I wanted to think about it and sent a message to Yan Lie.

"Sometimes? Interview?"
Yan Lie seconds back!
Chapter three hundred and twenty-four Hug you don’t understand
"Because I want to fight for this time, the 213th Mars Actual Combat Award Institute can actually form a team if we form a team.
The merits of the war can be distributed according to the contribution. "
I met Yan Lie in the corner of a small training ground.
He is not tall, thin and weak. If Xu retreats and passes by here at will, he may not even notice Yan Lie in the shadow.
Yan Lie cherishes words like gold.
"The second question is who to listen to on the battlefield of Mars." Xu tui took the initiative to ask this question.
If this problem can be solved, then he can form a team with Yan Lie. If he can’t walk alone, it is better than disagreement.
YanLie looked at xu back and looked at himself "it doesn’t consider?
I have participated in two rounds of actual combat on Mars and actually went in and out of the battlefield on Mars three times.
And you are a newcomer. "
Yan Lie expressed his meaning in a few words.
In all respects, it is natural to listen to him.
He’s the captain! He’s the commander!
Smell speech Xu retreat secretly sighed. It seems that Yan Lie can’t form a team.
Tell him to listen to the command of a new human being who takes the assassin’s cultivation route. Xu tui can’t do it
Assassins who practice the route often take risks by taking a slant!
Xu tui doesn’t like this style
Don’t like to gamble on luck.
"Unfortunately, I prefer to be steady."
Xu got up and left.
There is no need to force each other about life and death.
"Are you afraid of my risks?" Sitting in the shadow YanLie abrupt asked
Xu back nodded his head.
"But your experience …"
"I like to listen to other people’s opinions best."
"What’s your opinion?"
"You and I can’t talk about who is completely from who doesn’t know the situation.
I suggest it’s my Lord. I may be more stable. Of course, I will fully listen to your opinions.
Of course, in wartime, I hope you will listen to the instructions as much as possible. After we get to know each other, we will all try to trust each other.
This is the team foundation, "Xu said.
Yanlie looked at Xu tui and nodded gently. "Your opinion is still to the point. It is unlikely that we will completely learn from each other or trust each other for the first time."
Of course, I hope to establish the letter as soon as possible.
Your Lord can also have one condition. "
"Go ahead."
"On the battlefield of Mars, if there is a big disagreement, it will be a slap in the face and no one will delay," Yan Lie said.
Smell speech Xu smiled back.
"I think so, too."
Yanlie got up and looked at Xu back. "Our ability is to attack and kill the specific cooperation or to hone it in actual combat on the battlefield of Mars."
There is no point in talking about soldiers on paper.
One day, you’d better thoroughly understand the battlefield information of Mars!
I don’t want to be a commentator "
"Don’t worry!"

His mood is naturally cheerful.

According to Su Wei’s estimation, that is, his setting of 22 activation code is too high to dissuade 99% of the players, otherwise I am afraid that the players who joined the "Limited" OL have already trampled the Huashan threshold.
I’m afraid this game has already exploded.
However, even if there are few players, the game "Limited" OL has already been out of the circle.
Liu Lei once listened to his classmates in class and said that there was a game that was crazy about money recently.
The activation code alone costs more than 20 thousand yuan …
How poor does this game company have to be to be so carefree?
Liu Lei laughed scornfully when he heard it. You idiots don’t know anything … Is 22 over? This is really not even the first course.
Besides, it’s definitely worth spending the money.
It’s a pity that he is too lazy to tell them …
In particular, most of these people are students of different skills or colonization.
Everyone is a competitor. What can I say?
Besides, what the owners hate most is definitely colonization and different skills. If it weren’t for them, how could Gu Wu be reduced to this point?
Naturally, he won’t go to stroke of bad luck … Even pulling Wu Zijie, who wants to defend their popular science, told him not to say more.
Let them misunderstand.
Some people are really not suitable for playing this game.
In fact, although Su Wei wants more players, after all, the more players he has, the higher his authenticity and the faster his strength rises.
But that doesn’t mean he is hungry.
What should I set the purchase activation code?
Because of the authenticity in Su Wei, it is impossible for players to enter … Buying activation code money can save Su Wei’s loss and make a small profit by the way.
Another reason is that the leopard head can be ruled out.
You know, there are a group of players, and Su Wei belonged to this group in those days. No matter how fun the game is, I will play with myself. You let me charge money. Sorry … No second world can exploit my money.
My money is spent on three yuan.
Su Wei can’t afford to take the risk if he can’t even afford to buy a mere 22 activation code and expect them to continue to pay more for recharging.
And it turns out that he did the right thing.
Huashan Sect now has more than 100 players … but these players are more enthusiastic about Krypton.
Su Wei spent more than 600 points of authenticity to successfully show his second career, Songshan School.
Within a month.
His truthfulness has already reached 500 points again. In the past month, he has lost five W per capita!
Obviously, most ancient fighters are rich, so-called poverty is also relatively speaking … It’s not a problem to take out a hundred thousand.
It’s like Liu Lei is just a student, but he can easily break several W’s if he wants to earn a year.
Chapter 61 Brother, isn’t fencing fragrant? What kind of woman do you want
Zhongzhou city
Yunyang university
A Jing Ya Economic Coffee House
The music is melodious and accompanied by the owner’s gesture of grinding coffee, and the whole store is filled with a petty bourgeoisie romantic atmosphere.
Cheng Wu, with a melancholy face, stirred his coffee and said to the girl in front of him, "I’m sorry, Xiaolin, let’s break up. I love other women. Although I like you very much, I can’t go against what I can … We can go here."
The girl coldly spilled coffee in front of Cheng Wu’s face.
Word by word, "I’m Yuan Qiu, and I can’t remember my name correctly. I’m afraid your love for me is limited. I don’t say much. Don’t break up in front of me again from now on, or I’ll call you once."
With that, I hate to leave my head without bringing it back.
After the girl left, five roommates sitting next door all leaned in. Liu Lei conveniently handed a towel to wipe Cheng Wu’s face.
Han Dong skillfully helped him change his coat.
Sun Xing puzzled and asked, "Brother Wu, why did you deliberately call the wrong name? Also deliberately put a cup of coffee in front of her … "
"You don’t understand this, do you?"
Cheng Wu sighed, "Xing Er, you don’t understand women. If I call her by the wrong name on purpose, she will recognize that I have been playing with her, which will save me a thousand words to explain everything, and their anger will definitely be greeted with whatever they catch. I won’t hesitate when I put a cup of coffee in front of them. Although it is not harmful, it is no different from chopping me with a knife in their hearts …"
He said, "After chopping, the anger will be scattered for seven points, and the rest is not worth it to themselves. At this time, they will naturally leave without saying anything, so that breaking up is clean and time-saving."
Yan Qijun exclaimed, "My God, Brother Wu, you know so much about women."
Cheng Wu said with the wave, "These are nothing but basic exercises. Let’s have a cup of coffee first."
Li Yuan said, "The little warrior hasn’t come yet. It’s about 10: 30 and it’s only 10: 15."
"What do you know about coffee? It’s very hot when it first comes, just hanging for ten minutes. You really want to see me peel it off. Besides, coffee is old and expensive, so please call another one. It can also save me money for a cup of coffee. I won’t order it myself! I want to save all my money. Lei is now the first master of Jianzong … "
Liu Lei quickly waved his hand and said, "Don’t don’t don’t wear a top hat for me. I don’t have that ability … Yesterday, I just had a fight with a master of strength in the Rulong Martial Arts School. After more than 20 moves, I was beaten. How can I be called the first master?"
Cheng Wu "mom, if it weren’t for the coffee in front of me, I’ll pour your face now, believe it or not?" What do you hate most about Versailles … "
"It’s still good to always be small."
Li Yuan seriously said, "Huashan School has more and more younger brothers now, and it’s crazy like water bamboo. Krypton followed the deputy head to learn martial arts. Now the deputy head calls the girl water bamboo and Xiao Lingshan together … rich and coquetry. We can’t compete with her. We will be eliminated if she goes there again."

The attribute of stupidity will not disappear because of the increase of IQ.

But these stupid tigers learned to whistle at beautiful women, complain about the bad food, chat and brag.
Not far from Zhuang, I wonder who Mifeier is taking as a model to reconstruct the brain circuits of these big guys!
Fortunately, they are obedient when they work hard and train.
So there were ten more tigers scouts in the manor.
Cats are the most efficient and deadly predators on earth.
Tigers are the strongest individuals in cats.
These tigers have been domesticated by Mifeier through manor output, and their fighting capacity is much higher than that of humans and rabbit dragons, second only to dog dragons.
Now there is another training subject, that is, one man and one rabbit against tiger scouts.
Later, it was found that one person and one rabbit turned into two people and two rabbits after looking for abuse.
Unfortunately, he was still abused …
The manor is not far from Shizhuang
"Congratulations to Renci Manor. The main manor has two official arms, the Rabbit Dragon Guard and the Tiger Scout."
"At present, both arms of the manor are infantry, and it is suggested that the manor domesticate a reliable mount to recruit cavalry arms in response to various combat situations."
This kind of thing, cavalry, has long since withdrawn from the stage of history.
I haven’t seen it except near Shizhuang.
What’s the difference between cavalry and infantry?
The cavalry has horses and horses.
It’s still a good infantry, isn’t it? What do you want from cavalry?
The manor really gives itself a problem!
If you say cavalry, all kinds of animals in the manor are actually not suitable for riding.
What should we domesticate?
Speaking of which, the most successful mount of mankind is of course the horse.
Do you want to domesticate some horses?
As the saying goes, recruiting soldiers and horses has always been one.
But riding a horse in such a cool place as the manor? How boring!
And how miserable it is to make the tame horse and the exile era so terrible that the opponent is desperate! How cruel!
Not far from Zhuang, there was a brain hole, and the mobile phone suddenly shook. Someone in the classmate group was @ him.
Zhou ye "brothers who have asked for help this Saturday! Ask for help! "
Everyone said, "I don’t have to work overtime on Saturday!"

Sitting on the ground with a wooden stick, I looked at the sky with melancholy. "Oh, my feet …"

Farewell and have a happy life …
At the same time, in the era of exile, two mechanical giant dogs of the Black Triangle Bandits were parked in the virtual space, and two fallen dragon people looked at each other in the mouth of the giant dog.
They didn’t expect Sazler to have one hand chasing after him, and suddenly accelerated, and the hurricane soon disappeared.
"Did you see where it went?"
"Didn’t see you?"
"This guy runs so fast! You can still run away like this! "
"It must be that this guy has also hoarded some good green Rongcheng coal. His uncle is afraid that he will not kill us this time!"
The two fallen dragon people are worried that the competition of the Black Triangle bandit regimental headquarters is also very cruel. Among them, the leader of the fallen dragon people, Uncle San, is not a person who worries about his family, or cool thin is the nature of the fallen dragon people.
Even if these two people are his own nephews, they will be punished or made an example.
"No, we don’t necessarily return it. Remember where Sazler was wandering before? I think there are strange … "
"Go back and have a look!"
Half an hour later, the two war dogs rushed into the unfinished manor crack.
When they saw the vast and rich land of the manor, they were completely stunned!
God, I’m rich!
In a second, they saw a dark dragon flying out of a nightmare, staring at them with wide eyes.
The dark face suddenly grinned, revealing its teeth.
"What kind of monster is this!"
Click! One or two people pressed the "Mouth Close" button at the same time to let the war dog enter the fighting state.
If the distance between two people bursts, Man Cang may still have a fighting power with Bat Gongying, but it is too late to enter the fighting state again at this time. Two black silk threads have tied them tightly and dragged them out from the war giant dog.
Out of control, the giant dogs of the two wars fell from the sky and plunged into the farmland in the front yard, while Xiaofu carefully hung two prey to his tree.
Not far from Zhuang, they all stayed away.
Qi headhunter Sazler buys one get two free gift packages!
These two days, Jia Yelian can be said to be like a year.
After giving the money to those "professionals" who looked like cheating, several people disappeared for several days and no news came back.
Instead, all kinds of news from other places have been summarized to his desk.
Jia Yelian certainly knew that Zhuang was not far away and didn’t announce that he had dug half of the tunnel.
Of course, it’s not kindness, but because he hasn’t bought all the real estate he wants to buy
Now everyone in the world knows that Jia Hu has to pass through the tunnel, which is a matter of time.
Land prices in Jia Hu are rising, and it is only a matter of time before you can earn a lot of money by holding the land in your hand.
But when can we make money? Five years or ten years? Many companies may have collapsed after five more years.
How much can you earn? Five times or ten times? This five times more may not go to the rooftop to jump off a building.
Everyone has his own career, and everyone is seeking to maximize the benefits.
People all over the world are more optimistic about Huanzhou Development Institute. The increase in the west of Jia Hu is several times faster than that in the east. Now many land owners in the east of Jia Hu are looking for cash, selling their land and buying a piece of land in the west to invest.
The news of the manor is not equal to trying to collect the land.
However, once the news is released, the land price in eastern Jia Hu may soar tenfold overnight, and the news has been kept under pressure not far from the village.
Not far from Zhuang, once the news is announced, Jia Yelian will die if the share price of Atlas Group plummets.
Unless they can get the new technology of Baineng Manor before this.
Jia Yelian has been keeping a close eye on Zhuang’s action.
And all kinds of news have been constantly converging on his desk.
Zhuang bought Tianxing Equestrian Club not far away.
Zhuang bought Follette racecourse not far away.
Not far away, Zhuang is talking about the picking base of Xingjia Picking Center.

But how could this happen before Yang Ye? What’s more, they promised Nite that they would let Tamian go out, but they couldn’t keep their word.

"Lilina" Yang Ye shouted
Lilina seems to have been ready. Her left hand has been stretched out to Caster’s five fingers. After hearing Yang Ye’s call, her five fingers severely grabbed her mouth and drank low.
"Trial? Szaszko prisoner angel hinge! "
"Ding ding …"
It’s that familiar sound again, or that familiar gorgeous skill. Four giant chains burst out of the mine from the virtual-
"David tang! !”
Four tones sounded at the same time, and Caster, who was attacking the giant bear with a swing, was severely tied up. In front of the angel hinge, "Giant Bear" was simply funny.
The attack was interrupted, and the whole body could not move. Custer was even more angry and roared wildly. "Who is it? ! ! I’ll kill you! ! !”
Kill us? Wait to die.
Yang Ye sneered at Tammy and said, "Tammy, get out of here. We’ll take care of it here and wait for our good news."
Life and death moment Tammy’s face is now a little pale and trembling. I don’t know what to say. I nodded and trotted out of the mine.
Seeing Tammy run away and unable to move himself, Custer was furious and roared, "Tammy, get back!" ! I’ll kill you! !”
Tammy won’t come back. Custer himself can’t move and scream. He feels deeply humiliated, but Yang Ye and them are humiliated no matter what. While holding the angel prisoner, Yang Ye and Qinghua buried the snow and figured out how to kill him.
Also taking this opportunity, Yang Ye saw the Caster attribute-
Giant bear Caster (spiritual boss), the leader of the mining area
Grade 43
Physical attacks 57~512
Magic attack 427~433
Broken bones will smash your bones! ! Caster makes the long stick hit the target, causing great damage and breaking the target bone, which makes the target act for 2 seconds. If Caster doesn’t hit the target and hits the ground, it will cause vibration damage to a certain range of enemies and stun them for 5 seconds.
The giant bear rushes! ! Go! Feng! ! ! Caster launches a fierce charge at the target on all fours. The charge in the state of hegemony will blow the target for 3 seconds and repel the enemies around the target for 5 seconds.
Caster reloads Caster evolution! Reload custer! Caster enters the reloading state with 3% higher defense and 2% higher movement speed. The attack has a chance to fly for 25 seconds, and the attack has a chance to absorb 1% of the damage.
(Hide the fallen virtual gold staff (level 4 gold staff) and the giant bear spirit (level 45 spirit armor))
The attack is a little high and the skill bonus damage is estimated to be more difficult to fight.
"How to fight?" He is not very good at burying snow in blue and white. Although he is a lone player, his equipment is either stolen or bought, which is not the right way anyway.
"Can’t fight hard" Yang Ye spread out his hand and said that he wanted to know if there was any way to fight skillfully, but at first glance, this boss is also very powerful and can fight hard.
"That line of you with your skills, I believe this boss is not a problem for you." Blue-and-white buried snow said that as soon as Yang Yegang finished hitting him hard, he just took the show and just didn’t want to be!
"If you don’t want to do it, just say it. My equipment will be very tired. You should output it hard." Yang Ye didn’t good the spirit, and Xuanyang was in the hands of evil spirits.
"Wait, give you this." Blue and white buried snow stopped Yang Ye from trading with him for a few bottles of things.
"Good stuff"
You have obtained [Weapon Sharpening Agent 1]
Weapon Sharpening Potion (cost) enables itself to attack 3% at a high speed of 3 minutes and increase the critical strike chance by 1%. This Potion cannot be superimposed with other gain potions.
Things are really good things! At present, this medicine is not in the market, and most of it is in the hands of several guilds. It will only be one when the guild pushes large-scale wild boss.
There is such a thing as burying snow in blue and white, but it is strange when Yang Ye can give him one at a time. It seems that he still has a lot.
"Where did you come from?" Yang Ye asked, as he put the medicine to make Xuanyang’s main evil immediately emerge, and the pale golden glow was hazy, which made people feel sharper.
"Do it yourself" said that burying snow in blue and white is neither salty nor light, and at the same time, give yourself one.
"So much? How many? I’ll sell it for you? " Yang Ye’s first thought was to let the blue-and-white buried snow help him produce and sell it, but according to the personality of the blue-and-white buried snow, most of them would not agree.

"So …" Yang Ye smile more sheng "Lilina we …"

"yes! !” to be continued
Chapter 3: If you take up the challenge?
"mystifying!" Tyrannosaurus rex sneers at a war of promises that is almost arrogant, otherwise.
This also can’t laugh at Tyrannosaurus Rex, who told him that there is indeed a powerful force that can’t be ignored behind him? Behind him, except for those who had gathered in the central pan-horizon alliance before, they were sent out, and the periphery was also stacked around the ground at a high speed, forming an impenetrable encirclement.
See how you escape!
Tyrannosaurus rex corners of the mouth evoked a smile, and the scroll in his hand continued to rub-vowing to take the promise!
"Brothers together to kill this promise! ! !” Tyrannosaurus rex roared and launched the final mobilization.
"Kill! !”
"Dog ri promises to fight for life! !”
"Die in my cold knife! !”
Tyrannosaurus rex made the people around him act immediately, yelling at Yang Yechong, and constantly shouting all kinds of arrogant words. It is estimated that it is not really so powerful, but it is courageous. Although calling them alone may make them unintelligent, at least so many tactics of their own people around can always drown out the promise war, and look at each other’s equipment. This red name state is dead once and the ground is full of fairy-level equipment! Is there a reason not to kill?
"rage! !” Crazy fighters fists a hold roars a way
Rage is a skill that reduces the defense and increases the damage, but it has a considerable effect. People who play crazy fighters generally don’t care what defense-kill it to the end!
"Knight Soul!" The heavy knight straddles the steed, his eyes fixed on the front, and he drank lightly. A giant knight’s virtual shadow immediately merged into their bodies.
Knight’s soul is heavy. Knights can increase their own skills when they are possessed by knight’s soul. Their own attributes are important skills of heavy knight’s toughness. Once they have this skill, their physical strength is also extremely high and difficult.
"Flash dance!" "fatal!" The instant blade dance launched two state skills and at the same time put itself into a stealth state and touched it forward.
Flash dance can increase the evasion rate of the blade dance itself, which is very good. The blade dance can almost force its way through the skills, and it also has a good evasion rate. The deadly pupil found that the enemy’s weakness was locked, so that the next 3 seconds of normal attack could be crit. It was a blade dance to kill people. The key skill was very scary
Blade dance, a profession that relies on ordinary attacks to eat, has gone out, while the other two assassin professions have not been idle-the high-flying assassins have moved their skills in a blink of an eye. When they are in the unit, their moving speed is high, and they can quickly approach the target. The wind-flying state of death is not accelerating, but it will drop to 2 seconds when the skills of killing, scattering blades and nailing are cooled down. It is simply a double-trick artifact. Based on the "wind of death" state, the high-flying assassins can launch continuous attacks in 1 second.
Compared with the high winds, the ninjas seem to be relatively low-key. They are silent and directly launch stealth to make themselves busy. After covering, they directly move toward the goal. The rest of the skills are not moved. That’s how they become cannon fodder. At this stage, ninjas can almost connect people to disability if they are recruited smoothly!
Suddenly there was a burst of bowing on one side, and the bowstring was collapsed tightly-you must be a heavy bowman to play the bow and arrow like this!
There are a lot of archers in this pan-sky alliance war, but not many archers, because they are not suitable for forest warfare. All kinds of problems will interfere with them, but even if they are small, they will launch a level 5 skill "destroyer", but the shock is still underestimated …
As soon as the line of sight turned, a clever figure suddenly flashed-it was a spirit arrow! Lingjian is good at guerrilla warfare, containment and kite flying, which has brought their dexterity into full play in this forest. Therefore, in the Pan-Sky Alliance, at most, Lingjian leaves are constantly creaking, and the figure of Lingjian is leaping out …
There is such a group of people in the rear of the whole team. They seem to be doing everything leisurely, which is in great conflict with the tense fighting atmosphere around here, but they seem to be busy with something. They look at the sky and think for a while and then fiddle with it. Have poked and poked the ant nest for a while, and then fiddled with it … Such an improper way of fighting must have buried the feathers. These trap guys are already making special toys. These toys form fighting power, which is terrible!
Suddenly shining magic swept through, and this magic wind was almost mixed with all magic elements ice, fire, earth and thunder, and then a group of magicians laughed and laughed after hearing it …
Magicians also showed off their magic to shine the slightly dim environment of Dolson in a white and miserable light. Firefighters burned wet land and transpiration, and a lot of water vapor floated in one direction, making some places like fairyland full of white fog; The ice skaters don’t seem to like the potholes in Dolson, but they just freeze the ground into a flat piece, which seems to be a huge mirror, but this mirror … The damage is really terrible! The local mage is just calm. They control the falling rocks and clods like bulldozers, and they are moving forward. This leisure is very leisurely, which hides the dangers … Lei Fa has enveloped itself in the thunder, and the sound of Zi La Zi is constantly appearing. Players are afraid of Lei Fa’s natural fear, which makes them afraid to approach the staff around him. The thunder suddenly falls through the fire steam, indigenous boulders and ice mirrors and hits the ground, scorching the soil and burning it dry …
Because the enemy has a holy shepherd, they can almost relax. They constantly put the cooled "holy shield" on the surrounding teammates, try their best to ensure their safety and guard against promises and attacks at any time, so as to release their healing skills at the first time and save their teammates as their solid backing.
After releasing the "big blood-sucking aura" and "storm aura", the Yan Ling seems to have some strength. They just sit aside and wait for a skill to cool down and release it. Some daring Yan Ling have moved to the promise war, hoping to throw their skills into the promise war. I don’t know if they can succeed.
The spell masters braved the black gas and exuded an unusual strange smell. At the same time, they started the "bad blood corruption" skill, and then summoned an evil spirit to follow the charge army to sneak towards the promise war, hoping to infect each other with their own plague and let him die painfully!
Everyone in the Pan-Sky Alliance has started their skills, either moving forward, approaching the promise war or protecting their teammates to cooperate with the attack. At first glance, it looks like a huge potential.
Tyrannosaurus Rex is satisfied. Look around. Leading the league, which used to be like scattered sand, has now been able to actively cooperate with each other. This is a good end, and the promise war is the test target and the cornerstone of consolidating the people’s hearts of the league!
Turning to the promise war, Tyrannosaurus Rex’s heart burst into self-confidence and whispered, "Do you want to fight like a promise war?"
Yang Ye looked at him with a look on his face. He came to the player group in a crazy way. Xia Ge? Aidijian gently draws out the sword and reflects a slightly dazzling light in the mottled light and shadow of Dolson. It looks dreamy and unreal, and many players are rushing around. It looks hard to stop, but it is not difficult for Yang Ye.

This kind of wind affects new members, and they feel embarrassed if they don’t practice. The practice of penance is very strong!

Xu retired and found Zhou Chuan.
"Zhou Ge ah we make a discussion …"
Xu back a bite Zhou Chuan first be afraid "don’t you don’t come to pit me before Lao zhou Lao zhou.
This will call me Zhou Ge must be bad. "
"I will never cheat you, Zhou Ge. I just want to see your body."
As soon as this statement came out, Zhou Chuan had a creepy feeling. Looking at Xu’s eyes became very strange.
"It’s no wonder that Li Zhen told you that you didn’t respond! So you like men?
But I like women, not men!
Don’t look for me. I’ll introduce you … "
Xu back face black "Zhou Ge za steady point don’t soar? Don’t say my hobby is little sister, even if it isn’t, I won’t look for you.
Look at yourself like this! "
"I’m so hard tough guy that attraction … have to be crooked by you! Since it is not, what do you think of my body? " Zhou Chuan curious way
"You are the strong transmutation condition. I want to see your genome chain status! Because of this, you need absolute trust and release. You need to trust me completely and release my spirit into you.
So I came to see you.
Transmutation in the strong can and I absolutely believe that there is no other person, "Xu said.
"I see … but I still have some disadvantages. Not only the body is seen by you, but also the spirit is invaded by you." Zhou Chuan joked.
Xu retreat at this moment is a little serious about asking for help. "If Zhou Ge feels inconvenient, forget it."
Xu back to go Zhou Chuan directly pulls "I’m kidding you. I don’t want to see the friendship between the two brothers. If you have a legitimate reason to need it, I will sleep with you!
Come on, how can I cooperate with you? "
"Don’t make me sick when you sleep."
After three minutes, Xu retired his spirit smoothly along Zhou Chuan’s body surface and entered his body to telepathize with Zhou Chuan’s body.
It is worth mentioning that this is a one-time completion of Xu’s retreat, which hinders his entry into Zhou Chuan’s body.
What does this say?
This says that Zhou Chuan is absolutely convinced of Xu tui from the outside!
Before retiring to see Cui Xi, Yan Lie, Zhao Hailong and others, they still need to retreat a little bit of mental hypnosis to put the bottom line layer to protect themselves and let Xu retreat spirit enter!
It’s not that Cui Xi, Yan Lie and others don’t absolutely believe that Xu tui can say that Xu tui Zhou Chuan’s life-and-death communication is the best way to protect himself and let Xu tui go.
Seeing clearly the main gene chain of Zhou Chuanti is a stare blankly.
It’s different!
The genetic ability chain of the strong in the transmutation environment is completely different from that in the evolution environment.
The color is still tertiary gold.
Zhou Chuan is a strong transmutation environment, and the real ability rating is C-level transmutation environment. The strong body has seven gene ability chains, which are golden at the moment.
However, compared with the evolutionary gene capability chain, nearly two-thirds of the gene base points in Zhouchuan main gene capability chain are tertiary gold.
There is a gene base point in the main gene capability chain that has been strengthened to a three-level golden full progress state.
This point is very white compared with itself.
If it is purely about the degree of strengthening the extension of the gene base point of the gene capacity chain, Zhou Chuan, the strong person in this transmutation environment, is much worse than Xu tui.
For example, Xu tui’s spirit lashes the gene ability chain, in which the gene base point and the gene ability chain part are three-level full state.
However, the law has been strengthened and extended to the fourth level of recognition.
But this time telepathy Zhou Chuan reason is found.
Zhou Chuan, the strong evolutionary gene ability chain, has retired. The biggest difference in the evolutionary gene ability chain is the branch line!

Ye Qing Su Yanbing wasn’t surprised when he saw him. His expression should be a little surprised, but he was disappointed. Su Yanbing recovered her normal state after her surprise. She was always elegant and demure. He smiled wryly. "I played in the sea. What about you?"

"We came to the sea to see the store. Sister Su is going to prepare a chain store!" Before Su Yanbing could speak, the girl beside her rushed to answer, Su Yanbing gave her a white look and said, "You!" She originally wanted to talk about traveling to the sea, but her shop assistant broke it, so she leaned toward Ye and said, "Did you win?"
"lost! You may leave the sea the day after tomorrow. When will you go back to Chengdu? " Ye Qing’s eyes sparkled with anticipation and asked the girl beside Su Yanbing to speak again immediately, but she was pulled by Su Yanbing. Then she said first, "No, we may have to stay in the sea for a few days. You haven’t finished the shop yet … How have you been recently?"
Su Yanbing last sentence ask a little hesitant this Yuzryha fall in love is not very happy then gently nodded, "not bad not worse than before! What about you? Is there anyone else coming to make trouble in the coffee shop? "
"No, I have come to Shanghai to prepare a branch. Do you think I am doing well?" Su Yanbing asked with a smile that she seldom talks like this. Ye Qing looked down at the ground lines and casually said, "It seems that you are about to realize your ideal."
He originally wanted to say whether you would reconsider your emotional affairs after you realized your ideal, but because there were other people in the place, he was too embarrassed to ask, which would make Su Yanbing feel very embarrassed. He didn’t want to be difficult, and Su Yanbing didn’t want to suffer a little injustice.
"my dream is that every city in China has my coffee shop. It will take a long time to realize this dream. I am just taking the first step in the long March. It’s still early! How far are you from your dream? " Su Yanbing asked with a smile
"I am also far from our team’s strength, but I will be the strongest person in two or three years!" Ye Qing clenched his fist. At the moment, he was full of self-confidence. The short beauty was going to be a anthomaniac. Her eyes stared at Ye Qing for a moment. In her opinion, Ye Qing was charming and domineering at this time.
Su Yanbing smiled indifferently, and the tone was still so calm. "I believe you can do it."
Ye Qing knows that it’s time to say goodbye here. Although he has nothing to say to Su Yanbing, he just doesn’t want to leave, even if he looks at Su Yanbing quietly, she is so able to bear or endure looking and so makes him move.
He hesitated, slowly looked up at Su Yanbing’s beautiful face and said, "Why don’t we find a place to sit?"
"I’m sorry, we have to continue to look at the shops." Su Yanbing replied easily. This is obviously a refusal. The short beauty beside her moved her mouth and finally didn’t speak. She knew that Su Yanbing didn’t want to get involved with Ye Qing too much. They are now on their way back to the hotel. After they came back from Pudong, she was at the entrance of the Wutong Road. Che Yanbing liked this road very much. Anyway, it was not far from the hotel.
Ye Qing saw that Su Yanbing had no intention of catching up with him at all. He couldn’t help but feel very depressed. He remembered that he had been kind to her in the past few days. He always settled all the troubles for her in front of her in the wind and rain.
He sighed faint tunnel "I we are still friends … in the sea so big international city can meet isn’t this fate? Well, goodbye then! "
Ye Qing is not the kind of person who likes to pester people. He turned around and left even though the beautiful figure was so attractive. After a few steps, he heard Su Yan bing behind him. "Sorry, God, can I call you if you have something?"
Ye fell in love with a joy and raised his hand over an ok hand, and left without looking back. Su Yanbing looked at his back and suddenly felt that this man was very free and easy. His broad body once sheltered her from the wind and rain, and his solid chest once gave her reliance. He is actually a man worthy of entrusting.
Ye Qing walked out a few meters away and started to run. He suddenly remembered that he wanted to buy a bottle of water for Dami to go back to the hotel building. There was a grocery store selling water. If he spent too much, it would definitely arouse Dami’s suspicion. He had to buy water as soon as possible and go back.
Chapter 32 Grand Plan
Club I lives on the second floor of a hotel. It takes a few seconds to get to the first floor by taking the ladder. It takes ten seconds to get from the ladder to the hotel door and then to the grocery store. The whole process takes at most one minute to buy water and change, and then it takes another minute to come back. That is to say, it takes three minutes to buy water and go back and forth. Even if it is slower, it takes at most five minutes.
If you don’t take the stairs, it will take more than 20 seconds to get to the first floor. Even if you buy what kind of water in a grocery store for half a day, it will only take you a minute or two. The whole process will be dead for ten minutes, but Ye Qing just spent ten minutes talking to Su Yanbing and then ran back from that road for another minute, so he didn’t have time to struggle about what kind of water to buy. He rushed into the store and directly grabbed two bottles of the nearest water and paid to leave.
Ye poured out of the grocery store, but he rushed to the front of the ladder and saw that the ladder was still in the building. He couldn’t wait and immediately rushed to the stairs. He didn’t even come to see what water was in his hand. On the second floor, he took a breath and then went outside his room and kicked the door.
Big honey knocked on the door and saw a layer of fine sweat on his forehead. "Are you being chased?" Why is the sweat coming out? "
Ye Qing handed the water to Da Mi and said, "My boss gave me ten dollars extra change, so I ran desperately. As a result, when I got to the building, I found that I was so depressed that I didn’t get more change!"
This guy has a gift for telling lies, and his face is not red. A lot of honey can’t help laughing. "You are a money addict. Are you greedy for ten dollars?"
Ye poured into the door of the room and looked at the water in his hand. Suddenly he was blindsided. He took a bottle of mouthwash! Big honey just unscrewed the lid to pour leaves into her mouth and immediately shouted "Don’t drink!" Big honey was so scared that she almost poured water on her body. She pouted and said, "What are you doing? Scared me to death! "
"I bought the wrong water …" Ye Qing was very guilty. Big honey quickly picked up the bottle and looked at the label. Suddenly, her face turned white. She turned to look at Ye Qing and asked, "mouthwash! ? You went for more than ten minutes and bought this for me? Did you get a flash bomb when you bought water? "
Leaves the bitter face, "no, I’m looking at the most expensive. I know it’s mouthwash!" I said that the boss looked at me strangely. Who would have nothing to buy two bottles of mouthwash! "
"Even if you buy expensive, you have to look at the label? It’s okay. It’s nothing to drink a few mouthwashes. If it’s nitrate water, won’t I become dumb? Are you intentional? " Big honey is very uncomfortable tunnel
"That’s a good idea. If you become dumb, the world will be much quieter." Ye Qing put mouthwash on the tea table and then went to the bed and lay down.
Big honey also put mouthwash and then went to him and kicked him hanging on the edge of the bed. "Hey, do you think I’m too noisy?" Or should I go first? "
"It’s just a joke. You just sit down. Aren’t you going to wash up and wait for me? Why don’t you come and lie down and I’ll check your hygiene? " Leaf tilt sat up and said with a smile
Big honey saw him with a * * * smile, and his face turned red and he stepped back a few steps. "I haven’t washed it yet. The conditions in this hotel are so bad that I’m not used to the bathtub."
"So you even like to lie down in the shower …" Ye Qing’s tone is very * * * authentic big honey suddenly understood in seconds and couldn’t help but criticise "I said you are a smelly * * * *! You like lying down! You are lying down even making money! "
"I make money by lying down. That’s a duck!" Ye Qing is very authentic
"This is your own admission! Look at your figure, it’s really suitable for this profession. Those old ladies like you to be a strong young man and live well! "
"Honey, I find that you are quite bold and unrestrained, but you can’t be serious. Are you so old and don’t understand the story of bed?" Ye Qing said and lay down on the bed. The clothes were pulled up to reveal a few beautiful abdominal muscles.
Big honey suddenly felt a little shy. Although she had made many boyfriends before, she did not take the last step. Many people coveted her, but few dared to touch her. On the one hand, because of her fierce personality, she dared to touch the knife. On the other hand, her father was still hard in Chengdu in all aspects. Besides, people in her circle are rich and expensive. They may bully ordinary people to occupy them by hard bow, but they still have some scruples in a circle.
Once there was a rich young man who pursued her crazily. After she rejected her several times, that guy took risks and tried to bully her hard bow. As a result, he was almost castrated by big honey. After the incident, those rich second-generation people who were still trying to get her idea were scared as tigers. After all, although the beauty is attractive, there must be goods in the crotch!
"I don’t understand … do you understand?" Big honey didn’t good the spirit tunnel Ye Qing couldn’t help but say with smile "Of course I understand Cang teacher’s enlightenment education well done! Do you want me to teach you? "
"Go to you! I ….. I’ll go back first. "Big honey felt that the atmosphere was getting more and more wrong, so she fled and seemed to rush out of Ye Qing’s house and smiled and said to herself," It’s better for girls to be reserved. "
Big honey returned to her room and felt her heart still pounding. She knew that she and Ye Ye would sleep in the same bed sooner or later, because she had decided that Ye Ye Ye would never leave him. Every time she thought of that picture, her face burned badly, but she vaguely expected that she wanted to lie on Ye Ye’s broad and strong chest. She liked to watch Ye Ye Ye lean on that beautiful abdominal muscle and she dared not think about it.
Ye Qing was lying in bed trying to sleep for a while when he squinted and heard the knocking at the door. He was a big honey and turned over and went to the door, but Dong Laoer was standing outside.
"Does the boss have it?" Dong Laoer looked at Ye Qing Dao Ye Qing nodded and said, "There is not even a computer in this broken house. Can I have it?"
"That’s not necessarily you can also Lu tube …" Dong Laoer joke tunnel Ye Qing directly pushed him a way "you just Lu! Hurry in! "
Two people sit in the room chair to Dong Laoer saw two bottles of mouthwash lying on the tea table, not from curiosity. "Eldest brother, do you still have mouthwash habits? But also bought two bottles of demand is really big … "
"Er … that … by talking about business, why did you come to me?" Ye Qing is very embarrassed to pull the topic.
Dong Laoer looked dim and lowered his head. "My dad called me yesterday and asked me to go back to class immediately. This time it was a dead order! I didn’t tell you that I didn’t affect your game! I thought about it today and thought that this matter should be told to you first to make you mentally prepared. "
Ye Qing couldn’t help but stare blankly. He didn’t expect Dong Laoer to tell him that this is the truth. He didn’t want Dong Laoer to go. Even though Dong Laoer gave him too much help, he didn’t have many friends and even fewer buddies in his life. Only Dong Laoer really treated him and he was very reluctant to give up.
"Didn’t your dad agree to let you play F? Why do you have to go back now? " Leaves some anxiously asked.
Dong Laoer sighed very naively. "It’s common for him to go back on his word. I’m used to it, but don’t worry, I won’t leave for the time being. I’ll stay and help you until the team is strong. Now you need help too much. They can’t do it in cold blood!"
Ye Qing was very touched by the smell speech. This is a fucking brother! He patted Dong Laoer on the shoulder and said, "Thanks, Laoer! It’s just that you mentioned this matter, so I’ll tell you now. Our team horses are going to undergo a big change. Cold-blooded, they will all leave the team and our team will be strong just around the corner! "
"ah! I haven’t received any wind for such a big event! Boss, you and the big boss are really hidden! " Dong middle child is very surprised tunnel
Ye Qing shook his head and said, "It’s not that I’m hiding deeply, it’s that Honey is hiding deeply. She has already thought about it and contacted several people. It was after I failed in today’s game that I decided that I really needed help too much!"
"If the team is strong, you don’t need me. It’s time for me to leave!" Dong second smell speech a little sad tunnel
"No, you have to stay and witness the glory of our team! Now it’s not finished with honey. Finally, it’s hard to say how many experts can come. I guess there will be room for you then. If you leave now, where can I find someone when there is a shortage of people? "
"Well, I’ll stay first. If everyone is here, I’ll make way for someone who is not neat. I’ll keep playing!"
"Well, don’t tell cold-blooded people about this matter. After all, it’s still not authentic, and people haven’t made any mistakes. They usually train very hard. It will make people wonder if they suddenly give it to others. If they know it before, they will probably make trouble with Honey until the overall situation is decided!" Leaf tilt charged way
Dong Laoer nodded and said, "My mouth is the most secure. Don’t worry. I don’t know who the big boss has dug up. It’s a bit of an expectation!"
"I don’t know, but I don’t think her strength is weak, and she spent a lot of money. Then the array must be very luxurious. How can we win several championships before you leave the team?" Leaf high-spirited tunnel
"Ha ha, that’s right. It’s glorious to think of it after I won several championships before I retired! In fact, before I leave, I also want the team to do something. I don’t know how much it will cost to dig up 7kg. What our team needs most should be a god sniper. Let me help you contact the boss. If the big boss can’t afford the high price, I will show that Xiao Pang has quit several teams. Then our team will be strong and lure him at a high price. It is estimated that he will come! Now, no team in the S reorganization professional circle can compete with the desire to break the dominance of the S team, so that the masters can all join a team, and the ig team will do this! " Dong second is very finely planning way
Ye Qing was shocked by the news of 7kg, but he was the most powerful sniper in the post-sniper era. His contemporaries, White Shark and Ma Zhe, were not as successful as him. If he could dig him up, the I club would be awesome and immediately become a super team.
Chapter 33 High Quotation

Nan Rong Phantom raised his osteotome to resist, only to find that the night Kratos’ cross osteotome instantly scattered a osteotome and stretched it out. He held up the two osteotome and twisted it together. At the same time, his body also spun like a gyro for several times and then fell straight in front of Nan Rong Phantom. Another arm with a osteotome stabbed Nan Rong Phantom in the chest!

Night Kratos stare big eyes. His osteotome stabbed Nan Rong in the chest, but the tip of the knife pierced the chest, but it couldn’t pierce a cent and a half!
For a moment, Kratos finally got a good look at Nan Rong’s phantom chest, but he stabbed out the osteotome and instantly gave birth to a dark white, not only the chest, shoulders, arms and abdomen, but also a seemingly hard dark white, which protected Nan Rong’s phantom body like armor!
"Bone armor! ? !” Night Kratos surprised blurted out
But at this time, Nan Rong Phantom has raised two osteotome, retracted his hands and clenched them into fists, hitting night Kratos in the chest!
"Pa" a pair of fists actually hit Kratos in the middle of the night, and a mouthful of blood splashed out from his mouth, but it still couldn’t come out. Nan Rong’s magic fists once again stretched into two discerning osteotome and stuck them in Kratos’ chest deeply!
"poof!" One or two osteotome went straight through the body of Night Kratos, and Nan Rong’s eyes widened. At this moment, he looked very angry. Then he stretched out his osteotome and crossed his arms and moved one or two osteotome. Naturally, Night Kratos was cut in a cross shape!
"Die! ! ! ! !” Close at hand facing the south glory illusion staring straight at the night Kratos also show amazing eyes crazy general shouted.
After receiving the osteotome, Kratos lay down straight on the ground with blood in his mouth. His eyes were still surprised to see Nan Rong die unsatisfied.
But he didn’t die for nothing. Nan Rong’s illusion would have bone armor, and he would be even more annoyed that he died unexpectedly. He couldn’t see the night attack knife.
He may regret, be angry, be wronged or not, but it is a pity that he was eliminated.
Then came the scene just described by the head, where Nan Rong cut off the night Kratos head and pulled a piece of night Kratos lichen, wrapped his head and tied it behind him. After a little hesitation, he jumped up and ran, which was the battlefield where the baby played against the ghost shadow.
Nan Rong can’t help but worry about the baby, although he also knows that the Eldar in the domain has always been the nemesis of the Ghost Family.
At the moment, the ghost clan shadow is still fighting against the baby, and he doesn’t know that his horse is about to die.
Choose just Yang night they fought this battlefield, it is precisely because the corpses here are the most suitable for baby dragons and shadow confrontation.
Baby long shadow on the other side, two people are far apart, both of them display their own race ability, almost crazy fighting.
But this kind of engagement and confrontation has a little game flavor.
Eldar’s ability is to control the dead body into a living corpse and control them to fight.
The ghost clan ability is to control the souls of the dead and let these orphans be manipulated by their ghost clan ability into fighting and killing tools.
It is the Eldar’s ability to control the Promethean that can hurt the Ghost’s ability to control the soul, which can completely disperse them and even devour them; While the ghost clan can control the soul, it is hard to hurt those Prometheans controlled by the Eldar clan. Because those Prometheans don’t feel afraid of pain and injury, the only way is to destroy those Prometheans’ heads.
Looks like a tongue twister.
Now the ghost clan shadow and the baby dragon are each controlling the controllable substances within their own ability to confront each other.
Several low growled Promethean and several revealed floating souls are fighting each other.
Prometheans are constantly being smashed by several wandering ghosts, and their heads are flat on the ground.
But more are those wandering ghosts who are constantly scattered and swallowed by Prometheans.
This is an interesting war.
But this is a tragic war.
Because those ghosts may smash the head of their own bodies, and those Prometheans may just devour their own souls.
This is a battle between one’s soul and one’s body

Ye Qing thought for a moment and then resolutely waved his hand. "It’s impossible for him to come to Chengdu. It didn’t take long for him to know these people, and he can’t get along. Maybe he has already gone home."

"Who would it be? It’s strange that I can’t skate and go straight home. I’ll ask my dad to check it out for me! " Big honey took Ye Qing’s hand and was ready to go directly to the underground garage from the other side of the ladder.
Ye Qing looked back and found that the men had chased him, but they didn’t see where they were looking in all directions. He whispered to Da Mi, "If you want to know who sent these people, it’s easy to catch one and ask, and you’ll know where you got so much trouble!"
Big honey smell speech got a fright. "We managed to escape. Do you still want to go back to them? They have knives! "
"So what if I have a knife? I don’t confront them head-on. Now they are still looking for us and I have seen them. It’s not difficult to catch a person. Look, wait for me at the door of washing your hands. My horse will catch a person and ask!" Ye Qing finished and let go of his big honey hand, and then walked in the direction of the five people.
Big honey can stomp hard and walk in the direction of hygiene if she can’t stop it
Ye Qing mixed in the crowd and soon touched the young man with long hair. These five people were scattered. They were all looking in all directions. Ye Qing was a shelter for pedestrians. He kept flashing to the young man with long hair. He directly covered his mouth with one hand and strangled the young man with one hand from behind, and then dragged him straight to the health direction.
The long-haired man’s knife was still stuck in his pants, but he didn’t come out. After Ye Qing strangled his neck, he tried to pull the leaf manually with both hands, but Ye Qing’s strength was quite strong, and he was so hard to breathe with one hand as iron tongs.
His companions didn’t notice that he was dragged away, and his mouth was covered by Ye Qing, who couldn’t make a sound to call for help. Ye Qing quickly dragged the long-haired man to the outside of the sanitation. Ye Qing said to Da Mi, "You help me keep watch and I’ll get him in for questioning!"
Big honey nodded and looked around. At this time, no one came to the toilet. Ye Qing dragged the long-haired man into the men’s hygiene, and then pulled out the long knife behind him and put it on his neck. This loosened his hand covering his mouth.
"Who sent you?" Ye Qing maliciously forced the long-haired man to feel the blade coming cold and shivering. "No one sent us because we didn’t like you and wanted to beat you up!"
"Bullshit. The fat man just said yes. Who gave it to you?" Leaf tilt continue to force asked.
"No one really gave us a hand. I just did Fat Brother a favor. You let me go and I went straight home. I won’t take part in this matter again!" Long hair man is very afraid of tunnel
Ye Qing sneered at a knife and pressed a blade. The man’s skin was so painful that he frowned.
"If you dare not tell the truth, I will let your head move! Don’t I dare not die! " Ye Qing leng leng tunnel
Long-haired man is afraid that the leaf will lean again and press it immediately. "Don’t push it. I said that a surname Lin called us. He gave us a sum of money to let us waste your right hand!"
Ye Qing couldn’t help but be shocked that the long-haired man really didn’t have any backbone, so he told the truth so easily. The truth is a little unbelievable. Moreover, it is necessary to waste Ye Qing’s right hand. Ye Qing’s right hand is to master the mouse. For professional players, the right hand is very important. Only Lin Qiuye would want to waste his right hand because he was defeated by Ye Qing’s gun, and he must still hold a grudge.
Chapter 576 Find the door.
Ye Qing released the long-haired man after learning about the mastermind behind the scenes, and then he took the big honey hand and quickly ran to the stairway to take the ladder to the underground garage to get the car. Ye Qing went home directly with the big honey.
Outside the villa, Ye Qing said to Da Mi, "Don’t let her stay at home and don’t run around." This matter was left to him to deal with. Da Mi was afraid that Ye Qing would mess around and told him to take legal measures to solve this matter without hurting people. Ye Qing smiled and said that he promised not to make this matter serious.
Big honey still feels very uneasy when she gets home. She is worried that Ye Qing will be injured in case of impulsiveness. Then she may even be sent to the police station. It’s Qi Lele Cup Day. There can’t be any delay at this critical moment, otherwise the game will not be played.
After much deliberation, she decided to give Dong Laoer a message to let him watch it, and she also suffered a loss. Who knows that she got through Dong Laoer’s words and told Dong Laoer that she flew into a rage and immediately said that she wanted to find a team to teach Lin Qiuye a lesson.
Big honey immediately quite language she came to want Dong Laoer to watch Ye Qing don’t Yuzryha pour to behave in such a way, which know this guy instead of adding fuel to the fire than Ye Qing behave in such a way, she quickly snapped, "Dong Tiancheng, you are not allowed to behave in such a way! I told you to watch your boss and tell him not to mess around. Do you want to make a big deal out of it? "
"Make big make big afraid of? Chengdu is our territory. Did Lin Qiuye run wild here? I still don’t believe it. See if I don’t kill him! " Dong second is very arrogant tunnel
"Tianqi Lele Cup is about to compete. Can you still participate in the competition if you make a big fuss?" Big honey is very depressed tunnel
"Then don’t take part in a competition. Nothing in life is just a struggle for breath. How can Lin Qiuye, a foreigner, be arrogant and dare to find someone to deal with my boss? Shouldn’t I fight for my boss?"
"Your brain don’t how simple, ok? What is your boss’s dream? Have you forgotten? For him, the competition is more important than anything else. This Qilele Cup is very important for him. He badly needs a platform to show himself after his marksmanship. This Qilele Cup will be an opportunity for him to show his talents and become famous in World War I! Are you white? " Big honey some anxiously yelled.
Dong Laoer pondered for a while and then said thoughtfully, "It seems that this is the case. Since this game is so important to the boss, I think he will pay attention to his discretion. I will just watch him and not let him suffer!"
Big honey breathed a sigh of relief. "After talking for a long time, you finally lost my meaning. I just asked you to hold a scene for him and ask him not to suffer, not to help fight!"
"Two or three people still can’t handle my boss unless there are many other people. I think I’d better ask a few people to go. If I really want to start working, I’ll suffer a big loss. I don’t want my handsome face to get hurt!" Dong Lao Er hung up and called his former friends.
Ye tilted his car and went directly to Lin Qiuye to rent the residential area. At that time, he accompanied Lin Qiuye to see the house. He still found the way. He parked his car outside the residential area and went in to the building. He rang the doorbell and soon heard a woman voice inside. "Who is it?"
Ye Qing didn’t expect that there were women in the room, but she couldn’t find any good excuses at the moment and consciously said, "It’s me!"
When the woman in the room heard his answer, she didn’t think much of anyone she knew, so she directly knocked on the door and saw the door. The woman was tall, wearing a short skirt with good wrapping and a pair of long legs and charming edges.
This woman looks not bad, although she can’t catch up with Honey and Pearl Krabs, but she doesn’t have a smell. Her long hair has become a big wave and she looks very feminine. She still has a lady’s cigarette between her fingers. When she sees that there is a person outside the door, she reveals a confused look on her face.
"Who are you? I don’t seem to know you! " The woman asked very calmly, her voice was hoarse, probably because she smoked too much. Her appearance formed a fresh contrast. It was said that the smoking woman must be a woman with a story. Ye Qing didn’t know what the story was about this woman, and he was not interested in knowing him. He wanted to know if Lin Qiuye was living in this suite now.
"Excuse me, is there a man named Lin Qiuye here?" Ye Qing is very polite to women. Ye Qing has always been very gentle. The woman who smokes hasn’t answered him yet, but Lin Qiuye came to the room. "Who wants to see me?"
Ye listened to Lin Qiuye’s voice and suddenly clenched his fist. Then he saw Lin Qiuye coming lazily. When he saw Ye Qing, he was very surprised. He took a step back and said to the woman, "Who is this man? I don’t know. Send him away quickly. If he doesn’t leave, call security!"
The woman nodded, then reached out and slapped the door leaf on the door to stop the woman from moving. He was very overbearing and broke in, and then sneered at Lin Qiuye at the entrance to the living room. "Don’t you know me?" More than an hour ago, you asked someone to deal with me. Did you forget it so quickly? "
The woman turned to look at Lin Qiuye and said, "You said it was him?"
Lin Qiuye nodded and said, "That’s right, that’s him. Do you think he is cruel and has come to the door!"
"It’s a little too much. Don’t worry, if he touches you, I won’t spare him!" The woman has a pair of fingers with answers, and the cigarette is still smoking.
Ye Qing doesn’t know where Lin Qiuye went to find a woman as a backer. He is a stranger in Chengdu, and he can’t have relatives and friends in Chengdu. But it seems that this woman is quite protective of him. Did he find a girlfriend so soon?
This guy is usually so withdrawn. Is he still good at picking up girls? Ye Qing felt a little incredible. He came here today to teach a Lin Qiuye a lesson, so that Lin Qiuye didn’t dare to come to him again. The trouble is not that this woman can scare him in a few words.
He looked at the woman and said, "This matter is a personal vendetta between Lin Qiuye and me. I don’t know how he told you, but I want to tell you that everything he said must be false and embellished. You can’t just rely on one person’s words. At that time, he left our team and was already under siege. Everyone didn’t want to get along with him. It can be seen how bad this person is. All I have told you is that I don’t want you to get involved. Today, even if you want to intervene, I will teach this scumbag a lesson. As the saying goes, I am afraid of thieves
As soon as Ye Qing’s voice fell, the woman snorted, and then threw her finger with a cigarette to the ground. The high-heeled shoes ruthlessly trampled the cigarette butts and crushed her face. A trace of ridicule appeared on her face. She held out a finger and pointed at Ye Qing and sneered, "He is my man. I am in charge of how others are. I know better than you! You touch him and give it a try! "
Ye Qing saw that this woman’s fingers were very slender, and her white nails were painted with beautiful nail polish. How could such a charming woman like Lin Qiuye like a man? Ye Qing is puzzled. Does this woman like geeks?
This woman’s attitude is very tough, and it seems that she is not afraid of Ye Qing’s hands-on. Ye Qing can’t help but think that this woman is not simple. Lin Qiuye, this guy, has no ability and can’t find anyone to deal with him. It is likely that this woman is looking for them, and this woman should be rich. Those people she is looking for are Mercedes-Benz glk.
Now there are Ye Qing and Lin Qiuye in this room, and there are only three people in total. Ye Qing can’t understand that this woman is so confident. Is this woman still a martial arts expert?
Ye Qing didn’t dare to make a move at the moment, and he had a principle that he wouldn’t hit a woman if she hated her. He thought it was the best thing for a man to hit a woman. He quietly looked at Lin Qiuye and said to him with disdain, "If you are a man, you must put an end to this matter. How dare you go out and talk with me?"
Ye Qing’s words deeply hurt Lin Qiuye’s fragile heart and hurt his self-esteem. He clenched his teeth and punched the living room wall, then trembled and said, "Don’t insult others!"
"It’s cruel to insult you. From the moment you leave the team, I’m not going to make friends with you again, but you have to find someone to deal with me. You are so small-minded. Speaking of it, we don’t have a vendetta, but it’s just a personality disagreement. Are you so bitter? One more thing you need to know is that this is not your hometown, this is Chengdu. I know more people than you. I know this place better than you. If you really want to fight with me, I will accompany you to see who will die in the end! You can hide behind women today, but can you hide for a generation? " Ye Qing said more and more, and felt that Lin Qiuye was really not a man. It was a shame to do it for him himself.
Lin Qiuye trembled with anger and was about to swear when she heard the woman clapping her hands and rubbing her lip gloss. Her lips moved attractively. "What a mouth! On eloquence Akino is definitely not your opponent, but can you take advantage of it verbally? "
Ye Qing saw this woman’s posture suddenly changed. Look at that posture. It’s really a practiced one. Ye Qing doesn’t know martial arts. She doesn’t know which martial arts this woman is practicing.
"I’m sorry for your expression. I never hit a woman!" Leaf tilt is very calmly in situ to the woman.
"Hum, you can call me to say such a thing! Aunt, I’m a black belt in Taekwondo and I’ll kick you with one foot! " Women with a disdainful smile to leaf tilting way
"Beauty, you are wearing a skirt today or don’t lift your legs, so pay attention to the influence, okay? I am a pure person and don’t want to see what I shouldn’t see! " Ye Qing is very kind to wake up and say that this beautiful woman is wearing a short skirt. It is estimated that her face will be exposed as soon as she lifts her legs.
When the woman heard the news, she lifted the skirt directly. It turned out that she was still wearing panties. It is worthy of being a woman who has practiced Taekwondo. The classification of Taekwondo grades depends on the color of the belt. Leucorrhea is a beginner, and the lowest grade is followed by white yellow, yellow belt, yellow green, green belt, blue belt, blue red belt, red black belt and black belt respectively.
The black belt is the highest level of Taekwondo, and the black belt is divided into nine sections. If you can practice to nine sections, you are the master among the masters. However, most people who practice black belts in China have the water to get the black belt at a little money.
Many universities have Taekwondo clubs, and girls are more suitable for practicing this martial arts for self-defense. However, girls’ physical limitations make them unable to beat the male players of the same level even if they reach the level of black belt, which is even one or two grades lower than them.
Usually, a girl with good talent can practice the black belt talent in a year, and it is estimated that it will take two or three years. This woman belongs to a relatively high talent. It took her a year to practice the three parts of the black belt, but she is very good at dealing with men who have not practiced, so she will be so confident and fearful in front of Ye Qing.
Chapter 577 Warning Lin Qiuye
"Black belt three sections? It’s a fart to stick a three-legged cat’s kung fu. Those so-called Taekwondo masters can be compared with Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do. It’s estimated that Bruce Lee kicked them in the face and they haven’t reacted yet. There are girls who shouldn’t be aggressive or polite. Women are not men’s opponents even after practicing martial arts. If you don’t believe me, just let you punch twice! " Ye Qing doesn’t pay much attention to Taekwondo. He thinks that China’s martial arts are profound and profound, where is Taekwondo comparable, and women are weak, even if they practice martial arts, it doesn’t hurt.