He went to fix the true world to see his master bow down. Wentao nodded, "Come on, get up and be like an ordinary employee in the secular world."

"Yes," Xiao Si got up very smartly and then slightly bowed down and promised.
"Just now, you said that the Qingcheng Sect had a lone gang. What happened?"
"Since the boss told Xiao Si to pay more attention to the Qingcheng School, Xiao Si has been paying more attention to them. Recently, the Qingcheng School has been sent to the secular world, including Han Changqi, two masters in the early stage of Du Jie, and an elder in the middle stage of Du Jie and more than a dozen other brothers. This array can be said that the major sects of Shushan have entered the secular world for hundreds of years." Seeing Wen Taolai, Xiao Si already knows that he guessed right, but he doesn’t want to be Yang Xiu. After all, he doesn’t know whether his master’s personality is like Cao Cao. He still dares to tell the truth
"However, after the killing of the Qingcheng School Han Liyang, the Qingcheng School was in chaos in the secular world. Others didn’t know that it was difficult to establish the roots in a short time. Now they have joined forces with Jiugongshan to fund Jiugongshan in various aspects and make Jiugongshan’s strength expand rapidly in the secular world, but they haven’t even found out a hair yet."
"The secular world is no better than those who fix the truth in Shushan. In the later period of Yuan Ying, there was no way to continue to practice in the secular world. Those masters sent by Qingcheng Mountain were very late in the secular world and always had no clue. They were also very impatient when they got the news. Bi Cuitian also sent a group of brothers to experience in the secular world. Recently, everyone in the secular world has increased their strength. It is said that even Kunlun sent people out."
"There was a gossip in the former genus that a younger brother of Bitui Tian was having an affair with the younger brother of Qingcheng School, but because Bitui Tian and Qingcheng School did not deal with Qingcheng School’s public support for Jiugong Mountain, while Bitui Tian was at odds with Jiugong Mountain, they had been sneaking around. This news was a news, but after they came out this time, Xiaosi paid special attention to it. Unexpectedly, they really found the problem. Han Yang, the third brother of Qingcheng School, and Yu Qing, the second disciple of Bitui Tian’s head, often secretly went out to meet."
Xiao Si took advantage of his own advantages. Although he said he didn’t know any big secrets, he learned a lot of small secrets over the years. When he put these together, he found something.
"This Han Yangru?"
Xiao Si was ready to listen to Wen Tao’s inquiry and immediately replied, "Han Yang is the third brother of Han Tongyu and one of the recipients. Because his father is an elder of Qingcheng School, that is, Han Dongge, the master of Du Jie in the middle of this time, has been following Han Jinshuo all the time. There are also several other Qingcheng School elders and family brothers who are arrogant and overbearing at ordinary times. This time, his father should take him out, but Han Dongge seems not to know it."
"Because …" Said Xiao Si, carefully looking at Wentao’s face, before continuing, "Qingcheng School has successively lost many people’s secular agent Han Liyang Han Jinshuo, the demon bird Han Changqi’s disciple Lu chiseled the Qingcheng School’s little door master Han Jinshuo. In this case, the secular school almost became their Qingcheng School unlucky, although the death of Han Liyang made Qingcheng School suddenly lose its control power in the secular world. Han Jinshuo and Lu chiseled to death, which made them feel distressed and furious. This situation Han Dongge dared not take out his own son again.
Wentao didn’t say much, because all this was from his hand, and the revenge with the Qingcheng Sect was already in the bone, and there was no room for redemption. However, Wentao never thought about redemption. Since it has reached this level, then continue to play.
As long as they don’t find themselves, their bad luck will not stop. The Shuxin clinic and its own strength are not enough now, otherwise even Han Changqi and this Han Dongge will be solved together.
"Go and have a look first."
Xiao Si finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Wen Tao’s decision to see it, saying that he had done nothing wrong. Xiao Si, a little white, valuable people will be valued, and now he has this value. He must try his best to show his value here.
They’re all fix true people, but the dating place is different. Two people actually ran to a boulder in the middle of the river.
This boulder is mostly submerged by tax cuts, and it will only be exposed when there is little rain. At this time, the exposed surface is not very large, about five meters away. The surging river flows from both sides, and Han Yang, the Qingcheng School, and the green sky and clear rain are sitting on the side.
The situation of the two people has obviously entered a hot stage. In this dark night, if it is not spiritual, it is really difficult to find someone playing passion in Jiangxin.
The little four spirits dare not look at Han Yang, who is also in the late stage of recuperation. If he looks at it, he will definitely be found.
Now is really a good opportunity. Although it is dangerous to make a move at this time, Wentao thinks the risk is worth taking.
Let Xiaosi leave here quickly and make an appointment to meet in other places for a while. Wentao is ready to start work and clean up Qingcheng Mountain again. He is the one who has to wait for Han Yang to separate from Yuqing. There is no need to pull Bi Cuitian in to play again.
Chapter one hundred and forty-four Robbery again
Cloud receives rain and lives.
"Brother Yang, who seems to have stared at your Qingcheng School recently? Even Han Jinshuo was killed. You must be careful recently." Rain is lingering in Han Yang’s arms. This kind of gameplay can also be played by people who fix the truth. The surrounding river is dark.
Perhaps it is because it is very exciting to put it here, although I know that no one in the secular world can see it and there is no sailing at this time.
Although it’s over, Han Yang’s hand is not honest and he’s still wandering around in the rain.
"You can rest assured that you and I are Han Jinshuo, the megalomaniac who is full of treasures and has made him wave."
"By the way, how did that Han Jinshuo die? I remember before. Did you say that even against an early Du Jie man, he didn’t necessarily lose? He also said that even if he faced a mid-Du Jie master, he had a way to save his life. How did he die in the secular world?"
"Do you know what he died in the secular world? He died in a towering tree, and according to later research, there were many secrets in that towering tree. It is said that even his numerous magic weapons were destroyed, and although he had fought with others before, his fatal wound was caused by a towering tree. How did this guy die at that time?"
"Always be careful!"
"Ah … you can rest assured"
"If it weren’t for the disagreement between our two factions, the two of us would be so secretive and didn’t know when it was a head."
"You can rest assured that this incident was very shocking, and even my dad personally stepped out. I’m going to get some credit this time. If things are done, Han Tongyu has no son, and the head of the Qingcheng Mountain Sect will have to re-select people to compete."
"Yang elder brother …"
"When I become the head of the Qingcheng Mountain Sect, I can’t solve it. If I support you again, I will be in charge of the green sky …"
"That’s so easy!" Yu Qing sighed, "Now, among our five apprentices, Yu Ting is my favorite, and my master is still some days away from Du Jie. Although Yu Ting’s strength is still not strong now, what chance is there if we train Yu Ting for several hundred years?"

In this game, the body has not changed, but she has a feeling of extreme understanding …

It seems that in reality, there is a hole in the body to drain all the heavy feelings before.
She broke through in reality.
Step 7
Real meaning level 7
Snow Chihiro has the deepest feeling.
And Xiao Feng, Yan Nantian, Wan Wan and others are not infatuated with it.
Lei Ming and others are even more dumbfounded. I can’t believe that there is such a magical sword style in budo …
"Take this move from me, and Wan Jian will return to the Sect!"
Su Wei deliberately shouted out the name of the move. Although it seems silly to him, now is a good time to announce it.
With the long whistle
The firm but gentle Wang Yang swept through and dodged the gap
The pig god’s pupil is also suddenly shrunk, which makes him white. Is it too big for Su Weiding to make 20 strokes?
But it’s obviously too late to regret it now
Hide and hide, the pig god will be able to roar and shoot his own thorns one after another.
In an instant, the ring rang like a thunderstorm.
The firm but gentle is too vast, and at the first moment, it will be close to the pig god’s body, even if he tries his best to shoot his own Hao thorn to resist the firm but gentle …
But it is also struggling.
Only when counting interest
After the heavy rain, it is difficult to continue several flesh-and-blood cuts.
The pig god will scream at gluttony, and a whole person will be dressed as a sieve by the number of firm but gentle … Wrong strings.
Lying on the ground, blood flowed outward along the ring.
A recruit pig god will be life and death. I don’t know if it is combined with the thousands of meters around the big challenge ring in Fiona Fang …
But one of the tens of thousands of people present was injured.
This free control seems to mock the pig god who can’t even force the other side out.
The scene was as silent as death.
Twenty strokes
Even if Su Wei survived 20 strokes, they would not be too shocked. After all, there should be few fools who dare to climb this challenge.
Even if Su Wei’s first move is exploded, everyone will not be too shocked. After all, there is almost no one who is not clear about the pig god’s beast power.
The twelve gods will be mighty in the eyes of the whole heaven and humanity, and that is a sign of invincible.
But it’s really just a trick
Kneeling is a pig god …
"Well …"
I’m chattering and comforting my boyfriend, and the battle is over before the saliva on my lips is dry.
She was a little confused, blinked and muttered, "The dragon general’s adult just knocked over the pig god?" Is the gap between the twelve gods too big or is the pig god too weak? "

And this sister-in-law treats herself like a sister-in-law, which is different from the original sister-in-law

When I arrived in Mengzhou City, I was treated like a parent with kindness and valued by Zhang Dujian.
It’s a turn of fortune, but I don’t know that it’s just a dream bubble.
Being trapped in prison, suffering and trying to take his own life.
Fortunately, it was a kindness to meet my brother, and it took hundreds of taels of silver to save his life.
Later, Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang, the elder brothers and sisters, came to save his life again and even spared no effort to avenge him.
Let him know that he is not alone in this world
But because of this, he doesn’t want to bring trouble to his two brothers and sisters.
Zhang Qing Road "is a treasure temple in Erlong Mountain in Qingzhou."
Lin Chong, a leopard head, Lu Zhishen, a Buddhist monk, and Yang Zhi, a blue-faced beast hero, were there to rob the house and dominate the party.
My good brother didn’t get it until he settled down there. If the criminal goes elsewhere, he will eventually eat and take it.
He often comes to take me in, but I can’t change my place.
I’ll write a letter to elaborate on my brother’s affairs and be a leader. Who dares to take you? "
Wu Song way "eldest brother also said.
I also hate it when the time is not right.
Today, it’s best not to be here if you kill someone.
Eldest brother, you can write me today. "
At this time, Sun Erniang held an iron hoop, a suit and a soap cloth, and a mottled short tassel tapestry.
A string of 100 single human skulls, several beads, a sand fish skin sheath and two snowflake wrought iron to make a Buddhist monk’s knife.
It is the dragon and white tiger double knives.
"Now my uncle wants to go, and I don’t want to stay. It is a bad way for my uncle to be painted.
Uncle has to flee unless he cuts his hair. To be a walker, he must cover his forehead with gold to hide from your official duties.
What’s more, it’s a talisman, but it’s not a previous life with my uncle? "
Wu Song took the Dudie and looked at it. Sure enough, he wrote about his age and appearance.
If you don’t know, you really become a monk yourself.
"Sister-in-law? Besides, I’m afraid I don’t look like a monk. "
"A Buddhist monk came from here before, because I saw that he was guilty and turned him over.
After eating his sins, he will be left with steamed bread stuffing for a few days. "
Sun Erniang will be due to simple said again "if not like?
I think this knife has killed many people and raised evil spirits. It often screams in the middle of the night, and I can’t get down.
Didn’t you come to save your uncle the other day? "
Said the clothes to teach Wu Song to wear inside and out.

Many players on the shore exclaimed that this man is bound to be finished.

Who knows that the swordsman suddenly turned back beautifully and hid the magma without hesitation, and then landed firmly on the tightrope. At this time, he could see that his skill was quite vigorous, and it made sense for a swordsman to walk so carefully.
The swordsmen moved on after avoiding deadly magma, but this hellish furnace seemed to be spiritual, and the magma in the whole pool boiled and fluctuated greatly.
Three consecutive magma splashes from behind the swordsmen, and the swordsmen roll forward directly.
He really hid beautifully, and when he fell down three times in a row, he was steady, and the cable was slightly shaking.
But at this time, his feet showed signs that a large piece of magma not only covered him directly, but also rose to the sky for about ten meters.
In fact, anyone with a little insight can tell that the first few magma are the most standard lux, but this time it is a strange water red and very bright.
A moment later, the slurry was scattered, and the "bridge" man was still there, but the swordsman had turned into a skeleton, and he even maintained a stick posture.
The field was as silent as death, and everyone was transfixed.
SAO Hehe Trail "This rock liquid is mixed with a kind of energy, but it is not a scientific and technological category."
Mad dog dragon didn’t deny what he said, because at this time there were people who were not afraid of death in hkk array.
This time, an assault soldier dressed very succinctly walked to the shore. First, he stepped back a few steps and blew the bridge with a fierce force.
The soldier’s thinking is excellent, so I won’t learn from the swordsmen, and it will take me twenty or thirty seconds to cross the bridge.
Sure enough, after a bridge, he pulled out one illusion after another and rushed out thirty or forty meters in the blink of an eye.
But even the blink of an eye bridge swelled up with a big thick lux slurry, which was accompanied by a slight scream
For a moment, there was not a ghost on the bridge, and the cable was swaying gently as if nothing had ever happened.
This flood turned ugly, and hkk lost two generals.
Sao ha ha complexion is heavier than "there are monsters in the pool"
Han Xinyi’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. "It looks like a fish."
"How can there be such a thing in this place?"
Han Xinyi said, "It may be to stop everyone from coming to Taiwan."
Sao Hehe nodded in agreement. This magma pool is very calm if people don’t bridge it, but once you go to the surface, it will boil and go to the center. The magma will be thick and big, and if you dare to go deeper, monsters will come out to punish you.
"There is definitely something hidden in Taiwan!" SAO, hehe, this belief is getting stronger and stronger.
Han Xinyi way "but is the method to cucumber, do you have any way? Cucumber? Huh? Where are people? "
She turned and saw that Mad Dog Dragon had disappeared.
At this time, the players once again screamed and looked up at the sound. When they saw a camouflage moving like a monkey on the north cave wall, they were holding a pair of straight army thorns in their hands. This method is exactly what the ghost Wuji showed in the Temple of Heaven to climb.
But this time, the terrain here is more complicated and difficult, because the whole cave is hemispherical, and the further you go, the harder it is to climb.
Everyone is staring, and everyone wants to know how this camouflage can be lowered to the stage.
Soon everyone knew that camouflage was halfway up, and suddenly a flying claw "ding" embedded in the wall of the square cave followed him to pull the rope and swing to the center.
So many times camouflage miraculously approached the central altar.
SAO, hehe, obviously I haven’t seen this kind of scene, and I can’t help sighing at the moment.
Han Xinyi eyes flashing "there are more severe"
"Oh?" Looking down her eyes, I found that the mad dog dragon root on my head didn’t need to throw flying claws to make Peter Pan float around in the sky directly.
Camouflage also found that Mad Dog Dragon is obviously much more powerful than him, and it depends on the situation that he is definitely one step ahead of him.
At this time, the distance between the two people is less than 100 meters. Because of the terrain, the swing range of the two people is relatively small
Another camouflage suddenly pulls the rope with one hand and pulls out a dark and bulky pistol with the other hand after swinging back and forth.
"bang! Bang! Bang! Hey! "
Several rounds of gunfire have been shocked, and you can feel the sonorous sound from such a long distance across the ground 2.
Camouflage is obviously worried that Mad Dog Dragon will try to shoot him first.
"mean!" Han Xinyi was very angry, but she was so angry that even the archers at the high school scene were not necessarily able to shoot to that height.
Camouflage shot seven times in a round, and one of the bullets hit Mad Dog Dragon because it was really swaying.
Mad Dog Dragon’s health dropped by 17 points directly. He instantly calculated that the opponent’s pistol attack power had a high attack of 21 points.
But this is not the most important point. The key is that the bullet hit his shoulder and suddenly produced a feeling of paralysis and weakness, and his eyes ached and his vision was a little blurred.
The bomb not only has attack special effects, but also is contaminated with poison. These guys are really yin.
Camouflage showed his shooting skills in high school at this time. After a round of shooting, he pressed the safety magazine with his finger and fell off and fell to Fangyanchi.
He pulled out a new magazine from his belt with one hand and turned it around with the gun in his hand.
"Click" a new magazine and then magically reload it into the bolt machine.
"Not good!" Mad dog dragon found that the other side was aiming at himself again, and now the distance is getting closer and closer. If you even take a few shots, the consequences will be unimaginable.
The problem is that you don’t have a single-handed weapon to fight back. I should have developed several powerful pistols before my buddy came to the genius hall. The great advantage of pistol shooting in this environment is that the rifle method is compared with the sniper rifle …

But in that seemingly peaceful scene, there seems to be something dangerous and hidden, which makes people dare not care.

In addition, Qingwei is vaguely aware that this boundary star has flashed past the remains of Buddhist monks.
"This side is relatively easy to enter." Master Jin Chan looked at the seemingly peaceful star road.
Bodhisattva Gui Mu also explained that "the pure land of Buddhism seems to be independent, but in fact, the core of the pure land of sumeru, the pure land of life and the pure land of great wisdom is faint, and once it encounters changes, it can evolve into a Buddhist country."
"Therefore, there are still some characteristics of the star Buddha country here today, and if you enter rashly, it will lead to unpredictable changes and you can enter from two relatively safe entrances."
Qingwei slowly nodded and looked at the seemingly harmless star. "What about this side?"
Master Jin Chan heard the words and laughed. "When this star field Buddha country was breached, it had been eroded by the great spirit of the Voldemort. Entering from this side will cause the Voldemort Mountain Army to attack."
"Of course, this is much better than arousing the reaction of Buddhist sages. After all, it is said that there are several great bodhisattvas and Buddhas in it, and even if we try to enter from other places with Buddhism, it will not be good and he may be in danger."
"However, only one gatekeeper was stationed here because of his obsession."
The gods of the Nine Heavenly Gods Court also have a subdivision level, but the weakest one has to be a fairy, and I am afraid that it was not an ordinary god who could be sent to block the back road of Buddhism in that year.
Indeed as expected, Master Jin Chan’s look was slightly solemn. "The name of the God here is called the sunrise cloud. It is said that it was the first time when the four great warriors fell."
Qing Wei looked slightly folded and nodded solemnly. "This place is already saying that God will leave the door. Is it harder on the other side?"
"There’s a demon-luring great god with a nine-day demon-luring imprint, which will never go in and out of the road. Although it’s several times weaker now, it’s even more difficult than here." Gui Mu Bodhisattva also entered the Buddhist country several times and naturally had a deep understanding.
Moreover, it is said to be an "entrance" but it is also a big area, but the distance has never been a problem for the level.
Master Jin Chan looked at Qing Wei and said, "After entering, the situation will be better. The two of us don’t have much restrictions on our moves. If it weren’t for the extremely dangerous situation, if my school sister and I really can’t cope, the real gentleman wouldn’t have to make moves."
"If you really want to make moves, try to be quick, accurate and malicious, and don’t delay for too long. It’s about fifteen percent."
"If the true king makes a long-term move, I am afraid that the Buddha will be regarded as an invader of the Nine Heavenly Shrine, which will lead to the abandonment of the Buddha or the siege of the sages."
It’s always difficult and sensitive to be original at first, but it hurts to be familiar with it after entering. Don’t be too fierce to attract the attention and reaction of the whole Buddhist country.
See the golden cicada mage, Gui Mu bodhisattva first step directly into the qingwei followed, but in an instant it seemed as if something was staring at it and looking up, I saw that there was a virtual shadow coming from all directions.
"Retreat, retreat!"
However, in an instant, I will see that there are thousands of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, and their figures are solid, cold and serious, and their momentum is truly awe-inspiring and they come together towards the three people.
At the forefront, I don’t know when there was a silver armor covering the man of God with a golden pike, and the terrifying qi machine immediately called the three people a careful heart.
The dead naturally have no nonsense, so you can see that the sunrise cloud god will raise my hand and cut the sky with a wave of his hand, like devouring all kinds of energy, tearing the sky with a sword and directly covering three people.
Even after years of death, this blow is still enough to stop all the immortals!
Master Jin Chan and Bodhisattva Gui Mu have long been experienced.
The entrance here is clear and micro-handed, but it doesn’t matter. Anyway, the sunrise cloud god will put an end to all things that go in and out.
Light flint will see a chaotic axe light meet the sunrise cloud god will be sharp-edged magic gun and go to the moment and directly collide together.
Hum ~
Master Jin Chan is not surprised. Counting cicadas sounds like solemn chanting, and then he sees that many heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals are in a trance. The strength of the sunrise cloud gods is somewhat weak by direct strength.
Gui Mu Bodhisattva’s eyelids jumped, but there was also a ghost incarnate instantly. The golden body of different Bodhisattvas evolved in a quiet and serene way. The Buddha array was like a pure land shrouded in the sunrise cloud after death.
Resolving the obsession and crossing the dead is the specialty of Buddhism, but the sunrise says that the obsession is too heavy. Even if Master Jin Chan and Bodhisattva Gui Mu join hands, they can’t influence this "stubborn stone", but it will affect it for a short time, or we can’t get in before.
Qing Weili hit the axe to contain most of God’s energy. After Master Jin Chan and the two of them solved it again, the sunrise cloud God was already half a step slow to break free.
Gui Mu Bodhisattva Buddha array is exquisite, but obviously it will be broken after three or two breaths. When Master Jin Chan saw it, he reached out and gently held the Buddha country in his palm to directly collect the sunrise cloud.
"Go inside!"
As if the physical strength was pulled, the right-hand Golden Cicada mage immediately said that Qingwei two people did not hesitate to fly directly towards the Ministry, and Qingwei did not forget to converge as far as possible.
Master Jin Chan took a few steps, and then his look changed slightly, like a click resounding through the void. He did not hesitate to throw his right hand behind him and flutter the Buddha’s back. Time seemed to be delayed.
Qing Wei brushed the five-color divine light behind him at the right time and directly pulled Master Jin Chan. When the sunrise cloud god will completely leave the Buddhist country, the three people have just left the entrance area.
Master Jin Chan couldn’t help laughing that "three people are convenient"
Gui Mu Bodhisattva echoed and laughed, "It is true."
Her strength is not as good as Qingwei’s. She had to come in with some secrets before.
Qing smiled and just wanted to talk to the three of them, then their faces suddenly changed. Qing Wei’s head was full of mystery and beauty, and Master Jin Chan and Bodhisattva Gui Mu, who were born directly under the canopy of five emperors, also showed their magical powers to defend themselves.
A golden magic gun directly pierced the stars of the universe and pointed at three people.
Xuanhuang Gongde Qi Transpiration Pagoda Instantly Broken Innate Five Emperors Outside the Huagai Five Emperors Living in One Side, Controlling God Beasts to Resist the Vast Force
Five-colored lotus flowers in the hands of Qing Wei Yuan Shen shine brightly and firmly.
At the same time, the axe in your hand is hard to split out again!
"The sunrise cloud god will be out of his obsession area? How is it possible! " Golden cicada mage face slightly white way
Chapter seven hundred and sixty-one Five elements of mountain light curse Buddha pure land
The sunrise cloud god will pike unexpectedly and suddenly and violently challenged three people is some mess Gui Mu bodhisattva corners of the mouth is a dark gold blood flow.
"How is that possible? For several years, the Jinyun God has been unable to leave the stationed area! "
Looking at the two people next to them, even if things change suddenly, it is easy to stop the sunrise cloud from attacking Gui Mu Bodhisattva, and they have a further understanding of the strength of Qingwei and Golden Cicada.
Not far away, the sunrise cloud god will appear in front of the three people at a seemingly slow but very fast speed.

Dog two "envy plus one"

"I went to her to take off his clothes." The dog trembled.
Dog 2 "envy me to death"
"Oh, why is she so close to him? She doesn’t want to kiss him all over." The dog trembled with excitement.
Dog 2 "Ah, it’s so exciting that I can’t breathe."
Then two small stones flew over to stun and kill dog one and dog two. Patience was really limited and annoying. Too noisy and dizzy; I can’t tell, but I’m a little dizzy …
Great, the world is quiet again. Take back your hand and let Liu Xi wrap him up carefully at night. Liu Guang falls lightly on Liu Xi’s sharp face at night, and his eyes look big and watery, and the affectionate clouds are flickering.
Blood kills me and I feel itchy all over my heart. I like it at night and I like it at night. This kind of warm and practical feeling is that he always yearns for him-he doesn’t want to let go.
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 522 You will never be returned to him.
It suddenly occurred to me that the man who was carefully comforted by his girlfriend and hit a tree killed his eyes and bent up. He didn’t envy that man. He is a hundred times happier than that man now. Hum, have you been seen by your girlfriend? I was seen thoroughly. Oh, I even showed my ABS.
Killers also keep up with the joneses-
Liu Xixi naturally noticed that blood killed her eyes, which were more tender and watery. If she still didn’t notice, she would be scorched by his enthusiasm, okay?
She sighed and angered him, but how could she really abandon him? She saved him.
"Well, don’t wave when we go to catch rape! !” Liu Xixi tried to ignore the strange feeling and pointed to the distance with great interest.
Well, she can leave this kind of children’s love affair to Difeng Night alone, and she still has a lot of things to do. Well, her goal is the sea of stars.
It’s not easy to live in ancient times if she wants to kill those who want to kill her first.
So the two men stopped cultivating feelings and excitedly prepared to abuse Emperor Weiyun and Mo Ruan Ruan. When they went to the tip, they killed their eyes and became cold. "It’s not good for us to get caught."
As soon as his voice fell, it rained like a migratory locust when he shot in from the outside of the window.
Blood killed busy pulling Liu Sunseeker’s hand and rolling into the desktop land together. My father-in-law was shot into a hedgehog by those arrows.
Liu Xixi exclaimed at night, "Ya, this arrow is poisonous."
Because it happened that an arrow shot was a squirrel hiding at the table, and the squirrel turned white in the eyes and twitched in the limbs before dying.
"Liu Xi night, blood comes out and wants you to come out. I promise you won’t die." A cold and gloomy sound track.
Liu Sunseeker shivered slightly when he heard the sound late. First, Ye Ze couldn’t think of this guy’s haunting, and he chased him here all the time.
Willow sunseeker night dissatisfied tunnel "didn’t you say that his army was annihilated? He brought so many people? "
Blood kills some. "He has money! !”
Liu Xixi’s "…" paralyzed her hatred of the rich! !
"He has rich girls, too." Liu Sunseeker thought of a way to quietly kill her ears with blood and wanted to think, expressing his great agreement with Liu Sunseeker, so he gloated.
Look at these ancient people. Aren’t they all great heroes? But at the time of crisis, I don’t have to rely on her little girl to save me. Hehehe, she finally feels a little superior about being a traveler
Looking at Liu Sunseeker’s side face with appreciation, I couldn’t help laughing when I saw her triumphant face at night.
He has been crawling out of the dead since he was a child, and it is almost common for him to take the risk of death.
Liu Xixi looked at her differently at night. Even when she was poor, she was well raised by her mother. But she can be so dangerous. She even said that she didn’t change her face in the gambling plan. !
Sure enough-I have a crush on women, and I will never give you back to Difeng Night.
"Hey, it’s the night master. Why are you still so arrogant? I heard that your night home will be confiscated by the emperor. I wonder if you can afford the wages of these people?" Willow sunseeker night and smiling propaganda way
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 523 What is salary?
Yeze frowned. What’s that?
In fact, the 500 hired thugs are also thinking about a problem. Shouldn’t wages be wages? Fortunately, they pay first and then work.
Everyone is determined in their hearts. Although it’s a down payment, it’s certainly not a lie for the public to spend a lot of money to see the gold, silver and jewels in his carriage full of mountains.
Ye Ze also sneered, "I’m the one who left you at Liuxi Night. Stop playing and come with me. I won’t kill you, I swear."
In order to save you, I was almost eaten by crocodiles. How can you be so ignorant of good people? Of course, this kind of embarrassing night will not tell Liu Xixi that his eyes are dark and the original is healing. It seems that there is some dull pain.
Every time it hurts, his heart is full of Liu Sunseeker’s shadow. The thought of seeing him at night makes him feel a little nervous and excited.
However, Liu Xixi definitely won’t come to see him at night. She asked with a smile, "Yegong, you are even more stupid when you cheat these fools this time. You haven’t found your tricks yet. You won’t put straw on the bottom and spread some mixed jewels like the last time. Oh, that method is also what I left behind. You are just trying to make a difference. In the end, you won’t let them get paid and then bomb everyone."
Liu Xixi was just saying that if she was such a pervert, she would definitely do it.
But I didn’t expect the effect to be so good that she was hit by a blind cat.
"Damn it, he really let us see the treasure of that car far away. It can’t be fake, can it?" Finally, some people are unreliable.
Ye Ze frowned slightly and said, "Don’t you believe that girl who can talk, not that I don’t want nonsense to force people out of me. I want that girl."
His words are like a starting gun and an arrow, like locusts, drilling into a dilapidated land temple.
Liu Sunseeker was almost injured by the flow vector last night. Fortunately, the blood killed her suddenly and held her back, which barely escaped.
However, this evening, Liu Sunseeker and Blood Kill are tightly attached together. Liu Sunseeker looked up slightly at night and saw that the earlobe of Blood Kill was red with the naked eye, which made her a little nervous.
"Does it hurt?" Liu Sunseeker moved her eyes late and saw blood killing her shoulder. She bandaged him and knew how deep the wound was in that place.
If this fool were an ordinary person, he would have been lying in bed for a long time.
He also ran over to find her and ran around with her rashly, sighing. She thought that if she came to this world and was the first to say that she liked her, maybe the result would be better, but many things didn’t.
"Blood kills you. Listen to me. There is little chance for the two of us to escape together. Let’s split up later. I’ll run to the river. Sorry, I’m not good at kung fu. I can take you to the mountain through the river. If nothing happens, I’ll wait for you in Beijing."
"No" blood kill coldly refused.
Liu Xixi was so angry that his eyes were wide open at night. "What? I think this is the best way. Kuang Yeze may not kill me."
In fact, she is not sure whether to kill or not depends on the mood of Yeze.
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 524 Pearls are so expensive

"Good" Fang Yu remembered the incident of closing the gold mine, and she got excited first and talked softly at the landline.

About half an hour later, he affirmed, "They asked a friend to buy it. I asked a messenger in Antu. He said that the company subsidized the purchase of a suite, which is the Jiangbei residential area …"
"Yin Senyong"
"Go to Antu cruise ship and get all its documents back for me."
Yin Senyong, the family knight, ran out of the house as quickly as possible.
Fang Yu blinked hard and finally decided not to ask.
"Well … why don’t I go back first?"
"Still waiting?"
Chen Yi said nothing.
Two hours later, Yin Senyong returned to Chen Zhai with a huge safe.
Chapter three hundred and ninety-four Yan Zhao (2)
The safe was bravely entered into Chen Yi’s bedroom by Yin Sen.
The three men sat in a circle, staring at the silver-gray cold-tone safe and looking intently as if there were many gold and silver treasures buried in it.
I am most concerned about my own affairs. Fang Yu first asked, "How to fight?"
Yin Senyong’s fingernail scratched the safe shell and made a sharp sound and replied "pry"
"How did the safe become warped?" Fang Yu disdained pie pie.
Fang Yu’s ridicule seems very normal without knowing Yin Senyong’s identity.
Silver Sen Yong just ignored him and put his hand on the safe lid and gradually exerted his strength.
Chen Yi gently held him down and said, "Don’t bother if there is a self-destruct device. Tell me about the process of taking the safe?"
"They were drinking in front, and when I got to the back, I knocked out a guy and asked his companion where the files and videos were. He told me that I didn’t know, but maybe it was in the yacht master bedroom. When I went there, I happened to see the photo. Antu put the thing in the safe. After he left, I tried to force it, and the alarm was used to carry it back. "
Yin Senyong said that it’s simple, but it’s not simple to break the safe from the solid hull.
Fang Yu listened to silly thinking, maybe you are superman?
Chen Yi secretly cursed the ink and drew a small circle while they were obedient.
Level 3 curse ink can push things with a total weight of 3 kilograms.
He pretended to twist a few numbers and listened to "click" before the big guy rang.
Chen Yi gently pulls the safe and slowly hits it.
"Do you know the password?" Fang Yugang emerged from the contempt of Superman stories and immediately fell into shock.
"Secret Shh" Chen Yi smiled and put his finger in his lips. His eyes were smiling but serious.
Fang Yu nodding nervous.
Safe pull
Chen Yi roughly looked at his eyes and turned his backhand to pour out the contents of the safe.
Fang Yu jumped up. He knew that the safe weighed 15 kilograms only by visual inspection. I didn’t expect Chen Yi to pick it up and turn it over.
The attention paid to Chen Yi’s arm made him pay no attention to the banknotes, videos and CDs on the ground.
"A lot of money?" Chen Yi muttered. He took out a pile of RMB, US dollars, euros and yen and looked at it. Then he gave it to Yin Senyong. "You put all the banknotes with different colors in it."
In addition to money, there are four jewelry boxes on the ground, two of which are used as small yellow croaker for banknote suppression.
Fang Yu lowered her head and helped to sort things out. At the same time, she reported, "Two gold watches, a diamond watch, a diamond necklace and a box … Oh, it’s a set of about 10 thousand. All countries have money, NTD and HK dollars. This guy’s yacht is here to run away."
He gave the answer flatly, but his eyes were fixed on the two piles left.
The pile on the left is a video tape and the pile on the right is a CD. I’m afraid the total number will exceed one.
Chen Yi frowned and asked, "Do you know which one is you?"
"See?" Fang Yuxin smiled.
"Then see" Chen Yi also don’t wriggle from the housekeeper to the video recorder and DVD player.

This classmate, if you want world peace, it’s no problem if you can share a toilet with others and sit on a toilet at the same time.

The method tells you that you can’t.
You can be world peace. "
Suluo pointed to the questioner and asked me this childish question to spite me.
"Ha ha"
"Ha ha ha ha"
Suluo raised his hand and burst into laughter. "So I am most afraid of people who talk about world peace all day. For example, the one who just asked his classmates, you have to recognize him. If I go to his house, I will definitely not dare to go to his toilet or suddenly knock."
"Ha ha ha ha"
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"
This laughter can’t be suppressed. Everyone laughs like shrimp. You know what he said is absurd but very philosophical.
Isn’t it
World peace. Can you bear to share a toilet with others and have world peace?
Suluo stand hand way "what’s the problem"
Another classmate asked, "Do you think there will be the end of the world?"
Suluo "classmate, this is not a question either. Come here, it’s a New Year’s wish and another answer. I just answered the question. When you answered yes, the question was not white."
I know you don’t understand. I’ll explain it to you. Take notes. Don’t laugh. It’s a knowledge point. ok.
Another solution to world peace: the end of the world
With the death of the earth, there is no peace in the big bang.
Isn’t that right?
I take myself as an example. If the world ends tonight, there are still a few hours.
Now there is a god who hates ghosts and hates people. Yes, my suluo is coming to give a speech at the Qing Dynasty. Not to mention, this guy is a public enemy of Bay Bay. Now, will you come and sit here and wait for him to appear, and then boo him and scold him to death? Throw rotten eggs and kill this street fighter.
I think he hates people like him in front of him, and it’s all gone if they don’t die.
Ask yourself if you will. "
Very quiet
Nobody talks.
Suluo paused and then said, "Of course you won’t, because you know very well that I won’t come to give a speech at this time. Come and give a speech when I am stupid and the world is ending."
"Ha ha"
"Ha ha ha ha"
Suluo: "Don’t laugh at me. Am I right? If I believe that tonight is the end of the world, what am I going to do?"
And you don’t have to hate me so much. Oh, this suluo is arrogant and arrogant. Mainland kids call us garbage
Think about it carefully. How long can this small thing be arrogant? In a few hours, the world will end. I don’t know that human beings are the extinction of all creatures on the earth. You sit here neatly and wait for me to appear, and then you will shush me.
If the United States wants to sanction Iran, will the Iranian people panic? Will they be very smart? If the scourge is coming, it will come in a few hours. After a few hours, you, the United States will not die.
Will the United States say that we should seize the time to kill Iran and flatten Russia in the last few hours, and destroy China’s unified earth conveniently?
So this time is not world peace?
This classmate, you can become good friends with the classmate who just asked about world peace and share the toilet at the same time. "
Suluo pointed at him and joked.
"make it clear that if I believe in the end of the world, I won’t come here today. What will I do in these hours?
Well, first of all, I say that I am very vulgar. Without your great ideals of world peace, I would go to buy the most expensive building in the world, 100 million yuan or 200 million yuan, or dollars or pounds and euros. So-called, I will buy it at any price.
I’ll be as domineering as I am. Anyway, don’t worry about me. I’ll buy it for a word regardless of the price.
The sales girl will ask me, when are you going to finish
I will look at my watch smartly and promise to tell her that it will be finished in an hour and a half. "
"Ha ha"
"Ha ha ha ha ha"
What’s left after the hilarious laugh is
Silent as death
No one spoke again, quietly watching suluo smile on the stage.
"Na answered the question of my classmate just now. Do you think there will be the end of the world?
Do you need to ask? You don’t even believe in the end of the world. If you really thought there was an end of the world, you wouldn’t come today, let alone ask this question.
This question also answers a classmate’s New Year’s wish. How can world peace be free from entanglement? Absolute world peace on the day of the end of the world.
You don’t sit in a toilet with me anymore. How can you hate me? What is the status, position, class, all disputes and contradictions are not a problem at that moment.

Looked at each other and said, "Then let’s go and go to the Qing Dongling, where the Qinglong is sealed. We will go there and things will end as soon as possible."

There are no different opinions. I took a deep breath in the direction of the mainland and went to the east coast to see the legacy. Hongli summoned the gluttons and rode on the surface.
Meow meow elder sister also said, "It’s easy for us to summon you. Let’s summon it first. It’s much easier to summon it. If you are in trouble, you can directly solve it. Besides, if the White Tiger Saint and the Kirin Saint come over, they will definitely bring the summons directly. We have to make preparations."
"Yes, you have to be ready for battle as soon as you come out."
I took out the Xuanwu shield on the east coast and summoned it. When fighting against time, it was much simpler. Huge basalts appeared in the sea.
"Hey!" "Hey!" I like the sea very much.
We landed on the surface and let Xuanwu shrink to the size of 100 meters and quickly go to the mainland.
Over there, Zhou Jiayu also asked, "I heard from Xiao Fan that you have been out there all the time knowing the situation and want to help us. What’s your enemy with Shinto? They won’t let you in."
Some redundant asked 1
The snake king sighed, "The main thing is that there are some things that must be done. If you talk too much, you won’t be white. Anyway, Shinto should be extinct."
And laughed, "It’s the best time for us to be powerful now."
"That’s right. It’s the best time."
Everyone is full of confidence and feels that this world war I will win.
I shouted, "Then hurry to the Qing Dongling, and we will fight with them." I guessed that at this moment, when we came out, we might have been known by Shinto people.
Locking our position and preparing to meet.
Then come on.
And Xuanwu speed soon saw the continental plate. At this time, it had entered the winter and there were no boats at the seaside, so I let Xuanwu swim directly.
After staying on the shore, I went straight to the train without saying anything.
The plane was shot down, but it was a big trouble. It took a few hours to get to Ann by train.
Everything goes well, too.
On the contrary, it’s strange that the King of Man and the King of Witch haven’t done high-speed rail. It’s amazing to look around.
King Wu, a toad has a cloak on his head, but he still has to cover it up. There are many people who don’t show their eyes.
The snake king is there to introduce them to two people one by one. It’s interesting to explain them like a tour guide.
And here we are all looking forward to the great war, and one by one, holding our breath, Xuanwu has become a very small turtle hidden in my pocket.
As well as preparing to enter the combat state, others are waiting for the Shinto raid and fight back.
Sister Meow Meow said calmly, "They must have thought a lot in the past three months, and they must have guessed it. Let’s go back to the battle of Qing Dongling when we come out. It’s not nervous until that’s it."
I feel it, too.
And Yang Ke and Jing Wen are really studying the new weapons given by the witch king, which seems to be good. They haven’t had a chance to study it and wait for a while for the war.
Hongli and woodcutter seem to be indifferent to the great events they have experienced.
I just closed my eyes and waited there, waiting for the train to just enter when we were in Zunhua, a small county town in Tang Cheng.
One by one, the train faces the direction of Qin Dongling and knows that it must be a big war. "Live or die" flies into the sky and goes to show the decisive battle.
It also ends here and here.
Chapter 27 The Ultimate World War I
Before we arrived at the Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty, we had already seen a huge white tiger and a huge unicorn in the Mausoleum of the Kuang.
Several Shintoists are also waiting for our arrival, and it is really good that we will come here.
"They all put out the strongest firepower."
It’s a decisive battle when it comes out, and we have long expected it. We don’t want to be afraid to fight in the ink, do we?
Xuanwu is still growing rapidly, like a seed sprouting rapidly, expanding into a huge beast.
"Ho!" To the White Tiger and Kirin. "Hey!" Tell the root not to be afraid
Hongli and Meow Meow followed and summoned the gluttonous and ambiguous serpents on both sides of Xuanwu, although not as huge as the god beast, but they were not underestimated.
Chopping firewood, Zhou Jiayu, Jingwen, Yang Kecai are unreasonable, irritating, and ghosts in color are all gearing up to prepare for World War I.
I was there with the seven-star tangdao blade storm. I don’t believe them. The undead shouted, "Now that we have set up a battle, let’s stop fighting."
There is nothing to say about going back and forth. It’s time for a fight.
A voice also shouted over there. It was the Kirin Saint who shouted, "What’s the hurry? There are still a group of people who haven’t come yet. Only when they are here can we do real things."
There are still a group of people?
We can’t help looking at the sky, and we can see that there is a sudden appearance of a city. A huge city is bigger than the whole Zunhua county.
Floating there
"Tiancheng people are here."
I can’t help but look up, and the meaning seems to be clear. "It seems that Tiancheng people are ready to help Shinto fight against us."
"What a bunch of sons of bitches! Fuck him!"
Zhou Jiayu scolded Niang, "Foolish idiots believe in Shinto so much that they are not afraid to solve our problems and destroy them conveniently."
I do know.
The cakes painted by Shinto are so tempting that all human beings become awakened, and they can’t be deceived if they say they are decent.
I patted Zhou Jiayu on the shoulder and said, "Don’t think too much. It’s meaningless to unite. It’s time to make a final understanding."
The king of snakes, the king of people and the king of wizards are in vain. In the past, they were longer than the heavenly city. They hummed, "Then they will be destroyed together with the heavenly city."
It’s said here that it’s a paradise for the awakened, and it’s said that it’s a paradise for the awakened, but sometimes it’s a bad thing, and I hate it and it’s ruined. Anyway, it’s inevitable
And just after the show in Tiancheng, a group of people suddenly flew from the surface. This time, we fought side by side against the floating knights of Shinto.
Very brave and fast, like a flower, it flew directly in our direction, and one of the women was the most dazzling.
Wearing beautiful feather armor, it was Suzaku feather and its owner Zhao Yan who followed. They were all friends and became enemies at this moment.
Zhao Yan quickly surpassed the floating knight in front of us and saw that we were a little embarrassed.

Han Che is Qin Muyu’s confidant, or he wouldn’t have given Lin Yu to him, but Qin Muyu is very dissatisfied because the other party actually disobeyed his orders.

"Miss Lin, who belongs to Wang Ye’s incompetence, has disappeared."
Cold che came to Qin Muyu and knelt down to confess to Qin Muyu.
"What? Missing? What do you mean missing? "
Qin mu feather picked up cold che asked
"The report just left for a while and Miss Lin said that the abdominal pain was unbearable and sent her family out to find a doctor, but who knew that Miss Lin would not be there when she returned."
Speaking of this, Han Che is also very upset about what Lin Yu means to Qin Muyu. No one knows better than him that when Qin Muyu handed people into his own hands, Han Che immediately took them to their temporary place to avoid being disturbed by other people and arranged a tent for Lin Yu alone.
"What about the people around you? Are the waiters blind?"
"Yes, Miss Lin told them that the sovereign had something important and her hand had to be delivered by herself."
"They believe it?"
"Miss Lin said that she agreed because she was absent at that time, and she said that it was particularly important."
No one knows Lin Yu’s true identity except Han Che. Lin Yu said she was going to find Qin Muyu, and who would stop her?
"Do you know where you went?"
"say it!"
"Your report pardons Miss Lin for possibly going to the underground again."
"Wang Ye Wang Ye!"
Cold che never dreamed that Qin Muyu was in a coma for vomiting blood because of this news. Fortunately, Qin Muyu came out with many people, including two doctors.
Before the two doctors had a good medical skill, Qin Muyu’s Wangfu can be said to be the exclusive private doctor of Qin Muyu. The two doctors are very different in age. One doctor Hu Baihua is frowning and feeling Qin Muyu’s pulse. The other one is a young but talented old doctor. The old doctor has already learned 90% of things, and the other one is just a lack of exercise. This time, I heard that Qin Muyu needed to take two doctors when he went out, so he grinded his master to come out.
"What happened to Master Zhou Dafu?"
The old doctor surnamed Zhou listened to Han Che’s question and sighed deeply before answering.
"Report some qi and blood is not smooth vomiting blood, but I woke up before I was old because of the body method worm. Report other body method worms are too overbearing, except that the report knows, and even there is his influence. Let the report be extra careful. Now the method worm doesn’t know what suddenly attacks the host actively, which is quite immortal."
"Is there nothing he can do?"
Cold che never gave up and asked, but he himself knew that this sentence was quite redundant. Since he knew that the method of worms in the report body, they visited famous doctors all the time, but they were disappointed in the end.
Chow Tai Fook sighed again
"When will the sovereign wake up?"
"This old man has something to say. The report is in a very bad situation. The only way is to fight poison with poison to stabilize the worm. This will definitely hinder the report’s life."
Dr. Chow’s statement is quite euphemistic. If it is good or bad, it will depend on God’s will. Even if you can wake up, you will surely have few days to live.
"Is there nothing he can do?"
The old doctor shook his head.
"This matter is too big for me to do alone. Can you wake the sovereign first and let him make his own decisions?"
"I’ll do my best."
Dr. Chow still has a few brushes, otherwise, Qin Muyu can’t keep people in his own house all the time. It is said that the needle of Dr. Chow’s ancestors is superb, but it’s a bit exaggerated, but the needle technique is really good. A few stitches to Qin Muyu really wake up.