And this sister-in-law treats herself like a sister-in-law, which is different from the original sister-in-law

When I arrived in Mengzhou City, I was treated like a parent with kindness and valued by Zhang Dujian.
It’s a turn of fortune, but I don’t know that it’s just a dream bubble.
Being trapped in prison, suffering and trying to take his own life.
Fortunately, it was a kindness to meet my brother, and it took hundreds of taels of silver to save his life.
Later, Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang, the elder brothers and sisters, came to save his life again and even spared no effort to avenge him.
Let him know that he is not alone in this world
But because of this, he doesn’t want to bring trouble to his two brothers and sisters.
Zhang Qing Road "is a treasure temple in Erlong Mountain in Qingzhou."
Lin Chong, a leopard head, Lu Zhishen, a Buddhist monk, and Yang Zhi, a blue-faced beast hero, were there to rob the house and dominate the party.
My good brother didn’t get it until he settled down there. If the criminal goes elsewhere, he will eventually eat and take it.
He often comes to take me in, but I can’t change my place.
I’ll write a letter to elaborate on my brother’s affairs and be a leader. Who dares to take you? "
Wu Song way "eldest brother also said.
I also hate it when the time is not right.
Today, it’s best not to be here if you kill someone.
Eldest brother, you can write me today. "
At this time, Sun Erniang held an iron hoop, a suit and a soap cloth, and a mottled short tassel tapestry.
A string of 100 single human skulls, several beads, a sand fish skin sheath and two snowflake wrought iron to make a Buddhist monk’s knife.
It is the dragon and white tiger double knives.
"Now my uncle wants to go, and I don’t want to stay. It is a bad way for my uncle to be painted.
Uncle has to flee unless he cuts his hair. To be a walker, he must cover his forehead with gold to hide from your official duties.
What’s more, it’s a talisman, but it’s not a previous life with my uncle? "
Wu Song took the Dudie and looked at it. Sure enough, he wrote about his age and appearance.
If you don’t know, you really become a monk yourself.
"Sister-in-law? Besides, I’m afraid I don’t look like a monk. "
"A Buddhist monk came from here before, because I saw that he was guilty and turned him over.
After eating his sins, he will be left with steamed bread stuffing for a few days. "
Sun Erniang will be due to simple said again "if not like?
I think this knife has killed many people and raised evil spirits. It often screams in the middle of the night, and I can’t get down.
Didn’t you come to save your uncle the other day? "
Said the clothes to teach Wu Song to wear inside and out.

One lap, two laps, three laps … I don’t know what a few guys think it’s particularly fresh here, and it’s especially exciting to breathe. The soles of your feet are like springs, and they all run with wind.

Running around almost forgot how many laps to run until the coach shouted stop.
The reading of the laser measuring instrument in the underground parking lot is slowly changing.
"After that, stop!"
"Stop!" The coach stared blankly at the stopwatch in his hand. "It’s broken … it’s broken the state record!" "
Master and apprentice have all stayed there.
Trance seems to hear the cheers coming out from all sides.
At that moment, the coach thought, "Am I a genius coach? Even the sky is cheering for me! "
The boys thought, "am I going to take the peak of my life to marry Bai fumei?" Cheer, people! "
Security Lao Zhang shook his head. You think too much.
Chapter 47 Enthusiastic masses
At 9: 15 in the morning, a bus stopped in front of the gymnasium, and several responsible officials and experts came.
When the security guard saw them, he immediately ran in a panic and reported that "the boss inspection expert group came"
Deng Yali was as tired as a dead dog, covered in sweat and wrinkled. When he heard this, he waved his hand vigorously and said, "I’ll be right there."
Du Jianxin squinted at the stadium in the western suburbs from the car, just like looking at his bag.
Zhou Zhu, an official who led the team from the road, consulted him about jack-up, and he demanded a high price.
As far as he knows, the state sports meeting will be called in September. This year, the organizer is a virtual city, and the Xijiao Stadium is an important venue. If the venue can’t make it, let alone the owner, even the owner will be in trouble.
Other price pressures
"This kind of large-scale stadium jack-up project usually takes three months to six months. When our team speaks, we can control the time to about three months. If we want it, it will take less time. I need to reorganize the team and find more people."
"Time is not enough …" Lord Zhou was frantic with anxiety. "Is it faster?"
As we all know, in fact, the curtain of sports events is not a game. Before the curtain, all kinds of preliminaries and trials have already arrived at the Xijiao Stadium and should be put into use at the end of the month.
"It’s impossible to say you’re welcome. Our team is the top team in the state, and it will be slower for you to find another team." Du Jianxin firmly believes that he is an industry leader!
While talking, Deng Yali finally packed up and came in a hurry.
He was still a little lame when walking, but his mental state was very good. He laughed a long way away. "I’m really sorry for the experts. Our company strengthened and upgraded the whole supporting structure of the gymnasium during the construction. The settlement yesterday was a temporary phenomenon, and it’s really scary to bother you to come here specially after it has been repaired today."
Lord Zhou stared at Deng Yali.
Yesterday, Deng Yali had a lovely face. Why did he suddenly feel so worried today?
To tell the truth, Zhou’s feelings for Deng Yali are really very complicated.
Deng Yali’s mistakes in construction have also implicated him and made him resentful.

The attribute of stupidity will not disappear because of the increase of IQ.

But these stupid tigers learned to whistle at beautiful women, complain about the bad food, chat and brag.
Not far from Zhuang, I wonder who Mifeier is taking as a model to reconstruct the brain circuits of these big guys!
Fortunately, they are obedient when they work hard and train.
So there were ten more tigers scouts in the manor.
Cats are the most efficient and deadly predators on earth.
Tigers are the strongest individuals in cats.
These tigers have been domesticated by Mifeier through manor output, and their fighting capacity is much higher than that of humans and rabbit dragons, second only to dog dragons.
Now there is another training subject, that is, one man and one rabbit against tiger scouts.
Later, it was found that one person and one rabbit turned into two people and two rabbits after looking for abuse.
Unfortunately, he was still abused …
The manor is not far from Shizhuang
"Congratulations to Renci Manor. The main manor has two official arms, the Rabbit Dragon Guard and the Tiger Scout."
"At present, both arms of the manor are infantry, and it is suggested that the manor domesticate a reliable mount to recruit cavalry arms in response to various combat situations."
This kind of thing, cavalry, has long since withdrawn from the stage of history.
I haven’t seen it except near Shizhuang.
What’s the difference between cavalry and infantry?
The cavalry has horses and horses.
It’s still a good infantry, isn’t it? What do you want from cavalry?
The manor really gives itself a problem!
If you say cavalry, all kinds of animals in the manor are actually not suitable for riding.
What should we domesticate?
Speaking of which, the most successful mount of mankind is of course the horse.
Do you want to domesticate some horses?
As the saying goes, recruiting soldiers and horses has always been one.
But riding a horse in such a cool place as the manor? How boring!
And how miserable it is to make the tame horse and the exile era so terrible that the opponent is desperate! How cruel!
Not far from Zhuang, there was a brain hole, and the mobile phone suddenly shook. Someone in the classmate group was @ him.
Zhou ye "brothers who have asked for help this Saturday! Ask for help! "
Everyone said, "I don’t have to work overtime on Saturday!"

Because of the dimensional chain, I brought a lot this time.

To be on the safe side, An Xiaoxue gave them a total of three layers of protection.
The first safety measure is to let the smoke in the tobacco field wear a thick shield, which was originally hidden in the wild, but now it is here.
After wearing it, it is a little heavy and sulky, but it is inconvenient to live, but it can also be overcome.
The second security measure is that the shielding composite film covers the thin and dense part of the underground room where Yanzi lives with two layers to form a shielding safe house.
They can’t leave this safe house for a short time, but they can move in it for a certain time.
Of course, one person, one person
The third security measure is that the entire underground exterior wall of the base is simply coated with shielding materials captured by the Eldar.
Theoretically, the triple shielding material can greatly weaken the tracking signal strength even if it can’t completely isolate the tracking means.
These security measures are aimed at tracking An Xiaoxue and there are deeper security measures.
For example, she, Li Zhen, Mu Xingluan and Yanzi live in this safe house, one for protection and the other for monitoring.
The so-called surveillance is not to believe in smoke posture.
In fact, it is absolutely trustworthy that Yanzi can send the array core back with the amount of people crossing the satellite that has passed the safety test.
But the whole Tongtian Expeditionary Force can’t rely on this absolute belief that the Eldar have any magical means.
Living together is the best way to find problems.
Similarly, someone in the tobacco field accompanied Qu Qingshan Yan Lie.
Quqingshan accompanied the tobacco field, which was specially ordered by Xu tui.
Qu Qingshan is a well-informed university teacher. First, he can accompany the tobacco field. Second, he wants to retire in the hope that Qu Qingshan can get along well with the tobacco field and get the array theory from the tobacco field in the usual communication so as to improve himself.
Fire array smoke fields are known and there are.
If Quqingshan can practice the smoke field and know the fire dragon array, Quqingshan’s combat power will soar once or twice in an instant.
This point has been given to Quqingshan by Huang after Xu’s retreat.
Let him take good care of the tobacco field. The old man will try to get it in a short time and learn to become a fire dragon array.
Maybe Quqingshan will have a confrontation after finishing his studies, which will hit the strength of the nine-guard star-rated strong.
Expeditionary force here in AnXiaoXue handle everything calm.
While in Baishan, Xutui is racing against time to escape from life and death.
After the collapse of four multi-person delivery channels, Xu retreated and teleported to escape the siege of two nine-satellite stars, such as Tu Ning Tu Ru Song, and then rushed to Baishan Xingshen No.2 delivery channel at the fastest consumption.
At the same time, far away in the test planet, Qian Shan found an anomaly. At the first time, the total length of confidential information was linked.
Originally, this should have been done by Tuning, but Tuning was delayed due to various emergencies.
From Tuchengshan, the chief of emergency connection of Qian Shan Lingxun Panel, to Tuchengshan, the message was transmitted and reported here. In fact, it was only 35 seconds before and after.
To Tucheng Shanda, I ordered an emergency order. I gave an emergency order to the two nine-satellite planets that have been on standby. When these two nine-satellite planets quickly entered the emergency delivery channel to Baishan Star, it took another 15 seconds to arrive at Baishan Star.
Before and after, that is, in the early fifties, two powerful nine-satellite stars arrived at Baishan Star.
At the same time, Tu Qian Shan also arrived at Baishan Star. At this moment, Tu Ning, Tu Rusong and Baishan Star are guarding, and these two are coming to encircle and encircle Xu’s nine satellite stars. There are already five other high-level satellite stars, and there are nearly twenty.
This array is very luxurious.
Once Xu retreats, he is chased and delayed, breaking the possibility of escape.
However, neither Qian Shan nor the chief confidential officer thought that the speed of retreat had reached an unprecedented horror at this moment, regardless of consumption.
Baishanxing No.2 measuring channel is about 6,000 kilometers away from Baishanxing Test Canyon.
It takes three minutes to fly at the normal speed of nine satellites, and it takes about two minutes to fly at the speed of nine satellites.
Normally, it takes Xu tui three to four minutes to get here.
However, at this time, regardless of the consumption of teleportation, a teleport can move at a speed of 150 kilometers, and the total time from start to end of teleportation is only one second.
At forty-one seconds, Xu retreated and teleported crazily for forty times. Before the reinforcements arrived at Baishan Star, he was guarding Baishan Star and just received the order from the chief confidential officer, Tu Chengshan. When Xu retreated, he rushed to base defense, the No.2 delivery channel.
This base defense is half-released at this time.
Half-release is traffic and needs to be verified.
After Xu retreat, the intelligence investigation here has been made clear.
The commander stationed in base defense is a six-guard, with a total of four stars.
Before Xu retreated to the ground, he had changed the special warfare of the Eldar. When he directly flashed into the base and entered the passage, he gave off a strong star-rated breath, and the horse was greeted by a star-rated guard.
"The adult please show me your identity and pass order …"
As soon as the words were finished, Xu tui was motivated to the extreme, and the main star of the spirit reached the order through the person’s unguarded situation, hypnosis after direct telepathy, and then telepathy and telepathy.
"What person?" At the same time, other stationed stars found the abnormality, and the figure appeared near him at the moment when he found the abnormality.
An ice seal directly sealed him into an ice sculpture.
The increase in the seal power of the Mercury Group and the frost nova have been issued again and again, but only three seconds before and after, the whole base defense has become a frost world, where the defenders are directly killed by the frost nova.

Aaron stirred the spoon next to the cauldron for a moment, and smelled it carefully. His expression finally changed-he frowned to see that the boiled pink thing did not meet his expected standard. He climbed the steps quickly. At this time, it can be seen that Aaron’s action is still rapid, and there is a big gap before.

From the steps, Aaron went into the wooden house again. Half a day later, he came out with a bunch of things, mostly bottles and cans, but also some strange wild flowers and dried flowers. He climbed the wooden steps again and poured everything in his hand into the cauldron …
Do all the things Aaron did before he returned to Yang Ye from the cauldron and became a demon. It seems that it is much easier to see his expression.
"Where were we just now?" Aaron is directly asked as soon as he comes over.
Yang Ye and a thought into a magic leng leng didn’t reply.
"Oh, speaking of letting you give her to me, do you want to give it?" Aaron suddenly came over and said something and stared at Yang Ye.
"Give you a hair"
"Sorry, I don’t need Mao. Will you give her to me?" Aaron continued to ask
"Do you want it?" Yang Ye laughed.
"yeah, I want to."
"Just don’t give it to you! Unless … "Yang Ye suddenly secretive.
A turning point even behind Yang Ye Lilina also can’t help but shake a shake-brother will give her to each other? Is a slight think Lilina around Yang Ye hands strength is even bigger.
It is natural to move Yang Ye behind his back, but it also strengthens his heart.
"Unless what?" Aaron asked, with a flicker of eagerness in his eyes, it seemed to him that there was still a chance?
"Unless …" Yang Ye sneered. "… you die!"
Aaron, the spell master, a human being who has lived in the shadow for a long time, is obsessed with his own research, so he directly destroyed the Yuhua Sea and made it into the current purgatory. From the dialogue between Aaron people, it can be found that he is not ignorant of what is happening in Yuhua Sea, but he knows it.
"I believe I can make a better one for you if you give her to me!" Aaron doesn’t seem to give up.
"Are you an idiot? Said not to give is not to give "strange temper also makes Yang Ye a little angry, but he didn’t expect Aaron this guy to be so annoying.
"Don’t you want something better?" Aaron asked doubtfully.
"I don’t want to be exact. I won’t give her to anyone, including those who once made her!" Yang Ye cold way because of this, he is still trying to find a way to the abyss. Guys are fighting to prevent them from having a chance to take Lilina away!
"Are you sure?" Aaron condensate road
The first time, the first time, Yang Ye, they heard anger from Aaron’s words-he was really angry! Good. I’m afraid it’s too soon. Aaron will probably do it …
So let Yang Ye more delighted to get up "what’s not sure! No one can take her away from me, let alone do any strange experiments. Even you, Aaron, I tell you that you have no chance! " Yang Ye’s tone is very blunt. It seems that he is tilting all the anger of those annoying guys from the abyss on Aaron.
What he said was actually to tell those guys in the abyss. It’s a pity that those guys have only seen it so many times in Yang Ye today. At that time, the situation was good, and it didn’t make him too angry. This attitude of Aaron’s whining made Yang Ye quite unhappy.
Want it? Go to hell!
"Well, you really don’t cry until you see the coffin …" Aaron said softly. "In this case, I’ll grab it myself. Come on, I’m not going to come out and fight with you. But when I saw her, I decided I had to kill you and grab it. She will definitely make me a surprise! !”
"Are you? That’s great. I’m so tired of waiting for you to do it! " to be continued
Chapter 352 Flower spell division
Before all the actions, Yang Ye is still habitually looking at the boss attribute, which comes from the super convenient function of the miner’s hat. Now Yang Ye has come out unconsciously, and he is also looking at Yang Ye and expecting him to inform the blood volume-
Aaron the Flower Charmer (Spirit Level)
Grade 59
Pollen Bomb boom~boom~ Aaron’s throwing makes the pollen bomb do damage to the enemies in the range, and when it hits the target for 5 seconds, it has a 5% chance to enter the "lost" state for 1 second after the pollen bomb explodes.
I have a small fruit that is planted in the enemy’s body ~ Aaron will plant a fruit that will explode in the enemy’s body after 3 seconds. The same target can be planted in a fruit that explodes.
The shadow man is in a shadow state! ! Aaron’s "Shadow State" makes him more powerful. Shadow State is 2% higher than ordinary evasion rate and 15% higher than skill evasion rate. Movement speed is increased by 6%. You can move at an extremely high speed every 6 seconds. This state will be damaged by attack by 5% and will continue to increase by 5% when it is controlled for 1 second.
Flower wonderland come to my paradise! Aaron drags all the targets around him into the "Flower Fantasy" prepared by himself. The fantasy monster will continue to attack the targets, and will collapse after leaving the fantasy, deducting 5% of the remaining health! Fantasy in 2 seconds!
(Hide the falling brilliant sound (level 55 spirit staff), gorgeous lamentation and flower fading night (level 55 fairy shoulder pad), pink solution (props) …)
Aaron’s level is as high as 59 and 6, which is only one step away, but even this one step makes him far behind the 6-level spiritual boss in terms of attributes. There is no way. Who can count him in 5?
But even so, Aaron’s blood volume is as high as 27w, and combined with its attributes, it’s really not that easy to fight. His four skills are all under threat. It seems that the best skill is the skill of "exploding fruit", because this skill will not be attached with abnormal state but dropping blood volume, so it is relatively easy to defend.
And Aaron, the boss output equipment … actually has a 55-level fairy equipment! Fairy-level equipment is not a rare thing now, but somehow it is not so easy to get. The worse level is so high. shoulder pad, we’ll talk about it then.
"How much blood?" On one side, I read into a demon and looked at the promise war with a slightly surprised expression. I quickly asked.
"27w total blood volume!" Yang Ye sink a way
"27 … 27W is ok, it’s not too much. It’s estimated that it’s close to level 6 boss. It seems that it hasn’t arrived yet. If this guy is a level 6 boss, we will be hard to fight." The obsession is also slightly taken aback
As a demon said, level 6 boss is a bit difficult. Their equipment levels are all at level 5, even Yang Ye hand weapons or 45 fairy equipment. The difference between level 55 and level 55 is not too far. The effect is much better than that of some spirits, but it is not too hard to play level 6 boss.
"It’s okay. Little boss just called it too arrogant and crazy. I must kill him!" Yang Ye mercilessly said that it was quite uncomfortable for Aaron to say that he was experimenting with Lilina. No matter whether you are a level 6 spirit level or a fairy boss, you have to die! !
Whispering here, Aaron is already rushing over there. His dry face is angry and his goal is extremely accurate-Yang Ye! It seems that just a conversation not only angered Yang Ye, but also angered Aaron, the spell teacher attached to each other …
Aaron’s weapon is very special. In his right hand, he holds a flower stem with the thickness of a short little finger. At the end of the stem, there are stamens and two petals. The rest of it has withered completely, and the stem is a little bent. It doesn’t look like a weapon that can fight. But Aaron has already waved the flower stem and rushed to the other side of the Yang Ye …
Whether it’s a flower spell master or an ordinary spell master, in the final analysis, the spell master’s job is changed from a priest. Weak defense, low blood volume, slow movement and so on are all its characteristics. This profession should combine its own skills to constantly kite opponents and slowly torture the enemy to death … But Aaron, a spell master, actually waved a short flower stalk directly to fight Yang Ye, a soldier …
"boss is boss, it’s not embarrassing at all!" A thought into a magic looking at Aaron gently way

Sitting on the ground with a wooden stick, I looked at the sky with melancholy. "Oh, my feet …"

Farewell and have a happy life …
At the same time, in the era of exile, two mechanical giant dogs of the Black Triangle Bandits were parked in the virtual space, and two fallen dragon people looked at each other in the mouth of the giant dog.
They didn’t expect Sazler to have one hand chasing after him, and suddenly accelerated, and the hurricane soon disappeared.
"Did you see where it went?"
"Didn’t see you?"
"This guy runs so fast! You can still run away like this! "
"It must be that this guy has also hoarded some good green Rongcheng coal. His uncle is afraid that he will not kill us this time!"
The two fallen dragon people are worried that the competition of the Black Triangle bandit regimental headquarters is also very cruel. Among them, the leader of the fallen dragon people, Uncle San, is not a person who worries about his family, or cool thin is the nature of the fallen dragon people.
Even if these two people are his own nephews, they will be punished or made an example.
"No, we don’t necessarily return it. Remember where Sazler was wandering before? I think there are strange … "
"Go back and have a look!"
Half an hour later, the two war dogs rushed into the unfinished manor crack.
When they saw the vast and rich land of the manor, they were completely stunned!
God, I’m rich!
In a second, they saw a dark dragon flying out of a nightmare, staring at them with wide eyes.
The dark face suddenly grinned, revealing its teeth.
"What kind of monster is this!"
Click! One or two people pressed the "Mouth Close" button at the same time to let the war dog enter the fighting state.
If the distance between two people bursts, Man Cang may still have a fighting power with Bat Gongying, but it is too late to enter the fighting state again at this time. Two black silk threads have tied them tightly and dragged them out from the war giant dog.
Out of control, the giant dogs of the two wars fell from the sky and plunged into the farmland in the front yard, while Xiaofu carefully hung two prey to his tree.
Not far from Zhuang, they all stayed away.
Qi headhunter Sazler buys one get two free gift packages!
These two days, Jia Yelian can be said to be like a year.
After giving the money to those "professionals" who looked like cheating, several people disappeared for several days and no news came back.
Instead, all kinds of news from other places have been summarized to his desk.
Jia Yelian certainly knew that Zhuang was not far away and didn’t announce that he had dug half of the tunnel.
Of course, it’s not kindness, but because he hasn’t bought all the real estate he wants to buy
Now everyone in the world knows that Jia Hu has to pass through the tunnel, which is a matter of time.
Land prices in Jia Hu are rising, and it is only a matter of time before you can earn a lot of money by holding the land in your hand.
But when can we make money? Five years or ten years? Many companies may have collapsed after five more years.
How much can you earn? Five times or ten times? This five times more may not go to the rooftop to jump off a building.
Everyone has his own career, and everyone is seeking to maximize the benefits.
People all over the world are more optimistic about Huanzhou Development Institute. The increase in the west of Jia Hu is several times faster than that in the east. Now many land owners in the east of Jia Hu are looking for cash, selling their land and buying a piece of land in the west to invest.
The news of the manor is not equal to trying to collect the land.
However, once the news is released, the land price in eastern Jia Hu may soar tenfold overnight, and the news has been kept under pressure not far from the village.
Not far from Zhuang, once the news is announced, Jia Yelian will die if the share price of Atlas Group plummets.
Unless they can get the new technology of Baineng Manor before this.
Jia Yelian has been keeping a close eye on Zhuang’s action.
And all kinds of news have been constantly converging on his desk.
Zhuang bought Tianxing Equestrian Club not far away.
Zhuang bought Follette racecourse not far away.
Not far away, Zhuang is talking about the picking base of Xingjia Picking Center.

But how could this happen before Yang Ye? What’s more, they promised Nite that they would let Tamian go out, but they couldn’t keep their word.

"Lilina" Yang Ye shouted
Lilina seems to have been ready. Her left hand has been stretched out to Caster’s five fingers. After hearing Yang Ye’s call, her five fingers severely grabbed her mouth and drank low.
"Trial? Szaszko prisoner angel hinge! "
"Ding ding …"
It’s that familiar sound again, or that familiar gorgeous skill. Four giant chains burst out of the mine from the virtual-
"David tang! !”
Four tones sounded at the same time, and Caster, who was attacking the giant bear with a swing, was severely tied up. In front of the angel hinge, "Giant Bear" was simply funny.
The attack was interrupted, and the whole body could not move. Custer was even more angry and roared wildly. "Who is it? ! ! I’ll kill you! ! !”
Kill us? Wait to die.
Yang Ye sneered at Tammy and said, "Tammy, get out of here. We’ll take care of it here and wait for our good news."
Life and death moment Tammy’s face is now a little pale and trembling. I don’t know what to say. I nodded and trotted out of the mine.
Seeing Tammy run away and unable to move himself, Custer was furious and roared, "Tammy, get back!" ! I’ll kill you! !”
Tammy won’t come back. Custer himself can’t move and scream. He feels deeply humiliated, but Yang Ye and them are humiliated no matter what. While holding the angel prisoner, Yang Ye and Qinghua buried the snow and figured out how to kill him.
Also taking this opportunity, Yang Ye saw the Caster attribute-
Giant bear Caster (spiritual boss), the leader of the mining area
Grade 43
Physical attacks 57~512
Magic attack 427~433
Broken bones will smash your bones! ! Caster makes the long stick hit the target, causing great damage and breaking the target bone, which makes the target act for 2 seconds. If Caster doesn’t hit the target and hits the ground, it will cause vibration damage to a certain range of enemies and stun them for 5 seconds.
The giant bear rushes! ! Go! Feng! ! ! Caster launches a fierce charge at the target on all fours. The charge in the state of hegemony will blow the target for 3 seconds and repel the enemies around the target for 5 seconds.
Caster reloads Caster evolution! Reload custer! Caster enters the reloading state with 3% higher defense and 2% higher movement speed. The attack has a chance to fly for 25 seconds, and the attack has a chance to absorb 1% of the damage.
(Hide the fallen virtual gold staff (level 4 gold staff) and the giant bear spirit (level 45 spirit armor))
The attack is a little high and the skill bonus damage is estimated to be more difficult to fight.
"How to fight?" He is not very good at burying snow in blue and white. Although he is a lone player, his equipment is either stolen or bought, which is not the right way anyway.
"Can’t fight hard" Yang Ye spread out his hand and said that he wanted to know if there was any way to fight skillfully, but at first glance, this boss is also very powerful and can fight hard.
"That line of you with your skills, I believe this boss is not a problem for you." Blue-and-white buried snow said that as soon as Yang Yegang finished hitting him hard, he just took the show and just didn’t want to be!
"If you don’t want to do it, just say it. My equipment will be very tired. You should output it hard." Yang Ye didn’t good the spirit, and Xuanyang was in the hands of evil spirits.
"Wait, give you this." Blue and white buried snow stopped Yang Ye from trading with him for a few bottles of things.
"Good stuff"
You have obtained [Weapon Sharpening Agent 1]
Weapon Sharpening Potion (cost) enables itself to attack 3% at a high speed of 3 minutes and increase the critical strike chance by 1%. This Potion cannot be superimposed with other gain potions.
Things are really good things! At present, this medicine is not in the market, and most of it is in the hands of several guilds. It will only be one when the guild pushes large-scale wild boss.
There is such a thing as burying snow in blue and white, but it is strange when Yang Ye can give him one at a time. It seems that he still has a lot.
"Where did you come from?" Yang Ye asked, as he put the medicine to make Xuanyang’s main evil immediately emerge, and the pale golden glow was hazy, which made people feel sharper.
"Do it yourself" said that burying snow in blue and white is neither salty nor light, and at the same time, give yourself one.
"So much? How many? I’ll sell it for you? " Yang Ye’s first thought was to let the blue-and-white buried snow help him produce and sell it, but according to the personality of the blue-and-white buried snow, most of them would not agree.

Not melting

But go up in smoke!
The plundering of the dark god of death and the divine judgment of light have collided with each other by the same person this time.
A touch of chaos wrapped the figure in the field.
Zhao Yuan’s consciousness retreated.
Even he, a terrorist force such as the intersection of Yin and Yang, was more and more surprised by the strength of Totopicis.
Not third order, but not sub-third.
Is it the blessing of the dark Lord?
an instant
"Look out!"
Zhao yuan suddenly blurted out
A virtual shadow suddenly broke through the two access control laws and appeared in front of Dotopicis.
Wandao tactic!
The figure is only a hundred meters in the shape of a firm but gentle sword. At first glance, the earth cracks and cracks, and the dangers are soaring.
At the same time
A spirit of terror overwhelmed the land of Li Xu.
Silver field!
Third-order silver has a domain, in which all creatures will be intimidated by Zhao Fujia’s will and their strength will drop sharply.
Even the second-order odd theory cannot be excluded.
However, Dotopissis’ magic wand in his hand was not affected at all, but his thoughts turned more clearly.
"Lei Huan!"
"The earth spirit is bound!"
"Wood winding!"
Lei Huan lets his body flash like thunder, moving at will, binding the spirit, winding the wood, binding the opponent.
"Ice pray!"
A chill appeared, and the snow and ice around Dotopissis danced, and the cold mountain held a staff and pointed at the trapped Zhao Fujia.
The ice curse-the ice queen sighs!
All the cold came together to cover the field, but everything was frozen in the blink of an eye, and the extreme cold expanded rapidly
The Great Forbidden Mantra is an absolute taboo in the Mu world.
Even in the market world, it is like the sigh of the ice queen that can completely freeze a big city.
Millions of people died in one blow!
Nowadays, the chill is enough to freeze everything to death.
A tip of a sword suddenly appeared on Dotopissis’ forehead, and the tip leaned out from the outside and shone brightly on the ice crystals.
Drops of blood slipped down the tip of the sword.
Zhao Fujia, with a gray gown and scattered hair, appeared when the dagger penetrated his head.
"Uh …"
Dotopissis ran a few steps before shaking and stumbling, and his eyes were full of confusion. It seems that it is not clear what happened.
"You will all die."
Finally he opened his mouth.
Darkness dominates the faithful, and he is not afraid of death. When he dies frequently, he only regrets that he has not completed it.
"Everyone will die."
Zhao Fujia swept coldly.
"But you’ll never see it."

Raymond Felton dribbled the ball for a while from the outside to a 45-degree angle. Stoudemire caught the ball in two zones and turned around and hit a jumper, hitting two points.

Stoudemire changed a new pair of glasses. He took off his new glasses and smiled at the audience. It took only a few tens of seconds to wipe the sweat off his jersey. Is it so tired? Or is it too empty?
At the 45-degree angle on the right side of Zhong Daguo, he held the ball with both hands and faced jr. He seemed very calm. Suddenly, his left foot took a step forward. jr took a step back this time, and the Great Country immediately took off. It was like McGrady’s posture. Three points, three points? ? ? ? ? ? A perfect goal with a radian. Tracy McGrady’s ball has a very low radian. Many of them are directly blown into the basket, but Zhong Daguo’s goal is rotated into the net. This is Rivers’ deliberate presence to improve Zhong Daguo’s technology. Tracy McGrady was also a Rivers lover in Warcraft.
"This little" Anthony doesn’t have much enthusiasm, but a rookie who has only played for half a season is so arrogant. He really has some ways to put up with "this is the new york Knicks, this is my territory". Anthony is angered by the wonderful performance of Zhong Daguo.
"Ball ball to me? ? ? ? ? ? ?” Anthony seldom gets angry and smiles has always been his trademark, but this time he is a little angry.
The bottom line on the right side of melon is facing Zhong Daguo. He holds the ball with his hands bent over and leans forward slightly. Zhong Daguo seems to have expected his next move. He feels that melon likes to cut into the bottom line, so Zhong Daguo subconsciously defends melon against the bottom line and is really ready to squeeze another way out. This time, Zhong Daguo blocked the road before him and his breakthrough was disrupted.
Regardless of whether the breakthrough of melon was not very smooth, he shot directly from the bottom line outside the three-point line. Zhong Daguo didn’t react. Melon was gambling this time, but the goal was scored in Melon. He has always been a big-hearted player, and it is actually normal for him to score this time.
2431 7 points gap between the two sides
Rondo catches the ball in the backcourt and transports it to the frontcourt. Everyone pulls Rondo and can play singles by himself.
"Let me defend him," Anthony said with a little domineering. He has made many great successes in the face of Zhong Daguo and hardly scored a goal in his defense of Zhong Daguo’s clock, so Melon is very confident in defending this rookie.
Jr discretion is gone. He’s defending Pierce with a bigger tonnage. It’s obvious that Pierce is too thin to eat him alone.
Rondo has a clear understanding of the situation. He is the top point guard in the league, which is strong and weak. He knows all about it. Although he can break Felton, Pierce has a better chance and is more sure.’ Marrying someone else’ has always been the most important thing for an excellent point guard.
Pierce is so old, he is no longer the domineering and leaking years ten years ago. He didn’t choose singles jr "Hey! Zhong catches the ball and you hit it. I believe you. "Pierce shouted and gave the ball to Zhong Daguo.
Zhong Daguo gave Pierce a firm look. "Thank you, Big Brother, I can do it," he thought to himself.
Anthony is going to be serious this time. He didn’t defend Zhong Daguo just now, but it’s hard to get in. Now he really defends Zhong Daguo, not to mention it’s over.
Anthony’s low body and Zhong Daguo are separated by a little distance. Zhong Daguo’s left hand holds the ball with one hand. Why is it a classic move by McGrady? Who told me that I love Mai Yaoge the most? Zhong Maoti watched the game with his eyes open.
He suddenly started to take a big step with his right foot, which had already passed Anthony Melon. He wanted to move in parallel to block the big clock country, but Pierce came to help pick and roll. When jr was ready to change the clock, the big clock country had accelerated to kill Jr. It was changing the defense from time to time.
This is also why Rivers privately coached Zhong Daguo. When Tracy McGrady was once all-powerful, he rarely went directly to the basket after pick and roll. After pick and roll, Mai usually chose jump shots directly. Therefore, Rivers taught Zhong Daguo teammates that it is often the safest way to score.
Zhong Daguo entered the basket. Stoudemire took a step forward in the attack route of Zhong Daguo, and then raised his hands to hold Zhong Daguo. At the moment when he was next to Stoudemire, he suddenly leaned back with Stoudemire’s strength, then suddenly turned his back and jumped in the direction of the basket. At this time, Kurt Thomas was blocked by Gatt and Fabmelo. His roots could not touch Zhong Daguo.
Glide for a short time, hold the ball high with one hand and swing it with one hand 3.
"Clock? ? ? ? ? ? ?” Madison Square shouted a rookie name for the first time.
"It’s so handsome. He passed Anthony and dodged Amare’s defense. It’s so handsome and dunked. I have to ask him to sign it." Several American young women were angry at the scene, and they couldn’t help being on cloud nine.
"wipe? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?” Anthony actually spewed a dirty word, which is rare in a hundred years, but his voice was so low that no one could hear him.
"Give me the ball? ? ? ? ? ?” Anthony made a determined effort and shouted that he took the ball and rushed to the line. The big country couldn’t carry Anthony’s tonnage this time. It’s really not a cover to kill melons and rushed to the line with a grin.
It’s another sudden violent impact on the melon. It’s slightly fat, and the body is a little painful. I don’t know how painful the other guy who was knocked down is. Yes, that guy is the Wolf King. He made another opponent to attack and release the rules. This is experience. This is how hard he suffered. old bones knows with him.
Melon is completely desperate. Although he scored points, it can’t change the abused situation of the team. He left with his head down.
The wolf king got excited. He roared and hit his chest with an iron fist. He can make melons and set rules. Of course, he is happy. This is his value. He is everywhere.
The Knicks not only defended badly, but also seemed to attack in general. The second quarter was not over yet.
If you want to know the funeral, please listen to the breakdown.
Chapter 151 Paper Tiger Seven
Chapter 151 Paper Tiger Seven has already entered the garbage. Without fighting spirit, there is no hope. This is the paper tiger Knicks.
Although the Knicks are 9 points behind, they have been beaten by the Celtics. They have no rules and regulations, and now they are even more confused. This is the so-called paper tiger surface array, which is very good. In fact, they collapse when they meet tough opponents.
The Celts will never have women’s kindness. They will respect the strong and will never sympathize with the weak. As a result, they will continue to eat knives and continue to be ravaged by the green military.
The Green Army played like a rainbow. Madison Square seems to be the home of the Green Army. The shouts are all for them, and the home Knicks are a poor foil.
At the end of the half, the Green Army has a huge advantage. When the half is destined to be garbage, the Knicks will play soy sauce and brush the data together.
The Knicks locker room is as dead as ever. Everyone knows the contradiction between Melon and Stoudemire. In addition, the team’s record is getting worse and worse, and their wounds are more difficult to heal.
Melon is still active because he always likes to laugh, but Stoudemire is sitting in the corner of the locker room with a sullen expression. He bowed his head and said nothing, which actually made everyone very unhappy. Stoudemire was also the second in charge of the team and was once a big name. He kept a straight face in the locker room. Do others dare to laugh and laugh?
However, the locker room of the Green Army is a different world. After winning the Knicks, they returned to the third place in the East. The Heat Bulls 76 ers and the Green Army have been occupying the top four teams in the East. The Heat has been at the top of the list, and the rankings of the other three teams have fluctuated slightly.
"Zhong, you are becoming more and more mature now, a bit like Tracy McGrady, the former Rivers coach’s apprentice, but your personality is a little better than him. Actually, you should play like you are in a state of humiliation, composure and flamboyant personality. Unless he is as strong as Artest, he will definitely not be able to mix long in the league." Pierce’s words have always been very instructive to Zhong Daguo.
"Ha ha, in fact, I have to thank the eldest brother you and Rivers coach Garth eldest brother Rondo eldest brother? ? ? ? ? ? You teach me Dundun every day, and it’s hard for me to think about it. I used to be a very aggressive player. I only played a few games in ba, and I was seriously injured in the hospital for half a year. "Zhong Daguo thanked everyone very sincerely.
"We’ve also heard that we’ve been taking pains to tell you to be smart. In fact, if you weren’t injured, we wouldn’t have chosen you. Before, everyone recognized that you were seriously injured in ba. Are you sure you can’t stand such a fierce confrontation in nba? ? ? ? ? ? ? In fact, if you are not injured, your physical condition is definitely the top 1 player. Now there is actually a boom in the league to watch the quarterback swingman. You are such a player. "Rivers is glad that the Green Army is the 13 th pick.
"Oh, I see. The former Rockets actually expressed their interest in me, but later they didn’t choose me. I was worried that I would get hurt again. No wonder." Zhong Daguo suddenly realized this time.
It’s the second half of the game in 2 minutes. It should be said that garbage time has officially arrived.
Cameron Anthony is a 45-degree-angle three-pointer in a game. If he shoots, he can clear his name. If he misses, it’s normal. Anyway, it’s not his fault that the team is one point behind.
&hony? ? ? ? ? ? ? "Madison Square Garden shouted the names of the Green Army players for a long time. It’s not easy to finally turn to their own team players this time.
Anthony’s mouth was grinning, his left hand was holding his fist gently and waving jr on his chest. He has always been a loyal follower of melon. He just ran from Nuggets to Knicks to follow Anthony. He jumped over and hugged Anthony’s chubby body excitedly. It felt so good. Maybe it was sensuality. Maybe it was melon scoring. It felt so good.
Pierce shrugged off this. "Isn’t it just a random shot that scored a goal?" Rondo seemed to see through Pierce’s mind and immediately gave it to Pierce.
Truth is a shrug and a false move, and then jr doesn’t know how to defend. In fact, even if he knows that he is not in truth, Pierce will take a jumper and continue to make shooting gestures until the ball finally enters the nets by mistake.
“paulpiere? ? ? ? ? ? ?” The loud dj shouted the hero’s name.
Melon just that three points should be the final redemption, should it be said that it is a flash in the pan? ? ? ? ? ? He didn’t last like this. Three points, three points? ? ? ? ? ? ? Many times to strike while the iron is hot? ? ? ? ? ? He sometimes chooses to break through. It’s true that he has successes, but there are also failures. On one occasion, Zhong Daguo seized the opportunity to take out his ball when he broke through. Of course? ? ? ? ? ? Another fast break? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? At the end of the third quarter, the advantage of the Green Army has reached 25 points. It’s really unnecessary to play again. Seeing here, someone must understand what the Green Army can sweep the Knicks 4 times in the 2011 playoffs. In the 212 playoffs, the Heat can beat the Knicks 41 times, and that lucky game was deliberately released by the Heat. As a result, Anthony didn’t get a point against James’ defensive base in five games. How many blocks did James eat? ? ? ? ? ? ? I don’t want to count the statistics. I can say that melons do attack, but what else? Knicks is really a fake paper tiger.
All the main players have been changed, including Zhong Daguo, a rookie. This is Rivers’ substitution plan, and the Knicks, all their main players are still on the scene to catch up with them. Even the Green Army substitutes are hard to get rid of.
Anthony throws a three-pointer, then jr Smith throws a three-pointer, and Raymond Felton, who doesn’t like to throw a three-pointer, is also infected. Does he throw a three-pointer? ? ? ? ? ? ? It’s all in vain. I’ve never seen a team that can win by throwing three points. If you want to throw three points, you have to throw them by a player with three points like Ray Allen Jason Terry.
At the end of the game, the Green Army actually won 34 points at 1115. Although they thought that the Knicks would definitely lose, they didn’t expect to win more than 3 points. The Knicks were so broken.
Cameron Anthony scored 3 points per game. He hit one shot out of 3 shots, which seemed good. He also grabbed 6 rebounds and sent 2 assists, but he still made 4 mistakes. How to calculate the efficiency?
Zhong Daguo scored 2 points on 15 shots in 36 minutes. In addition, he grabbed 5 rebounds, sent 3 assists and 2 steals. The data is not very gorgeous, but it is very efficient. In fact, the team needs such players to win.
If you want to know the funeral, please listen to the breakdown.
Chapter 152 Beauty fans
Chapter 152 Beauty fans
The game is over, the Celtics are all smiling, and the Knicks have no expression, but they still have to shake hands after the game.
Although melon lost the game, his face still wore a charming smile. Good, good. It was melon, as the name suggests.

Scattered to occupy the terrain advantage.

Wait until Goethe and Zhang’s young master came in, and ten more people quickly walked behind them, and the future retreat was completely blocked.
The ordinary people who followed saw this battle and immediately dispersed.
I thought I was extraordinary and capable, but I didn’t leave.
They seem to retreat one by one, but in fact they are staring here to see what kind of war will happen.
So their eyes are full of expectation.
But a second turned into consternation.
Bang, bang, bang!
In a series of muffled sounds, the imperial city company sent a man to directly blow it up.
Half-length blood fog, but two legs are still there.
Wait until the sea breeze blows
Fall to the ground with both legs
Plop, plop
The blood fog rolled, the linen garments were not stained, and the left thumb was lightly buckled, the index finger was erected, and the remaining three fingers recited a number.
"Are you white, disciple?"
Words are deserted but shocked.
Behind the onlookers, the Imperial City Division sent people to wait for a while.
They were scared silly.
Is the’ longevity road’ strong?
As we all know, strong!
Otherwise, there would be no heavy-handed arrangement to bring the other side into the game.
Can it be now?
The other party is not only strong, but also very strange.
I didn’t see anything. Why didn’t the Imperial City Company choose 50 people carefully?
What means is this?
Of course, it is necessary to strengthen the "tired gaze"
Or the kind that doesn’t leave a hand.
Goethe has shown himself to be a "immortal Taoist" who is strong and unsparing.
The effect is naturally excellent.
Imperial city secretary
Are scared.
Even the zhangs’ young master was frightened and couldn’t help scratching his head after hearing Goethe’s question.
This question was not rehearsed before, but improvised.
Zhang’s young master didn’t know that answering eucalyptus could be a live answer.
"Master is not white"
"Not white?"
Goethe thoughtfully seems to have a headache. How to solve it for his disciples?
Goethe hesitated the imperial city department, but others could not sit still. Without waiting for his population, these people in the original ship were as heavy as water, and they jumped in one by one, and their posture was as impressive as that of Youlong.
"well? Had "
Goethe saw this scene as if he had been inspired to raise his hand.
Suddenly sunny and thunderous.
A flash chain comes out from the fingertips.
In the middle, these figures shuttled back and forth.
Black and smelly
Still aggressive for a moment.
Burned and broken in a moment.
Most of these imperial city experts were blown to pieces, and a few of them were burnt after landing.
This scene silenced the rest of the ship.
"This, this …"
"Is it the Lord of the’ Immortality Road’?"
A nobleman from that royal family was dumbfounded.
The same is true of those who wait on him.
It’s not that they don’t know that the Taoist master of the "Immortality Road" has even played against the so-called Taoist master of the "Immortality Road", but the other root has no such strength.
There’s nothing too aggressive except being really resistant to beating and being able to run outside the base, otherwise, I wouldn’t have done that disgusting thing to refine the so-called’ blood god’
But what is this thunder method now?
Even the original’ Qingyuan Mountain’ is not good at Leifa!
This Lafayette is more exaggerated than the’ Nine Schools’!
Is it because this guy has an adventure that he has been hidden from the world for ten years and won’t let Zhang Deshou attract our attention?
These people think so.
That royal nobleman thinks so, too.
Immediately, the royal family’s face changed and he looked at a person around him.