great palaces.
"Teacher Qu, you guide."
Xu retreated and handed the small universe fire spirit of fire source to Qu Qingshan, so that Qu Qing’s mountain fire obsidian star monarch could lead to the small universe source of fire source continuously, and nearly 300 people could practice in front of him.
Just for a moment, the energy concentration of these two emperors’ palace sources reached more than 50 times when they gathered in the shaped array.

Wanchonglou is a mixed place where all kinds of people are here, and it is also the safest and most dangerous place, because I don’t know when your trace will appear in someone’s hands, but at the same time, no one dares to make moves without authorization in this place. Maybe the old man sweeping the door is a senior soldier.

Leo came from the carriage and generously threw a silver coin. The driver was overjoyed and said, "Thank you for your reward."
At this time, Leo also experienced the feeling of a rich man. After all, he is now a daughter in hand.
Leo, the place of Wanchonglou, is the first time to come to this place. He has also heard a little about what Munster chose this place. Leo can’t help but wonder again. Who is this Munster?
Leo walked into Wanchong Building and went to the third floor. After giving Munster his name, a man took him to a window bag.
Leo drank tea and waited for Munster to arrive.
Soon Munster came into the room wearing a clean robe. When he entered the room, Munster was more enthusiastic. "My dear little Leo didn’t expect you to arrive so early to keep you waiting."
"I didn’t come here, and I didn’t finish a cup of tea in a short time." Leo also pretended to be enthusiastic. He wanted to see what Munster had called him out in this strange way
"Little Leo, I came here today to make a long story short. In fact, I have another identity." Munster said frankly that if he was selling this thing in front of a little guy, he simply said it.
"What do you mean?" Leo is a little confused. He doesn’t understand what Munster said that another identity represents.
"Let’s just say that besides being a member of Watson’s adventure group, I am also a great alchemist’s servant. Have you heard of it?" Munster said
"alchemist?" Leo was surprised.
He never imagined that Munster would be an alchemist’s servant and that a magician would stoop to be a magician’s servant?
The alchemist, he has also heard that they are really noble people. They can use different magic materials to make gold, even if it is very cheap, it will become very expensive after their hands.
Some precious life-saving elixirs are made by alchemists. Most people would rather offend a noble magician than provoke a great alchemist, which can save their lives.
"If I tell you that I respect the alchemists and are interested in you, are you willing to follow us and respect the alchemists?" Munster took a sip of tea and looked very complacent. He believed that Leo would make the right choice. He was a powerful alchemist.
Leo chuckled and shook his head and said, "Freedom is always the first in my heart. No matter whether he is a respected alchemist, a powerful warrior or a noble magician, I will not play a chess game in their hands. I want to be myself. No one can bind me."
Munster almost threw away the cup in his hand. He couldn’t believe Leo’s answer. Where did he get the confidence to refuse to be recruited by an alchemist without even thinking about it?
"I hope you think it over," Munster said.
Leo shook his head and said, "No need. Let’s call it a day. I have work to do."
With that, Leo walked towards the outside, leaving Munster stunned alone.
A man in a black robe was in the attic of Wanchong Building. He looked out and got into the crowd. Leo smiled a little at the corner of his mouth.
Leo packed some hot food on his way back and bought food for six people before he walked to the college.
I have to say that eating goods is very powerful. When Leo opened the bedroom door, Kyle was super eating goods. Kyle immediately leaned out of his head and there was a crystal thin line hanging around his mouth.
At this time, Ryan came out from washing his hands and unceremoniously opened a food and grabbed it directly and ate it.
"Old three, get ready. We have to go to St. British Columbia for an annual experience. If we get good grades, there will be rewards in the college." Ryan said when something would happen in the college, but he could tell it in a few words.
Leo’s eyes burst into dazzling light when he heard the experience of Mount St. British Columbia
66 st. petersburg, mt
"whoops! Blare … "
With a bull horn sounded somewhere in the St. British hills, junior students from the Holy City College came here, including soldiers and wizards.
They come from their own annual experience, of course, they are also honored, and they are qualified for advanced middle-grade colleges … Only by winning the ranking in the annual experience can they be qualified for promotion to middle-grade colleges. This is a rule and an iron law.
But it’s not the kui is a so-called "snow world" here. The mountains of St. British Columbia are covered with white snow, and the cold beat on your face into ice flowers.
Even the exhaled air is cold, and it will soon turn into layers of frost, which is really cold.
The wolf sounds from a distance.
"It’s snow Wolf! ?” There was some commotion in the team of Holy City College.
The so-called snow wolf is a lonely wolf in the world of ice and snow, which is a specialty of Mount St.
The strength level of the most common snow wolf in the Mount St. British Columbia is estimated to reach the second level of Warcraft, and if it is an elite, it will be stronger. The second level will peak at the third level … which is at the fourth level!
Anyway, the King of Snow Wolf in Mount St. British Columbia is a six-level Warcraft equivalent to the strong in the holy area, and the whole holy city mainland knows it!
On the other hand, this Mount St. British Ridge is located on the east side of the warm water river that runs through the holy city mainland. If it is divided according to the frontier boundary of the holy city mainland, it should belong to the position close to the node, that is to say, it belongs to the Terran natural barrier to stop the inferno, and many alliance teams are stationed to guard the frontier against the inferno.
I can vaguely feel that the smell of war is heavy and full of blood here.
Actually, the most powerful professional college in the Holy City, the Holy City College, is meaningful for students to feel all this … War or fighting against demons. This is not only to make them feel grateful, but also to make them adapt to the atmosphere of war. After all, they are likely to participate in the war and join the army!
Because the Terrans have been hiding in the holy city continent for decades, they have repeatedly tried to return to Azerbaijanis by means of war, but unfortunately they have failed.
Holy City Calendar 3 years Holy City Calendar 17 years Holy City Calendar 36 years Holy City Calendar 51 years In this short period of 50 years, large-scale wars have been launched by Terrans, with more than four times, and the number of casualties is countless, with as few as 10 million, but each war is defeated in the same way.
But four large-scale wars, none of which was more successful than even getting a good result, obviously there seems to be something fishy hidden in it.
But these are civilians who don’t need to care about things or are not qualified to care about the high-level game of the Holy City Alliance. It’s not just a few humble civilians who can shake the high-level of the Holy City Alliance. It’s the overall situation … Whether it’s true or not, then God knows.
Of course, this is all nonsense, so there is no need to overdo it.
And what is most needed or repeated now is the snow wolf in the St. British hills.
That’s right, it’s those arrogant snow wolves. It may be hard for you to guess what the scariest species is in this snow-capped Mount St. ? Blue-tailed giant ape? Giant scorpion triangle silver ring emerald snake in St. Python Mountain? No, no, no, they are all the species that give people the most nightmares, but if they are the most horrible, they have to pull over.
In the St. British hills, it is a kind of Warcraft. If you face a snow storm at the same level, you will have a game to escape.
After all, it can be said that the snow wolf is the king of Mount St. British Columbia. Whether it starts from a low level or counts until the strongest level 6 Warcraft, it is all the snow wolf. After all, it is said that the snow wolf king is too strong and is known as the three kings of Warcraft in the holy city mainland. This claim alone is enough to say everything!
"Remember to tell you the rules before? If you don’t remember, you can look through the manual again. I believe that everyone should have an annual experience. It’s a month, and the rule is very simple. That is to collect as many crystal nuclei of Warcraft as possible. During this month’s experience, each of you has two opportunities to come back and pay the crystal nuclei of Warcraft. If you miss it, you can’t even get a dragon crystal nucleus. Is it clear? " College instructor said in front of the big
In fact, he didn’t worry about not being heard by magic, but he still shouted loudly and did his duty.
"Boo hoo, damn it, I’m going to stay in this hellhole for a month. Are you sure I’m not dreaming?" Even in my heart, I’m already ready. The boss in Leo’s dormitory, Ryan, can’t help but cry out in pain at the moment.
A young man with ambition, ideals and ambitions, how can he waste his good time in a place like this … Of course, this is just his complaint. If he has the courage to skip the exam and not take part in the annual experience, his usually kind aristocrat will immediately turn into a demon and tear his skin apart.
Just like going to the iron law, yes, the annual experience of the Holy City College is the iron law. If you don’t participate, hehe, the tragic day is still behind!
"Ryan’s boss is only a month old. Anyway, you must have prepared a lot of things and passed the annual experience. There must be no problem, right?" Leo said with a smile beside him. He was wearing a snow suit made of snowbird skin. Of course, there was a layer of leather inside, trying to make himself more secure before ensuring the temperature. This is something that every wise man would do. After all, it’s dangerous. There is always no big mistake to be careful in Mount St. British Ridges!
However, they have him in this dormitory today, and Ryan has come to participate in this year’s experience, and the remaining two have not come. This is because freshmen are relaxed in the first year of school and can choose to participate in the annual experience from the second year … This is also afraid that some freshmen are not strong enough, but two years will be enough for them to adjust.
According to what he said, it’s actually very simple to pass the annual experience. The annual experience rule is to harvest the crystal nucleus of Warcraft and then transform the integral. A first-level crystal nucleus of Warcraft is judged to be 11 points, a second-level crystal nucleus of Warcraft is judged to be 11 points, and a third-level crystal nucleus of Warcraft is judged to be 11 points … There are special magic instruments to judge the energy in the magic crystal nucleus. Don’t worry about less. As far as the annual experience is concerned, it will definitely be fair and just.

But the distance between the bench and the audience is shorter.

Come has been able to feel the screams behind him, and the waves of heat waves make come ass sit on the bench for a moment.
"Zhaihao let me! 2 washed-up, "come to look around and shook his head again to dismiss his well-documented request Zhaihao.
Come to suppress a belly fire finally broke out.
"Until yesterday, I have been giving intravenous drip. My left hand is swollen, my right hand is hanging, my right hand is swollen, and my feet are hanging. Now the competition field is supported by pig’s head and vegetables. 2 Even with the help of the gods, I can’t give enchanting support." Lin Feng said, pointing to the field, his pale face was as white as powder. At such a close distance, Lin Feng could see that his left hand brought up his body and shook unconsciously again and again when he hit the keyboard again.
Damn it, rainbow candy stadium. Damn it, A.
After a round of competition, the soil and water show no improvement, and eating something will be like a pregnant woman who can’t help herself if she vomits or not.
Although the situation improved in the last three days, when I checked in at EH headquarters, I was still receiving intravenous drip. Many EH media speculated that EH might be replaced today because of his physical discomfort against CH2, who was not strong enough.
Lin Fengyi, who played as a substitute in the intercity league before, should be on the starting list most.
But the fact is that Lin Feng is still on the bench by Zhai Hao.
"I am a novice, a rookie and an EH substitute. I know that my level is limited and I can’t be the main force, but you still let him see it! You can also see the leader of EH. You should know better than anyone that today’s 2 nd meeting will be a short board for EH. "Said Lin Feng, bursting into anger in her chest and unconsciously revealing it.
Lin Feng is a professional player who is eager to prove himself in the game instead of sitting on the bench and watching his teammates play, but he can do nothing.
Watching your team lose.
Watching your teammates need support.
But I can’t do anything.
This feeling has been experienced by Lin Feng after the G League match.
Come when there was a minor dispute with Zhaihao.
The pig’s head vegetable also asked the referee for a sound-proof glass door in the suspension area. Every EH competition day, the Olympic Sports Center will install such a closed glass sound-proof competition area.
The audience outside can see the players who are absorbed in the game inside.
Players can also minimize the interference from the outside audience when they are fully engaged in the game.
It has to be said that it is a competition gymnasium with perfect facilities in G League clubs.
Pig’s head dishes hurriedly hit the glass door in the competition area and trotted behind Zhaihao with a wobbly proud flesh.
The game behind the pig’s head is almost wet, and there is heating, fierce competition and sharp turn in a large area of the competition area. The situation of the game is even more serious now, and it seems that it is impossible to persist in 2.
Pig’s head is already sweating all over.
Captain EH, now he and Zhai Hao must make a decision.
Give up the game or rotate the substitute?
Yu 2
Unless Zhai Hao is crazy, it is impossible to make two more games.
I insisted on playing two games today because of the professional ethics of competitive professional players, because I was responsible for buying tickets to support tens of thousands of spectators at EH, and because I loved DOA.
In the second game, although EH was reversed, 2 still stabilized itself, and EH created a reassuring auxiliary defense supply line.
Spelled the last strength, and now I’m lying in the competition chair with my eyes closed, panting.
Sweat on his forehead rolled in Qi Mei’s bangs.
Many interested spectators on the sidelines, especially EH diehards, are no longer concerned about winning or losing the game, but about lying in the competition area. The competition seat seems to be about to collapse.
The referee was scared out of his mind when he saw this situation.
You know, these athletes are not only regular members of EH, the cash cow of the Olympic Sports Center, but each of these expensive athletes is worth at least one million dollars.
If anything happens to this rich and competitive star in the Olympic Sports Center today, then the G League referee in the Olympic Sports Center will regulate the game management.
It is also a great responsibility.
The referee followed the pig’s head just after it left the competition area.
The referee urged Zhaihao to call an ambulance before Zhutoucai said the second sentence to Zhaihao.
Zhai Hao listened carefully to the pig’s head dish and quickly called the workers around him to let the emergency team carry 2.
There is no professional doctor
Four temporary workers carried the magazine and the team doctor in the venue of the Olympic Sports Center on the sidelines to directly lift the semi-paralyzed competition seat 2.
The audience stopped clamoring.
Doaers who came to the Olympic Sports Center to watch the game were mostly Jiangsu Doaers, while Jiangsu Doaers were mostly EH fans.
Seeing his beloved team members fighting to the point of losing their strength, many people in Taiwan’s competition field are full of tears and think of going through the ups and downs with EH before.
I don’t know whether I should be proud of my professionalism or worried about my health.
Maybe both.
And interrupted by pig’s head and the referee on duty, come and Zhaihao are also worried.
When that quilt was about to leave the competition area.
I raised my hand and pulled the team doctor’s uniform around me, making the team doctor bow his head. 2 I whispered a few words in the team doctor’s ear.
Then the temporary workers directly carried 2 into the medical room, and the team doctor just exchanged with 2 in the venue.
But ran to the front of Zhaihao and whispered a few words to Zhaihao.
Zhai Hao was worried about two games, and some nai looked heavy and slowly turned around.
Slightly surprised a meal.
Zhaihao walked back to the front of the substitute seat just now.
The calm tone of "A You" is not a ripple.
This time of peace is slightly relaxed and casual. Zhai Hao is completely different. Lin Feng knows that this is because he just offended the team leader and expressed dissatisfaction.
Come although guilty, but I know this is not the time to talk to Zhaihao more.

"You also know how can I escape from the chaos abroad?" Zhang Tao smiled at himself and sat on the only chair that didn’t break.

The dark emperor obviously knows the situation of Zhang Tao. "Now if we start work, there is no turning back. Can you deal with a giant?" The words of the dark emperor made Zhang Tao very silent. The strength of the dark emperor, Zhang Tao, saw that even if he broke out, he was by no means a giant opponent
"If you can ask the Split Saint to help us, we will have a chance." The Dark Emperor said a way and the only way as if he were bewitched.
Split the saint? Although this dragon has saved himself twice, who knows where he is? See Zhang Tao difficult expression dark emperor will know that this matter will be hopeless for a while fell silent, only the ground powder moved slightly.
"Dark Emperor Pavilion, I want to ask you a question" Zhang Tao suddenly said.
"What’s the problem?"
"In the face of the tactics of the peak saints?" Zhang Tao asked, since there is no one to match each other, then only the number of people can make up the gap.
"Yes" but the dark emperor’s answer made Zhang Tao sigh. The strange power possessed by the peak saint seems to be the enemy, just like killing several people instantly.
"So, can a nine-level martial artist defeat a congenital master?" For a moment, Zhang Tao suddenly asked a strange question, which made the dark emperor stunned. "What are you going to do?"
"Since time waits for no man, then we should continue to look for the impossible hope? It’s better to give it a try. "Zhang Tao suddenly said that there are many unknowns in life, and everything can’t be done at will, so it’s better to take out your own efforts.
On Zhang Tao’s assurance that he will not die! Because Yuemei promised to hear Zhang Tao’s heroic words more, the Dark Emperor also said a good word! Obviously, he has been impatient for many years. Apart from the hope of Zhang Tao, he didn’t find anyone with this courage and potential.
If you don’t bet on your absolute failure, if you bet on a big deal, you won’t leave regrets. Then the Dark Emperor will discuss future plans with Zhang Tao, and Zhang Tao will of course say something about Mo Lengfeng.
Dark emperor heard mo cold wind and Zhang Tao know each other. Suddenly, it seems that there is mo cold wind, and everyone’s opportunities will increase a lot. This makes Zhang Tao wonder if this mo cold wind has improved again.
At the end of the negotiation, the enemy of Zhang Tao is Gu Youjun! The dark emperor is responsible for dealing with the dark devil. The dark emperor says that he is 70% sure to kill the dark devil, but when a large number of people of their level are needed, it is not a short time to decide the outcome.
According to the meaning of the Dark Emperor, the Big Three of the Magic Tower will set out in secret and try not to take people to the Prairie Temple to discuss the plan to completely obliterate the overseas land. Now the overseas land has been completely confused by the soul control spell method, and many sects have lost trust with each other. They don’t know that their former friends turned against each other overnight.
I don’t know so much about hiding in the mountain of Zhang Tao’s exotic animals. Now it seems that I have been away for just a few months, and the changes in the overseas land have been on fire
If we continue to delay, I am afraid that the whole overseas land will be in danger. Zhang Tao said that he can solve the problem of soul control and incantation. The dark emperor is overjoyed, but the mountain in front of them is only if the Magic Tower is controlled unnoticed, can the overseas land support of the temple be completely cut off
Six days later, the Big Three set out in secret, and the strength of the three of them naturally won’t be sent. Chapter 57 Completely changed.
Zhang Tao has secretly contacted Mo Lengfeng after confirming the route. He heard that it was such a stimulus plan and it also met Mo Lengfeng’s taste. He did not hesitate to choose to promise Ouyang Qiuling to help, but Mo Lengfeng refused. His meaning is very simple. Men do things and women leave it alone!
Although it is a heart, it seems extremely masculine, but it is this set that Ouyang Qiuling eats, but it seems extremely happy. Zhang Tao looks at it with great language
Before entering Mishu Tower, and then coming to the route to ambush, the Dark Emperor and others will kill you if you are unprepared or die after passing through Zhang Tao! Success wins! This is a huge bet.
The three giants of the Magic Tower are absolutely frightening to the mainland of Dongyue. It is also rare for three people to act together. At this time, the dark devil is still the same, but Gu Youjun has surrounded himself very tightly, just like walking in the desert without showing any skin. Only the more fascinating eyes are like ripples.
It’s a one-man zone after entering the passage, and it takes one and a half months to go to the prairie. Of course, it takes less than three days for the peak strength of their saints to arrive, but at this time, the dark Lord and Gu Youjun stopped in unison, and they all stared at the dark emperor. At that time, something was wrong with the atmosphere.
"What’s the matter?" Although the dark emperor asked, he was faintly alert in his heart because he found something unusual in the eyes of the dark devil and Gu Youjun.
"Dark Emperor, are you really ignorant of everything you do?" Gu Youjun’s voice is more gentle and lovely than before, like a real woman, but his speech surprised the dark emperor. Does it seem that his plan is still exposed? But this is normal. After all, there is no windtight wall.
"I don’t know what you mean," the Dark Emperor said coldly.
"Ha ha Gu Youjun, I told you that this guy will never die until he reaches the Yellow River." The Dark Devil laughed. "Do you really need the three of us to go to the temple? This is a scam. It’s a scam that we lured you out. Now there are only three of us here. Do you know what I mean? " Gu Youjun Jiao said
"You want to kill me?" The dark emperor asked, but he was secretly glad that his plan wouldn’t have died if Zhang Tao hadn’t made up his mind to help him solve a giant. Two saints peak against themselves, even if they are more proud than themselves, they know that they are no match.
"It’s not that we still have a temple. I didn’t expect you to secretly get rid of us. I have to say you have a lot of guts," the dark Lord said with a grimace of a grin. Obviously, the dark emperor has exposed everything
"Do you know?" Now, I feel that it is meaningless for them to hide their murder. At this time, I still have to ask questions in my heart.
Hearing this question, the dark one seems to be a little proud. "You don’t know, do you? Soul control spell method can not only control people’s hearts, but also make the controlled people say everything. Before you know it, your plan will be exposed. "Hearing this, the dark emperor’s heart sank, and the overseas land was controlled. It seems that there is already a leader-level figure. It seems that the chaos in the overseas land is even bigger than expected. Now only hope that Zhang Tao can resist Gu Youjun.
"I see, but are you really stupid enough to be unprepared?" Dark emperor suddenly light said
"Are you? Let’s see if you are ready? " The dark one obviously doesn’t believe it. After all, this is a sudden attack, but for a moment, he suddenly felt three strange smells and his face changed slightly. Zhang Tao Mo Lengfeng Zhao Daniu has three people behind them.

"She refused. She didn’t want to sell the team."

"That’s not what I’m asking. I mean, does Mel know about you and her?"
"I know it’s some details. I didn’t say it."
"Do you want to tell me these details?" Pearl Krabs looked at Ye Qing and asked.
Ye Qing smiled and laughed. "That depends on what details you want to know. I can tell you if you want to know."
"Want to tell me?"
"Because you want to know!"
"Yes, I want to know how you met her?"
"I met in the middle of a traffic accident when I was driving a honey car and Zhao Xiayang was still sitting in it. As a result, the girl hit my car and that’s how I met her."
"After the general traffic accident is handled, the two sides will never be connected again. How can you still be friends? You honestly tell me if you see somebody else’s beautiful place … "Pearl Krabs looked at Ye Qing with suspicion.
Ye Qing hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Of course, it’s not that I didn’t contact her at all. It’s that she added me to WeChat via mobile phone. After chatting on WeChat, she said that she just came back from abroad and didn’t have any friends in China, so she wanted to make friends with me. But I specifically said that I could be a netizen and couldn’t meet her in reality. I said that I had a girlfriend who misunderstood me, and she also agreed. But this time, after she came to Xi ‘an to watch the game, she managed to meet me. But I can tell you with certainty that she has no other meaning for me
"When we came back from the game yesterday, did you go out to see her by saying that you were going to the bathroom?" Pearl Krabs asked.
Ye Qing nodded his head. "Yes, she said she had something to talk about with me, so I went."
"Her so-called business is to build a team?" Pearl Krabs Road
"It’s easy to talk to Cong people. After she paid the price, I came back and told Mier. After Mier refused, I told the girl on WeChat. Then she said that she would rely on her own strength to build a strong team, and then there was no news."
"Although I believe what you said is true, I always feel that the girl approached you not simply to make friends with you. Of course, it may be so, but can you guarantee that she won’t have other ideas after contacting you for a long time?" Pearl Krabs looked at leaf tilting way
Ye Qing thinks that what Pearl Krabs said is very reasonable. Actually, he is also worried about it. But Tang Yiqing, who is not bad, can’t just say that he won’t be friends with her, can he?
Chapter 1267 Four teams get together again
Ye Qing and Pearl Krabs walked back while talking. Ye Qing had already made it clear to Tang Yiqing that he didn’t know what he wanted to confess to Zhenzhen. He just didn’t want Pearl Krabs to misunderstand him and Tang Yiqing.
Pearl Krabs is also very happy with Ye Qing’s confession. She feels that she still has a very important position in Ye Qing’s heart, so he is worried that she will misunderstand Tang Yiqing’s bid for millions to buy the team, which was rejected by Da Mi. Pearl Krabs also has a new understanding of Da Mi. You know, millions to buy a professional team in the circle is the only thing with too much premium. If you promise, you will immediately make millions, but Da Mi didn’t want to make that money. Everything is for the sake of the team and Ye Qing.
Pearl Krabs felt that if it were his own words, maybe he could not help but agree to come. From the point of view of business, the deal was absolutely cost-effective and most people would be willing to sell it. It was like the boss of the Big Dipper Palace. He was very rich and willing to invest a lot of money in the team to build a purpose, not just to train the team and sell it. However, in the face of Li Zhihao’s high price of 7 million, he hesitated a little and sold the team. It was quite cost-effective for him.
A team consists of five people and two substitutes, but only seven people are equivalent to one person selling one million, and the owner of the Big Dipper Palace has invested three million in total. After all, this team is still training in the dark and has not gone everywhere to participate in the competition. The players are not worth much, and the expenses on weekdays are not very high. Of course, he will sell it at a good price.
Big honey is different. She has feelings for this team and thinks that this feeling is more important than money, especially because there is Ye Qing in this team. This is the man she loves deeply. How can she be willing to sell the team? For many reasons, she doesn’t want Ye Qing to take orders from others. She hopes Ye Qing can make her own decisions so that she can have dignity.
Pearl Krabs and Ye Qing walked back to the hotel lobby. Pearl Krabs suddenly stopped and said to Ye Qing, "I have another question for you."
Ye Qing also stopped and looked at her doubtfully. "What’s the problem?"
"Why did you tell me about the female driver but not Nalan?" Pearl Krabs asked.
Ye Qing was embarrassed by this question from her. In fact, he didn’t know what he wanted to tell Pearl Krabs but he didn’t want to tell Nalan. He felt that he couldn’t find anyone to talk about it in his heart. Sometimes he felt uncomfortable, and he had already noticed that Pearl Krabs had doubts about him and Tang Yiqing. It was better for him to confess that Pearl Krabs and Nalan blocked him in the lobby that day. After he returned to his room, he felt something was wrong. A little inference showed that these two people must be suspicious.
He thought for a moment and then said to Pearl Krabs, "I don’t know what this is. I just want to tell you, but I don’t want to tell her about my son’s desire. This is my heart’s natural response. I just listened to my heart."
Pearl Krabs was very satisfied when she heard the speech. She smiled and said, "I like your answer."
Then they went to the elevator together. In fact, this feeling is tacit. Although they can’t be together, they can always feel that they have been invisible in their feelings and make each other feel warm.
Ye Qing went back to his room, took a shower, changed his clothes, and then picked up his mobile phone and looked at the missed call from Da Mi. He quickly dialed Da Mi back and it didn’t take long for Da Mi to pick it up. It turned out that Da Mi wanted to tell him that he had arrived home safely and was ready for business.
The two chatted for a while, and honey handed Su Yanbing her mobile phone. Su Yanbing felt comfortable when her gentle voice came to Ye Qing. Su Yanbing was so attractive even if she was not seen, she was already drunk when she heard her voice.
"Yan Bing thinks I didn’t?" Ye Qing couldn’t help but ask that he seldom talks to Su Yanbing like this, because Su Yanbing is thin-skinned and thinks that you love you, but the more so Ye Qing wants to hear her say this.
Su Yanbing glanced at the big honey next to her and lowered her voice a little embarrassed. "Think …"
Perhaps it is because two people have already taken the last step, so Su Yanbing is willing to say anything to him, and it is true that Su Yanbing misses him very much these days, and the more he misses him, the more straightforward he is.
Ye listened to Su Yanbing’s careful voice and felt very warm. He said, "I miss you, too. I will go back to Chengdu the day after tomorrow and I will come to the restaurant to see you."
"Well, the restaurant will be very busy the day after tomorrow, so we can’t pick you up at the airport. You can take a taxi yourself!" Su Yan bing Dao
"Don’t worry, going back to Chengdu is our territory. We can come back if you don’t pick us up." Ye Qing said with a smile.
"Well, I won’t tell you more. Honey and I have to go out and do something." Su Yanbing said and handed the phone to Big Honey.
Big honey said to the words, "Come on, Ye Qing knows it’s my mobile phone, so you’ve been chatting all the time, haven’t you?"
"Hey, you’re the big boss. Are you kidding?" Ye Qing was very dissatisfied with the tunnel, and he just said a few words to Su Yanbing, which didn’t stop chatting.
"I’ve invested all my money. I’m a poor man before I went back, and I’m no better than you," said Big Honey.
Ye Qing laughed. "Then you are far worse than me. I still have some money. Do you want me to protect you?"
"Roll you haven’t heard of thin dead camel is bigger than a horse? I still need you to cover me? All right, hang up. I won’t talk to you anymore. "Big honey says, and hangs up.
Ye Qing put his mobile phone in his trouser pocket in a good mood, then pulled the door and went out. He went outside alone and bought a tourist map of Xi ‘an, and then sat on the sofa in the hotel lobby and studied for half a day.
He decided that he must go to the ancient Guanyin Temple in Zhongnanshan, Xi ‘an one day. He said that there is a ginkgo tree that is over 14 years old. It must be huge, and its yellow leaves can be paved into a golden carpet.
After returning to the back of the house, Ye Qing studied the ancient Guanyin Temple and several other scenic spots. At the same time, he packed all his luggage. It must be very tiring to pack things after a day’s visit.
At five o’clock, Ye Qing received another message that Jiang Yuhan called to invite their team to have dinner together to celebrate together. An ag team was also going, and both nb team and ag team were late from Xi ‘an before they wanted to get together. Although they were ranked fourth, they would still participate in the celebration.
Ye Qing immediately agreed, and then went to inform his teammates to take a taxi directly according to Jiang Yuhan’s address. The maximum number of people in the I club was because they had several substitutes. After they went, their team members could almost fill a table, but Jiang Yuhan soon asked the staff to make a big bag for them, and then everyone sat in a big round table. The place where the dishes were placed was rotatable to ensure that everyone could eat everything.
Moreover, due to the large number of people, every dish is ordered to be double, and the dishes have already been finished before they are turned around. Jiang Yuhan thinks that everyone should sit at a table to eat and be lively and communicate with each other-this can achieve the purpose of the party.
At dinner, everyone in the Tiger Brothers took the cup and led it in bare hands to express congratulations to the other three teams. After all, the biggest winners of this competition are these three teams, and they all got trophies and bonuses.
Then I club congratulated the champion and runner-up, and then the runner-up congratulated the champion. Everyone joked with each other and the atmosphere was quite harmonious. No one could see that they were rivals in the game. This is the professional players throwing the game. In life, ordinary people like to make friends.
After dinner, the ag team took the lead to leave, while Jiang Yuhan pulled Ye Qing aside and solemnly told him again that nb team would welcome him to join the team if he wanted to change teams. Jiang Yuhan did not want to express his idea of inviting Ye Qing to join the team too early, but he was really worried that Ye Qing would be poached by other teams. After all, Ye Qing has made a big noise in fpl, and his marksmanship has shocked many people. Every professional team needs such a machine gunner.
Plus nb team ak machine gunner K Ma will retire. Jiang Yuhan must firmly hold Ye in his hand. Otherwise, once K retires, no one can fill this gap. I am afraid that other ak machine gunners will be compared with K. even, of course, is also this series, but he will soon retire. Plus ag team, he will never let people go. This position can be replaced by Yuzryha.
Ye Qing is also very touched that Jiang Yuhan values it so much. He said that if he wants to leave the team, he must give priority to the nb team, and the nb team will accept him at that time. He will not contact with other teams again, and he will be assured that Houjiang Yuhan will rest assured. Although Ye Qing has not shown signs of leaving the I club yet, once K retires, he must owe him a favor to invite Ye Qing to join him. He believes that Ye Qing will not refuse or refuse.
Chapter 126 The rekindling of old love
At dinner, because there was no competition the next day, everyone drank a lot of wine and fell back to the back of the hotel. Fortunately, he was good at drinking, otherwise he would have been thrown over on the spot, and if he couldn’t drink enough, he vomited on the spot and went straight back to his room to sleep.
Pearl Krabs and Na Lan Zhou Wei all drank a little red wine, but they all stayed awake. Ye Qing walked. Some of them happened that Pearl Krabs helped him back to the room. As soon as he got back to the room, he sat on the sofa and didn’t want to move, but he was still conscious. When he saw Pearl Krabs with a worried face in front of him, he smiled and said, "I have nothing to drink more. You go back and rest."
Pearl Krabs gave him a white look. "You men are really temperate when there is a competition. Once there is no competition, you are all open and drunk. Is it necessary to bear it yourself?"
"I’m glad you women don’t understand today. It’s hard for men to drink more when they are happy. Of course, they may drink more when they are unhappy, you know? Sniper God told me again today that I must go to their team when I want to change teams in the future. That’s nb team! All professional players want to join the team, but I can’t leave the team. At this time, I just refused to be bought by others at a high price. How can I go? " Leaf tilt some contradictions tunnel
After that, he touched his forehead and leaned against the sofa. Pearl Krabs quickly took the cup and poured him a glass of water and handed it to him. Then he gently said, "I know your difficulties and your ambitions. You really wasted your time in this team. If you didn’t support the team hard and didn’t get the third place in fpl, you wouldn’t have won the championship miraculously in a champions league. If you went to nb team, you would have won more honors. In fact, I support you to go to nb team. You can have a good talk with Mier. I believe she will support you."
Ye Qing looked up at her eyes a little emotional tunnel "you are always so considerate, but I think if I leave the team, the team will collapse. What about you? You should go from? "